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[MtG] Cynical Twist

Lunar Origins

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Yeah, the copies will each resolve, copying themselves, and so on, so the moment you get 1 copy spliced onto anything you just win the game outright.


Instead, I'd edit the wording to "If this spell was cast from your hand, copy it ___ times" or something similar. That way, each copy will not copy themselves while resolving since copy != cast.

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This could definitely have no mana cost, per Evermind, for extra coolness.


Honestly, this feels like it is simply too good with Lava Spike, or any other arcane spell. Just add R and it will recur to hand. Infinite storm count with Desperate Ritual, repeated removal with Glacial Ray, and it just makes lava spike gross.


Just the copying should be enough, and even then it is pretty scary.

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This could definitely have no mana cost, per Evermind, for extra coolness.


Honestly, this feels like it is simply too good with Lava Spike, or any other arcane spell. Just add R and it will recur to hand. Infinite storm count with Desperate Ritual, repeated removal with Glacial Ray, and it just makes lava spike gross.


Just the copying should be enough, and even then it is pretty scary.

Wait, wait. Let's do some math.

Ritual with this card at minimum copies (x=2) equals 6 mana generated, and a net gain of 1 red.

You do get infinite mana but your life total also becomes a limiting factor. But as X increases the bang for your buck becomes even better.


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Even then, it just becomes too good. It gives a buyback cost of UR to any arcane spell, and with things like Glacial Ray, that is way too strong a concept. It approaches the efficiency of punishing fire and Grove of the burnwillows (arguably better, since it costs an additional U to remove the hassle of slowing down your clock). Punishing Fire was banned in modern for a reason. Effects of this sort are simply too powerful.


Also this allows a 3-mana, two card combo of 7 lava spikes to the dome which is nopenopenopenope

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