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IRL Yosenju

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[spoiler=Decklist]2 Mayosenju Daibak

3 Yosenju Kama 1

3 Yosenju Kama 2

3 Yosenju Kama 3

2 Yosenju Tsujik


1 Dimensional Fissure

3 Fire Formation - Tenki

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

3 Pot of Duality

1 Raigeki


1 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Lose a Turn

1 Macro Cosmos

2 Memory Loss

2 Mirror Force

1 Solemn Warning

1 Starlight Road

2 Storming Mirror Force

1 Vanity's Emptiness

3 Yosenjus' Secret Move


1 Stardust Dragon

1 Abyss Dweller

1 BotFF Tiger King

1 Castel


1 Diamond Dire

3 Gagaga Cowboy

1 Lightning Chidori

1 #50 Blackship of Corn

1 #101 Silent Honor ARK

1 #103 Ragnazero

1 Roach

1 Harpie's Phantasmal Dragon

1 #104 Masquerade


3 Droll&Lock Bird

3 Necrovalley

3 Fairy Wind

2 Gozen Match

3 Mind Crush

1 Starlight Road

[spoiler=Changes from Picture]-1 Cairngorgorn

+1 Stardust Dragon

needs to be updated some and im not sure exactly what in it needs to be altered


i know water mirror force is best for yosenju but that things like $18 eugh


probably change masquerade and 3rd cowboy for better rank 4s but the rank 4s that are better are unclear and UTL is $15

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You can take out the Memory Loss, Starlight Road, and/or two of the Mirror Forces. If you're keeping Road replace it with The Huge Revolution is over as it has more coverage since you aren't running Stardust.

Memory loss is probably what I'll take out, but I'm iffy on having no monster effect negation, at the same time.

WIth road, I did add stardust under the changes from picture spoiler (it's there for a reason and I don't want to have to take a new screenshot every time i make a minor change), but also, what does tHRiO hit that road doesnt atm? Besides Breaksword. I know thrio wa sbetter when wavering was around, but now...I mostly worry about twin twister.


EDIT: oh right car of demise is like $25 im not gettin that sheet

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I'd probably play more Dire Wolf over Cowboy tbh

why more dire wolf

i know take out 1 cowboy probably because 3 is excessive but still



-2 Memory Loss

-2 Storming Mirror Force (didnt order them oops)


+2 Breakthrough Skill

+2 Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare

+1 Mirror Force


need to take something else out for now but w/e idk what to

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Dire wolf does a great job at baiting out backrow, and in a pinch can be used to use up a dead senju. a second chidori is also not out of the question

I guess, but I rarely make XYz in general in the deck, aside from finishing off games with Cowboy, or Abyss Dweller when facing BA or Kozmo, so I like having high variety so I can use stuff if I need it.. Do I need to change my playstyle...?

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