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Judges file class-action lawsuit against Wizards of the Coast

Just Crouton

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I mean except for the major tournaments, judges are really just volunteers, aren't they? So their argument would seem like it'd have no merit, they simply aren't employees.


That said, I do hope that something positive comes out of this, namely better standards for judge reimbursement for their time and effort learning and providing their voluntary service. But I don't think they have a case on the particular grounds they are claiming.

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I mean except for the major tournaments, judges are really just volunteers, aren't they? So their argument would seem like it'd have no merit, they simply aren't employees.


That said, I do hope that something positive comes out of this, namely better standards for judge reimbursement for their time and effort learning and providing their voluntary service. But I don't think they have a case on the particular grounds they are claiming.

Except it is major tournaments that matter, anyways. Which, from Wizards, they suck entirely. All basis around them, and every little instance of how the tournaments are ran. It is also when it comes to the major tournaments, they are being paid by Wizards, and are also being treated like robots. The running of how judges are dealt with, is why I stopped being a judge and also why I never did more than reach level 1. Utter nonsense and disgust from Wizard's side. I am a big advocate for Magic, I am a horrible advocate for how Wizards treats Magic and Magic-related events/products.

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