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Frightfur Sanctuary and Fusion Doom Waltz

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[spoiler=Card Info]Fusion Doom Waltz
Normal Trap
Target 1 "Frightfur" Fusion Monster you control and 1 Fusion Monster your opponent controls; destroy as many Special Summoned monsters on the field as possible other than the targeted monsters, then a player whose monsters were destroyed by this effect takes damage equal to the total ATK of the targeted monsters.


[spoiler=Card Info]Frightfur Sanctuary
Continuous Spell
Activate this card by discarding 1 card and sending 2 "Frightfur" monsters from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard. All Fusion Monsters you control are treated as "Frightfur" monsters. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 "Frightfur" Fusion Monster in your Graveyard; return it to the Extra Deck.

Tags...I guess?



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No, you can't. The Frightfurs sent to the Grave by Sanctuary weren't Fusion Summoned, so Sabre can't revive them.


Doom Waltz is painfully restrictive, requiring you to control a Frightfur, and more problematic, your opponent to control a Fusion. And Sanctuary just doesn't DO anything useful.

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Hey, if you end a turn on just Tiger on the field, you could potentially chain Doom Waltz to your opponent using Norden to SS something and totally kill their momentum . . . yeah, I've got nothing, really.

actually that's not too bad. with norden at 1 and instant at 3 though, you'd have to pull it as a 1st turn play, and we all know how likely that is. on the other hand, the new blue eyes fusions will probably make it a bit easier to abuse this format.

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I remain of the opinion Chimera should have been 3800/3000/LV10, since then you'd at least justify the materials with "it's huge".


Sanctuary doesn't actually do anything period. The only useful thing I see is it makes Norden a Frightfur for Sabre-Tooth, and you can discard an Edge Imp to set him up. That's about it. It should have had another effect, like giving one Frightfur omni-attack or something.


Doom Waltz is waiting for a Fusion-dominant meta that may never come.

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Mad Chimera would be so much better if they just gave the stolen monster its full ATK, even if they made it halve damage. By giving the stolen monster only half ATK, it removes most of the advantage behind stealing it in the first place, because you can't really combo with it.


Except for the time I used Mad Chimera to steal Revolution Falcon. That was amusing.


Chimera can be really good due to its Armades effect and the steal, but because the steal is watered down so much, and Sheep already has the Armades effect, and Sabre does so much more in terms of extending your plays and damage output for a fraction of the cost, it's just not amazing because of the Summon Condition.

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