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[HS] Keeping Hearthstone Fresh


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Summary of changes:

Ancient of Lore - Draw a card (was "Draw 2 cards")
Force of Nature - Cost: 5 (was 6), Treants no longer have charge but stay alive.
Keeper of the Grove - 2/2 (was 2/4)
Ironbeak Owl - Cost: 3 (was 2)
Big Game Hunter - Cost: 5 (was 3)
Hunter's Mark - Cost: 1 (was 0)
Blade Flurry - Cost: 4 (was 2), no longer does damage to opponent
Knife Juggler - 2/2 (was 3/2)
Leper Gnome - 1/1 (was 2/1)
Arcane Golem - 4/4 (was 4/2), no longer has charge
Molten Giant - Cost: 25 (was 20)
Master of Disguise - Now grants stealth until end of turn only

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Why did they nerf Rogue? 


Some of these seem kinda clever, in that they pushed cards into having different forms of utility without making them useless. And some seem shockingly heavy handed. 


And again, why did they nerf Rogue? 


Also Rod, you should probably say that Force of Nature Treants are now permanent, or else that summary makes the card look useless. 

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For the record Rogue has more or less the best classic class cards outside of Druid and tbh I was thinking Blade Flurry was a bit broken anyway and it seems they're trying to make rogue less combo-oriented. 4 mana is nerfed to unplayability, though. BGH is also nerfed to unplayability, I think it would've been fair to give it slightly better stats as well.

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Force of Nature will probably still be ok, it's 6 atk for 5 and gets buffed by things, fine for Token Druid decks or so.

Lore probably wont see a lot of play, 5/5 for 7 is too weak for little advantage, and innervating it turn 5 doesnt give you a card advantage anymore. Probably worse than azure drake.

Keeper of the Grove is awful, even a 1 mana minion can now kill it, and it's just 1 damage over ironforge rifleman or a really poor ironbeak owl which isnt worth it.


RIP Blade Flurry. It couldve costed 3 or only hit minions but now it's too expensive. It was OP as hell but it's too nerfed now.


BGH is unplayable, it's too horrible to play when it doesnt hit something and even when it does you're left with a really weak body. Other removal options will probably see play like recycle or even assasinate over it since they can still hit 5 or 6 ATK.


Knife Juggler's still good, it still has potential to do 3 or 4 damage with implosion or with lategame weenie swarm or such. Totally fine IMO.


Hunter's mark will probably still be used, 1 mana deal 5 damage still works and hunter doesnt have a lack of tiny things to throw at it.

Arcane Golem is crap, just 1 HP or 1 ATK over a 4/3 or 3/4 with a crippling downside, worse than dancing sword or ogre, wont see play at all. Basically worse than felgrand.


Molten Giant will still be an easy 4 mana or so giant so I think it'll be okay.


Ironbeak Owl's stats are too bad to use it over spellbreaker at 4/3.

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Combo is that good. Outside of that the class is flawed that can't do anything that another class can do better. And it will especially become apparent with Ancient of Lore being nerfed, can't really think of a single reason to use Druid now outside of T3 Druid of the Claw.

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