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[INOV] Predator Plants

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Predator Plant Skid Drosera
Level 2 DARK Plant-Type Effect Monster
ATK 800
DEF 400
(1) You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard, then target 1 face-up monster you control; during this turn, it can attack each monster your opponent controls with Predator Counters.
(2) If this face-up card leaves the field: Place 1 Predator Counter on each Special Summoned monster your opponent controls. A Level 2 or higher monster with Predator Counter becomes Level 1.
Predator Plant Moray Nepenthes
Level 4 DARK Plant-Type Effect Monster
ATK 1600
DEF 1000
(1) This card gains 200 ATK for each Predator Counter on the field.
(2) When this card destroys a monster by battle: You can equip that destroyed monster to this card.
(3) Once per turn: You can target 1 monster equipped to this card by this card’s effect; destroy it, and if you do, you gain LP equal equal to its original ATK.
Predator Plant Fly Hell
Level 2 DARK Plant-Type Effect Monster
ATK 400
DEF 800
(1) Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; place 1 Predator Counter on it. Level 2 or higher monsters with Predator Counters become Level 1.
(2) At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles a monster with a Level that is lower than or equal to this card’s Level: You can destroy that monster. Then, increase this card’s Level by the Level of that destroyed monster.


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is it so hard to type level/rank onto cards that are meant to deal with level manipulation? or at least make them quick effects to help prevent Xyz plays.


i love the idea though, they seem like they'll be fun to play at table 500.

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Looks fun for trolling synchro decks, but seems a bit too slow to disrupt xyz summons. Generally, if the opponent knows what they're doing, they xyz on the turn they summon the materials, leaving you no time to disrupt them, and no way to lower the rank of the xyz once it's out.


They still look like a lot of fun though. I sense some shenanigans with proof of powerlessness.

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Disappointing ... in so many ways ... no real synergy with amazing whatever fusion dragon, no fusion synergy, difficult to use with amazing whatever fusion dragon, trash effects (better venom, however still trash ... the only one that would be kind of acceptible would be drosera, however they might get more support that is actually decent ... but what the heck happened ... the archtypes of ALL his dimensional counterparts are amazing ... and his is utter trash ... well future support might make up for that ... it does note help that they look more amazing than they actually are ...

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I'd say Cloudians was a better Counter archetype. I like the Level 4, and I would have said that they impede Xyz plays, but that would imply your opponent hadn't Xyz Summoned yet.


But hey: What's new?

That that is more of a Zexal theme to keep making more and mor archtype, to leave them with only a few members ... and crappy ones at that ... though they will likely get more members it is still disappointing that fly hell is meh and that moray nepenthes is hardly anyhow better than handsome liger ... or Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon ...

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It's both funny and sad that people see three monsters and jump to incredibly hasty conclusions. Stop getting your panties in a bunch, people, and wait and see what else they get.

Funny how when I say this I get a bunch of backlash :D good ol ycm.



Now for the cards. Predator counters seem to mirror what Predators do which is hounding and weakening the prey.


They probavly need a tad more to make them solid but considering arc v is still going on as long as they don't pull a zexal like they did with Seraphs we'll probably get more.

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Actually...these don't look completely terrible, just undersupported (obviously).


Drosera discards from hand to make one monster able to attack all Predator Counter-holding monsters. This combos very obviously with Fly Hell, which Catastors Predator Counter-holding monsters (because Monsters with a Predator Counter become Level 1).


Fly Hell PUTS Predator Counters on a monster, and when it kills monsters with its effect, its own Level increases, meaning it'll kill most other monsters that it battles in the future.


Moray seems to be a miniature beater that heals off of monsters it's killed.


All this sort of fits with Yuri's theme of being a hunter that sort of takes his time and enjoys it. He traps his opponents with Predator Counters and the effects of his monsters, one of which makes them face a nearly unfightable mini-monster (Fly Hell), and one that just keeps Yuri's LP total really high, so that he seems even more unbeatable.


It's not GOOD, but we don't have ANY of his other support cards, other than Starve Venom.


And before anyone complains about how these aren't good against Xyz...well, no duh. Yuri's from the Fusion Dimension. Xyz don't exist in his dimension, so why would his cards work against monsters that don't have Levels? They are, however, EXTREMELY powerful against Fusion users.


Yuri hasn't even had a full Duel on-screen yet. He's Dueled twice. One completely off-screen, and one where all he did was fuse 2 monsters in his hand for Starve Venom. Yuto, Yugo, and Yuya (obviously) Dueled at least one full Duel on-screen before their cards got released, so the potency of their Deck was more obvious, although Yuto still took like 30 episodes before we found out more than 3 of his cards.

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It's both funny and sad that people see three monsters and jump to incredibly hasty conclusions. Stop getting your panties in a bunch, people, and wait and see what else they get.

