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[Finished]Black's CC1: Eternal Soul [Completed; Congratulations to Nai and Birdie!]


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Slight foreword: I was a slight bit disappointed judging Yuuji's contest. It said it was for Boss/Ace monsters... But only 2 people did either a 2500/2000 or a 3000/2500 monste rthe statlines used by the protagonist and at least one rival in each series.
While those fall under aces, not just bosses, it still made me sad to see people not jump on the opportunity. I wish I could have given bonus points to those who did do it, but at least one of those two won the contest, all the same.
So, what are the requirements? Let's find out! But first, ground rules.
In addition to the above:

  • Entry is free.
  • Maximum of 15 20 participants.
  • I will be the one and only judge.
  • You will be judged out of 100, and your score shall be presented as a single percentage.
  • Do NOT post design notes. A true test of design is speaking through the work itself. Doing such will be grounds for an automatic maximum of 50 points, instead of 100.
  • All entries are due by 12 AM EST on May 25, 2016.
  • You may make a Ritual Monster + Ritual Spell, but they still get a collective 100 points in grading.
  • You may NOT support or use a custom archetype. External information will not be accounted for.


[spoiler=Requirements]Despite the foreword implying rivals are also usable, your task is to design a 2500/2000 stat monster... or to give a monster with 2500/2000 stats an upgrade.
Dark Magician and Dark Paladin
However, do not design an upgrade for, say, Number C39: Utopia Ray, at least not directly.
Dark Magician is also allowed, due to being the original ace. Yes, his stats are 2500/2100, but he was the first, before they defined the formula. Hell, Neos even came a season late, with Flame Wingman/Shining Flare Wingman (2500/2100) being the implied ace before him. But we will be sticking to 2500/2000 + Dark Magician.
Of note, the "protagonist" monsters we've seen are:

  • Dark Magician
  • Elemental HERO Neos
  • Elemental HERO Terra Firma
  • Stardust Dragon
  • Stardust Spark Dragon
  • Number 39: Utopia
  • Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
  • Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon
  • Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon*
  • Clear Wing Synchro Dragon*

*These two aren't directly protagonist cards, but are tied to the protagonist and Odd-Eyes.
Notably, these are all Level 7 or 8 (Rank 4 is treated as Level 8, in cases like Tellarknight Ptolemaeus), so if possible, stay in that range.
That said, these are not the only 2500/2000s you can support, so feel free to choose anything of the sort to upgrade, be it Stardust Dragon, Mystical Beast of Serket, Locomotion R-Genex, or beyond.
You CAN design an upgrade that supports more than that exact monster, so long as it's still tied/related to that monster in a reasonable manner. Examples:

  • Magician of Black Chaos*
  • Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon
  • Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
  • Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
  • Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon*

*be wary in these examples, as you can easily stray too far off course.
Design a monster with the 2500/2000 stats, preferably Level 7 or 8/Rank 4.
Design an upgrade to an existing monster with the 2500/2000 statline or "Dark Magician".

[spoiler=Judging Rubric]45 points for Utility/Mechanic/Balance
Does your card actually do anything? How well does it do it? Is it too convoluted, or just way too simple? While not the soul of a design, this is a very important part, because it decides if your card is playable, unplayable, or far too playable. Or, possibly, if it's something that's prone to aging well.
Does it do the things it does too well? Too poorly? Not at all? You get the gist.
35 points for Flavor
Now, your card doesn't have to be in an archetype, though it means you have to put effort in to establish some flavor. Any card can have flavor, it just has to flow between name, stats, effect, art (if any, no penalty for not having it), etc.
For example, Uni-Zombie. In Japanese, its name is pronounced "Yunizonbi". This makes it a pun on both Unison and Zombie, while the art shows something that is actually two Zombies trying to act as one. It has a pair of effects, reflecting these two sides, but both do the same thing. One just happens to cost you resources, while the other lulls you into zombies for the turn for free milling.
Things like that. Try to make something that can be considered flavorful, because it can be the most appealing part of a design, if done right.
Points for failure in the theme will be taken off from this part.
10 points for Creativity 
More or less, is the core idea appreciable? Can I tell that some effort was put into the design, and that it was toyed with? Simplicity, as opposed to a minimalist approach, is something that would be punished here.
10 points for Grammar
Can I understand your text? If so, you'll do fairly well here. I'm not the biggest hardass in terms of technical grammar, though I will give points off if I can tell there's a flaw. Capitalization isn't something I'd harp on for the most part, though.

[spoiler=Prizes]Seeing as I'm the only judge and entry is free... Let's give some more incentive to join, yeah?
First Place: 

  • 3000 Points
  • 5 Reps

Second Place:

  • 2000 Points
  • 3 Reps

Third Place:

  • 1000 Points
  • 1 Rep

I don't have much to offer in special ways, but I think winning a name change and 5 reps is fair enough, how about you?

[spoiler=Participants]Bolded have their entries in.

  • Grand Magus
  • Yuuji Kazami
  • Blackened Carnage
  • Azuriena
  • ナナシ
  • cardgameking
  • JuanoGS11
  • Tori-kun
  • Spell Counter King
  • Ruri Unsou
  • ᔤᓋᘢᒷᖴᓾᖆᕩ
  • AsdfDuelist
  • Silenth
  • Fluffyfish
  • GarlandChaos
  • Enguin
  • Silent Katana
  • Mr. Melon
  • Undyne the Undying


So, good luck to all who join! I'm excited to see any riveting attempts or growth since the last two contests I participated in, so... It's show time!

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For cases of making something like Magician of Black Chaos, would it be necessary to make the necessary companion card, and if so, how would you judge them?

If a Ritual is made, it may be accompanied by its Ritual Spell, treating it as 1 card. However, it should be noted that this means you have more chances to lose points/a harder time making the 50, as you have 2 for the price of 1.

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I'll join, but does having an archetype make grading harsher, or does not having one make it so?



Having an archetype merely means you have a flavor base to work with, instead of having to do it from scratch.


I will add to not make bosses for custom archetypes, though, while adding both of you.

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Having an archetype merely means you have a flavor base to work with, instead of having to do it from scratch.


So, to clarify, you meant that the design process (rather than the grading) would be harsher in the case of not having an archetype?

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So, to clarify, you meant that the design process (rather than the grading) would be harsher in the case of not having an archetype?

It's not even harsher.


It's merely a preference of whether you would rather use an existing base or craft something from scratch. Neither is more harsh, neither is easier, it's preference.

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It's not even harsher.


It's merely a preference of whether you would rather use an existing base or craft something from scratch. Neither is more harsh, neither is easier, it's preference.


Well yeah, I was questioning why you felt it would necessarily be harsher. At this point, there is nothing left to clarify; I think you need to edit the part in the OP that I quoted in my first post in this thread?

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