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Rio 2016 Summer Olympics

chairman ali

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I would be more hyped if they added karate to this year's Olympics instead of the 2020 Tokyo one (which is still iffy right now), since that's actually something I'd watch.


But that aside, not really sure if I'll be watching it. Most of the time, I either can't watch the events I want (since I have errands to do) or likely the channel I have to watch Olympics on doesn't work. Come to think of it, trying to remember what events I actually care about.



Though, I know that a few athletes decided to abstain this year in light of the zika virus. Hopefully the Olympics still goes well in light of that fact.

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Like usual I'm going to research the most obscure event at the olympics that doesn't feel like it should work and watch that.


Like when England had to host a river rapids kayaking event 4 years ago. They had to engineer a long thin river rapids in the middle of London.


sheet like that.

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