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Luster Dragon transformation?

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Gandora the Dragon of Destruction


This card cannot be Special Summoned. Pay half of your Life Points to destroy all cards on the field except this card. For every card that is destroyed by this effect, raise this card's ATK by 300 points. This card is sent to the Graveyard at the End Phase of the turn it was Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned.


Little Yugi uses it in the ceremonial duel.

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This card is sent to the Graveyard at the End Phase of the turn it was Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned.



You need to offer 2 monsters for a monster that is destroyed at the End Phase in the same turn? Just no...


And even if you return this card to your hand, you cannot Specialo Summon it and it still costs 2 monsters offers to Summon this monster.


That is in my opinion way to much.


The good thing however, is that your opponent always takes Direct Damage to his/her Life Points equal to the ATK of that monster.


Still, this card is only usefull in decks that inflict Direct Damage to opponent's Life Points, but for other decks, it's a no-no.

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