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Friday The 13th......Bargains

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This is just bizarre, do movie really influence and alters real life? Still, it might be a good day to cope some refreshments and things.....Just make sure to keep quiet and stay calm during the night....

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Saying it's a movie influencing real life really doesnt do this justice, especially when the article itself mentions the general superstition about the date.

Friday 13th is, for some reason, widely accepted as a unlucky date in western culture, much like how most eastern cultures (China, Japan, Vietnam etc.) the number 4 is considered unlucky because it either sounds very close to, or exactly the same, as the word for death (To the point floor nr.4 might be labeled as 5. License plates containing a 4 wont be issued, and giving someone 4 of a thing is considered bad luck. And so on)


To get back on topic though!

Interesting to see superstition actually creating bargain opportunities, never occured to me people being afraid of a date might make stuff cheaper on said date :P

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Huh? Isn't the japanese word for death "shinrei" and the word for 4 either "shi" or "yon"?


All I know about Japan numbering though, is that they don't like things to start with the number 9 because it coincides with some important emperors death or something. I don't remember exactly what that is though,

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Huh? Isn't the japanese word for death "shinrei" and the word for 4 either "shi" or "yon"?


All I know about Japan numbering though, is that they don't like things to start with the number 9 because it coincides with some important emperors death or something. I don't remember exactly what that is though,


4 is both shi and yon, and can be used interchangeably except in a few specific instances.

As for shinrei, that would be "spirit", not "death" (atleast if my translators are to be trusted >.> )


As for why 4 (and 7) have two different but equally valid translations, it's a long story, and this is not the right place to discuss it.


I wouldnt know about the emperor death, but I'd imagine their unwillingness to start numbers with 9 atleast has something to do with it being pronounced simmilar to agony/torture, and is because of that also thought of as unlucky

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"Superstition" is just a justification for irrational and paranoid behaviour. Still, I'll make sure to remind myself when the next one is coming up, wouldn't mind a weekend in Amsterdam or Barcelona to be honest and if human stupidity makes it cheaper I'm all for it.

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Saying it's a movie influencing real life really doesnt do this justice, especially when the article itself mentions the general superstition about the date.

Friday 13th is, for some reason, widely accepted as a unlucky date in western culture, much like how most eastern cultures (China, Japan, Vietnam etc.) the number 4 is considered unlucky because it either sounds very close to, or exactly the same, as the word for death (To the point floor nr.4 might be labeled as 5. License plates containing a 4 wont be issued, and giving someone 4 of a thing is considered bad luck. And so on)

While many of us, including myself, say this is an unlucky day, there are some who take advantage of this, such as those who want to travel abroad, especiallt to UK, and those who'd like to attend a wedding ceremony, with 13p cheaper cost!

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