The main point of contention is the lack of synergy with Starve Venom. Not only can they not swarm to get him out, their Counters actually seal off targets for it.


That said, judging these before we see if they have any other cards is hasty. They do have one of the best Types in the game, the best Attribute, and they have at least 1 more member to eventually add (Chimera Rafflesia).

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I think the reason people expected them to be good against xyz is:

A: the fusion dimension's whole shtick is hunting xyz users

B: It's difficult for a deck to be good if it doesn't have an answer to the most commonly used summoning type in the irl game, so people naturally assumed it would be common sense to let them work on ranks as well.

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I think the reason people expected them to be good against xyz is:

A: the fusion dimension's whole shtick is hunting xyz users

B: It's difficult for a deck to be good if it doesn't have an answer to the most commonly used summoning type in the irl game, so people naturally assumed it would be common sense to let them work on ranks as well.


That's true, but none of the Fusion users have used cards explicitly useful against Xyz Monsters, or with cards that somehow directly impede Xyz Summoning tactics.


So far, Predator Plants are looking to be an archetype that manipulates Levels and has effects based on the reduced levels. If they get a Trap or something that'll let them place Predator Counters on monsters, THEN it will help against Xyz, but I don't expect Yuri to use cards that will specifically affect Xyz. And I imagine some of the support will just affect monsters with Predator Counters, and not specifically with lower Level, since the former can hurt Xyz with counters, and the latter cannot.


My hunch is, in-universe, the Academia Duelists' rank is not just on individual skill, but also how they manage to counter and overcome their peers. Sora and Yuri both seem to have cards that can utterly thrash other Fusion users, in addition to more "generic" playstyle users.

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Yeah, there was that shot in Sora's flashback of him standing over a pile of defeated students, so it seems their studies often pit them against each other.


On a more on-topic note, I friggin' LOVE the artwork for these. I'm not sure what it is, they just look so strange and cool, particularly fly hell (can't wait to see what they're gonna change its name to -_-)

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That's true, but none of the Fusion users have used cards explicitly useful against Xyz Monsters, or with cards that somehow directly impede Xyz Summoning tactics.


So far, Predator Plants are looking to be an archetype that manipulates Levels and has effects based on the reduced levels. If they get a Trap or something that'll let them place Predator Counters on monsters, THEN it will help against Xyz, but I don't expect Yuri to use cards that will specifically affect Xyz. And I imagine some of the support will just affect monsters with Predator Counters, and not specifically with lower Level, since the former can hurt Xyz with counters, and the latter cannot.


My hunch is, in-universe, the Academia Duelists' rank is not just on individual skill, but also how they manage to counter and overcome their peers. Sora and Yuri both seem to have cards that can utterly thrash other Fusion users, in addition to more "generic" playstyle users.

my only issue is that the counter placement isn't a quick effect, that alone would make it incredibly powerful against Xyz and synchro decks. as long as they get both a fast form of counter placement, and a form of wide counter dispersal, the deck will easily be able to keep up with the rest of the MC clones.


if it can quickly place counters using a solid card, it will at least disrupt synchro and Xyz plays, and that's all that it needs.

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That's true, but none of the Fusion users have used cards explicitly useful against Xyz Monsters, or with cards that somehow directly impede Xyz Summoning tactics.


Not really; Edo played a card against Yuya that benefitted the player with the highest level total on their field, which to an Xyz user (whose monsters don't have levels) would be a pain. But yeah, aside from him, no Fusion user used anti-Xyz strategies.

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I think Fly Hell is actually kinda good for what it offers (its a Lv2 monster essentially indestructible by battle, except against Xyz, funny enough).

But all in all, although I love their theme and have been quite hyped for them, I must admit they are REALLY lacking for what is a supposed Fusion Engine.

Starve Venom sounds millions times easier to summon in literally any other deck that uses DARK monsters, and they don't really give me a single reason to use them as Fusion Materials, and that is what bothers me the most (Drosera does places some counters if used as material on field, and that is probably going to benefit the archetype's Fusions, but the other two just feel like a waste to be used for a Fusion, may as well use something like BA).


I don't like how they are so focused on that awkward gimmick. I was really expecting a proper Fusion Engine, something including Poly searchers or effects triggered when used as Fusion materials (Lunalights and Fluffals have a decent Fusion engine, even making Poly usable, and this is nothing compared), to be honest, if they end up getting good Fusion support (hopefully so), I have a feeling these three may not be priority for the deck (Moray Nephentes sounds quite hard to justify using, and although Fly Hell does its role good, it just sounds weird to bother using it in a Fusion engine, literally except for the counter, meanwhile Drosera may or may not be useful, all depending on how the rest of the archetype interact with the counters).

Well, can only wait for more for now, hopefully I will be surprised (and I even liked Starve Venom a lot, you can do it Konami! Make Predator Plants and SVFD best friends please!).

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