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Pokemon boa region contest


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In this contest you have to post as many sprites or fakemon as possible the more pokemon you post the higher your chances of winning the one i think are best will get featured in my club and roleplay


1st place 3 reps and 20 points

2nd place 2 reps and 10 points

3rd place 1 rep and 5 points



End date is may 31st

Please join and good luck



1. Ruby_Carbuncle002



4. KingofFrogs


6. aznwhitey

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Hivasting (Male evolution of a Combee)



(The one on the right is Shiny)


EDIT: I completely forgot. The splice composes of the following:

Head: Vespiquen's head (With the sides of the head removed).

Wings: Vespiquen's wings

Upper body/Arms: Blaziken's body/arms

Hands/Claws: Armaldo's Claws

Visible leg: Hitmonlee's leg

Feet: Paras's claws


All recolored to Vespiquen's colors.



*Insert cool name here that has to do with genes* (Fusion of all the forms of Deoxys [actually what the real deoxys looks like before its full potential was separated into 4 forms]; kinda like a final form.)


Head: Deoxys Regular

Body: Deoxys Defense

Tentacle-things: Deoxys Attack

Legs: Deoxys Speed



Chromasite (pre-evo to deoxys, which is ironic because a DNA strand is actually smaller than and part of a chromosome)


Head/Tentacles: Deoxys

Body: Baltoy


Recolored to Deoxys's colors



neither you are posting sprites or fakemon not cards or splices


A splice of a sprite is still a sprite.

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how do you POST sprites (I know how to make them) and if theres room im in.


Save your sprites in .png format. Then upload them to a site such as tinypic.com. Then copy the image URL with the tags arount them. Then paste that URL in your post.

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