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[MTG] Standard Grixis Control


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1st place game day, my friend took this list to GP Toronto, I'm waiting to hear back from him with the results.


4x Goblin Dark Dweller
3x Kalitas
3x Jace Vp

4x K Command
4x Firery  Impulse
3x Radiant Flames
2x Read the Bones
2x Ruinous Path
2x Grasp of Darkness
2x Ultimate Price
2x Transgress the mind

3x Chandra, Flamecaller

4x Evolving Wilds
4x Forboding ruins
3x Smoldering marsh
2x Sunken Hollow
2x Shivan Reef
2x Wandering Fumerole
5x Swamp
1x Mountain
1x ISland

4x Duress
3x Languish
2x Transgress the mind
2x Dragonlord Silumgar
2x Dragonmaster Outast
2x Negate

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The aggro matchups are pretty easy obviously. This deck was designed to prey on all the weenie decks in the format. Control matches are tough game 1. Whoever topdecks their threats faster wins. Game 2, the majority of the SB is anti-control. Esper control is much easier to beat than Esper dragons. Ramp and eldrazi decks are a bit awkward. Most of our removal is out of range of their body sizes. You really have to rely on transgress in game 2 to not get overrun. Since this deck runs no counters we have to hit the ramp spells with duress and the threats with transgress. Other midrange decks are fairly easy. K command will be the superstar card in these matches. aristocrats is like 60-40 in your favor Game 1

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Pact is interesting, I'll test it out. The sideboard is supposed to have infinite obliteration in it. I copied the sideboard from an old list. Another control mirror breaker I though of was Fevered visions. It puts a cheap and resilient clock on them as most control decks have very limited ways to deal with enchantments.

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It had a great showing at the pro tour, and is a big part of why Finkel (and to a lesser extent Reid Duke) did so well.


It really amuses me that so many berated the card, but it slowly trickled its way from vintage, to legacy, to modern (much less so), until it reach standard almost a year later.


Fevered Visions certainly seems interesting. It seems this can do more with gas than most control lists, but with the lifegain in BG, it could cause concern.



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It really amuses me that so many berated the card, but it slowly trickled its way from vintage, to legacy, to modern (much less so), until it reach standard almost a year later.



Tutors gonna tutor, especially if it has a mana filter attached.

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