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1900(and oneth...?) post, [Airknight Parshath]

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One of my favorite fairies. It's not as useful nowadays, and it was never all that useful to begin with, but i like it, and am trying to think of something that would make it semi-useful. anybody got any good deck ideas?

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I remember some friends of mine and I would throw this card into a few Decks we made back on Wc07/Wc08; was actually pretty amusing, really, since those games are of a format that lets you get away with cards like This.

It was nice.

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One of my personal favorite old school cards. Piercing+Draw is nice, it's just a shame that it's a 1900/1200 that requires a tribute.


Ah well, that's what Special Summons are for.


That's the only thing holding it back tbh. At the very least, it's a cute card that gives you a little dopamine when you get it out.

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