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Performapal Wim Witch [Anime]

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It's an easy to field 3 that takes neither your Normal not Pendulum Summon to do.


Seems decent in Odd-Eyes, due to such, because Break Sword is absurdly good.


Granted, it's also good generically, so assuming gets a clause about other scale being a PPal/Odd-Eyes

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It's an easy to field 3 that takes neither your Normal not Pendulum Summon to do.

Seems decent in Odd-Eyes, due to such, because Break Sword is absurdly good.

Maybe so, but why would TCG need to go for these cute aspects and they have Magicians at significantly higher power than OCG? Running the 2nd and 3rd Pendulum call and focusing on creation magician seems smarter


And why would OCG run more pals with monkey banned and both luster and sorc limited. It's "free" sure, but Breaksword alone doesn't really seem worth it for me. (Not sure what other r3nk fits either)

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Scale 4 usually sucks

Shouldn't be tribute summoning any pendulums outside of Kirin which only needs 1

Rank 3 isn't as useful as it used to be, so at this point it's Trish support off geddon maybe

It's not good


"Rank 3 isn't as useful as it used to be". Because Breaksword, Granpulse and Dante ain't got sheet on Zenmaines, Alucard and Leviathan Dragon amirite.


The scale doesn't matter, you're not going to be using it as a scale. If this were to be printed as is it's a free level 3 monster with no restrictions, I wouldn't care if it didn't even have a monster effect that alone makes it useful. The point about Kirin I don't even understand, sure it only needs 1, this is that 1. It can count as 2, it's not like you're losing anything off not utilising that.


D/D/Ds don't really use the scales, this lets you tribute summon Thomas/Abyss Ragnarok/other things, for one example of where that effect could be used, but still. Synchro decks wouldn't mind a free level 3. Like, it just is a generally cool card that can be used in various places.

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I just don't see pendulums needing or even wanting Breaksword, cause the tribute effect is pretty trashy


You're better off going for DD-Crow over Winter vs PK Fire and the r4nk 7,8 toolboxes tend to be superior to R3nk in most cases


They don't have room for cuteness like this, especially if they do end up making it ungeneric


PK fire might like it, but even there HipHippo does better in the free lv3 area

"Rank 3 isn't as useful as it used to be". Because Breaksword, Granpulse and Dante ain't got sheet on Zenmaines, Alucard and Leviathan Dragon amirite.


The scale doesn't matter, you're not going to be using it as a scale. If this were to be printed as is it's a free level 3 monster with no restrictions, I wouldn't care if it didn't even have a monster effect that alone makes it useful. The point about Kirin I don't even understand, sure it only needs 1, this is that 1. It can count as 2, it's not like you're losing anything off not utilising that.


D/D/Ds don't really use the scales, this lets you tribute summon Thomas/Abyss Ragnarok/other things, for one example of where that effect could be used, but still. Synchro decks wouldn't mind a free level 3. Like, it just is a generally cool card that can be used in various places.


Grandpuls, Sword, and Dante compared to say Flare Metal, Harbinger, Exciton and Castel is a much harder arguement to make relative to Leviathan vs Utopia


I was talking relativistically w/ respect to the time of usage


Rank 3 used to be better because in the past it was around the same power level as the other ranks, rank 4,7,8 improved (creeped) at a much faster rate than rank 3 did, so relatively yes, Rank3 are weaker now days


Synchros decks are better off using Hippo-Carnival or E-Tele Ghost


DDD can't search it, the one deck that can search it has much better ED and MD things to invest in

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH, LV3 fodder. Now I get it.


Grandpuls, Sword, and Dante compared to say Flare Metal, Harbinger, Exciton and Castel is a much harder arguement to make relative to Leviathan vs Utopia


I was talking relativistically w/ respect to the time of usage


Rank 3 used to be better because in the past it was around the same power level as the other ranks, rank 4,7,8 improved (creeped) at a much faster rate than rank 3 did, so relatively yes, Rank3 are weaker now days


Synchros decks are better off using Hippo-Carnival or E-Tele Ghost


DDD can't search it, the one deck that can search it has much better ED and MD things to invest in

Because if something is not good, no point in supporting it to try and make it better amirite.

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The problem is not lv3 fodder, we have plenty of that. It's the Rank 3's sucking relative to 4,7, and 8's


If you wanna fix the problem fix the actual problem

4 and 8 I agree, but the 7 pool is more lacking than 3. Dracossack's been crept, Big Eye and Flare Metal are the only big ones, and even the former has been crept by Cipher Dragon.

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can you use contexti mentioned the double tribute effect and just read one post above mine



It's already been established that outside of Qli's and Kirin that no pendulums are gonna be tribute summoned


And he was talking about the reccuring nature of the card, in which case carnival outclasses it...

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It's already been established that outside of Qli's and Kirin that no pendulums are gonna be tribute summoned


And he was talking about the reccuring nature of the card, in which case carnival outclasses it...

How are you this bad at context?


He mentioned this recurred. I pointed out that it doesn't strictly outclass (anime) hippo because it's only a double tribute for Pendulums. It had nothing to do with you or any point you've made, so stop butting your nose in everywhere.

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