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Game spin-offs you would like to see?


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(Not sure if this is the right place for this thread, but since it's about game theory, I figured this go here. If not, please move it to its respective section).


Which games from specific franchises would you like to see and/or play with a different game genre or mode, a.k.a. an spin-off?

Not sure if that makes enough sense nor I know how to further explain what I mean at the moment, so I guess some of my personal examples will do:


1. F-Zero + Metroid Prime (adventure game); with Captain Falcon as the main character.

I had this idea after I watched some F-Zero GX videos and noticed the impressive worlds that are visited, and then thought "it would be neat if there was a game like Metroid Prime series where you get to explore those worlds with Captain Falcon and accomplish missions or bounties".


2. Metroid + Call of Duty

A Call of Duty game, with online multiplayer and all, but with a Metroid theme. That is, characters, weapons, abilities, story, etc. from the Metroid series. Perhaps add some boss fights or survival modes here and there. In other words, what "Metroid Federation Force" attempted to do, but with a more serious approach.


3. Pokemon + MMORPG

I have seen this idea being thrown before and I wouldn't be surprised of some here have thought about it as well. A MMOPRG where you get to choose a Pokemon as your class and you have to level up, PvE, visit dungeons, form parties, etc., all the activities involved in an standard MMORPG.


4. Fire Emblem + Smash Bros. (Arena-type fighting game)

A version of Smash Bros. with only characters from FE, but in addition to the lords and main characters, include other noteworthy characters with different classes (e.g. General, Hero, Sage, Assassin) for diversity.



I would also add a Pokemon + Smash Bros. spin-off to the list, but Pokken Tournament already exists, so it would be somewhat redundant.




On a second thought, a Fire Emblem + MMORPG  would be cool as well. I would definitely go for the Hero class.

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Metroid + Skyrim. I always wanted to explore that Universe through the eyes of someone else, with the perfect bounty hunter always there to look up until I become level 100. Especially a sandbox environment, with wars going on.

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