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Chocolate Health Benefits

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I used to eat a couple of squares of 90% dark chocolate a day, but it's actually pretty expensive. Still, the health benefits are very real. Better blood circulation, good doses of a few healthy minerals, plus a slight energy boost from the small amount of caffeine it contains


The big thing for me though is the fact it satisfies cravings for high-sugar alternatives. I used to eat far too much sugary stuff, but it was reduced when I started eating dark chocolate. Now I've stopped, my sugar consumption has started increasing again.

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I used to eat a couple of squares of 90% dark chocolate a day, but it's actually pretty expensive. Still, the health benefits are very real. Better blood circulation, good doses of a few healthy minerals, plus a slight energy boost from the small amount of caffeine it contains


The big thing for me though is the fact it satisfies cravings for high-sugar alternatives. I used to eat far too much sugary stuff, but it was reduced when I started eating dark chocolate. Now I've stopped, my sugar consumption has started increasing again.


a good alternative for sugar cravings is dates. I don't know the price in the west, but here in the middle east it's pretty cheap. You gotta time it right though. Generally, you want to have your potassium at the end of the day.

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a good alternative for sugar cravings is dates. I don't know the price in the west, but here in the middle east it's pretty cheap. You gotta time it right though. Generally, you want to have your potassium at the end of the day.

I don't really see dates around here in Oregon tbh. Probably in your Whole Foods and such, I guess. Anyway, I can't stand the bitterness of 90% dark chocolate tbh. I tend to want to eat a good portion of a chocolate bar- ideally all of it- in one sitting, but I can't with 90% dark chocolate.

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90% Dark Choc is pretty healthy, yeah.


For sugar craving, dates can help with that but it's way too sweet for me. Is there any alternatives that are less sweet?


You may want to try several types of dates. Some of them are not very sweet.


Otherwise, eat berries. But don't over do it. Fruits are high in fructose so you might want to minimize your consumption.

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"A little bit of chocolate"


Not a little bit as in 9 milkshakes per day instead of 10, a little bit as in 100g. 

I assure you, everyone reading this article in America is gonna inject milk-ass chocolate into their veins.






Chocolate isn't inherently bad for you, it comes from a plant. The thing is, stuff like candy is chock full of processed sugar and paint diluter.


Not sure how credible this one is, but it seems informational.

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