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Number 59: Back the Cook (CPF1)

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Level 4 FIRE Warrior-Type Xyz Effect Monster
ATK 2300
DEF 200
Materials: 2 Level 4 Monsters
If this is the only card you control, it is unaffected by other cards' effects. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; destroy as many cards you control as possible (other than this card), then this card gains 300 ATK for each monster destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by this effect, until the end of this turn.

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It can be brought back by Rekindling. That's a start. That first effect is pretty cool. Unless your monsters Grave-trigger, that last effect may be more harmful. Then again, it is unaffected by other card effects. So essentially the point is to have an invulnerable beatstick.


Well, until this shows up that is:



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So they go Number Archive (3 mats), then Finish Hold (3 mats), then they give us two 2 mat R4s... C'mon Koomy!


Anyways... I like the fact you can mass destroy stuff and it doesn't miss timing either (I don't think??).


Funny interaction time: This + Scapegoat.

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Why do I get the feeling they tried too hard?


Don't get me wrong, I really like the idea of This card's immunity-to-everything being something that you can typically trigger on the fly/get the benefits of other things you'd destroy/etc, but something feels really "off" about this card. Like, it feels really niche, but I get why it could prove to be good.

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It's not particularly good, but at the same time it's not particularly bad either. Hell its pretty damn useful in a lot of decks (Fire Kings and Kozmo, for instance) and, as previously mentioned, can pop your useless scales to enable more plays while simultaneously turning himself into a 2900+ beater. Seems like it could turn into a staple 1 of for a lot of decks

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It's not particularly good, but at the same time it's not particularly bad either. Hell its pretty damn useful in a lot of decks (Fire Kings and Kozmo, for instance) and, as previously mentioned, can pop your useless scales to enable more plays while simultaneously turning himself into a 2900+ beater. Seems like it could turn into a staple 1 of for a lot of decks




Why didn't I see the synergy with FK sooner lmao. Thing has 200 def ffs.


Card is lulzy to say the least, shame its tower immunity goes away when garunix returns to nuke tho. On a side note I could always daigusto it back into the extra (or run multiples of this).

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Yikes, I've just figured out a surprisingly dark interpretation behind this card's second effect. Basically, he's cooking and then eating his allies to power up himself O_O

Well, it explains his name, as well.


"Back [up] the Cook"

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(unprofessional digging part 2) DAMMIT :


Back the Cook > Back the Cook  > Kooc (read fast and rhyme the double O's as U) > Kuk > which is part of actual Japanese for Cook: Kukku


this card number is 59 which can be read as kokyu or Koku, again rhyme along with Kukku. but Kokyu has extra meaning of being Japanese for Cuckoo Bird, which is symbol of unrequited love reflecting the kill switch effect (which either mad fest after his love is stolen OR being unwary of love around him) and immunity to  reflect a Lone Bachelor (being a  professional in stable-income jobs and yet never had chance to love or loved a particular person of interest) 


well for less romantic theory many Cuckoo Bird is Brood Parasite as they lay eggs in other bird nest, and as its grow the Cuckoo chick will kick away its host original Eggs and/or Chick (chef likes to break eggs, while avoiding lovable Chicks...get it?) and gain nourishment from its host Mother ( +300 for each original chicks the mother should be fed)


the theory is partiality false if Back meant to be Buck though

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Hey guys here is a list of fun stuff you can use with this guy:








I especially love the Smoke Grenade of the Thief as you can wait for your opponents turn after you equip it.. Then take their plays away from them, and sneak a peek of the rest of dat hand. Really evil early game play... I only wish we had a better search option for Grenade than Hidden Armory.


Also, since he is a Rekindling target.. He could be a really cool way to make this guy in the late game: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Number_F0:_Utopic_Future


Don't know about you guys... But, this is turning out to be my new favorite XYZ being all tech savvy the way he is. :P

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