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A-Assault Core
Level 4 LIGHT Machine-Type Union Effect Monster
ATK 1900
DEF 200
(1) Once per turn: You can activate 1 of the following effects.
• Target 1 LIGHT Machine-Type monster you control; equip this card to it. If it would be destroyed, you can destroy this card instead.
•  If this card is equipped to a monster, you can Special Summon it.
(2) The monster equipped by this card is unaffected by other monster effects.
(3) If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can add 1 other Union Monster from your Graveyard to your hand.


B-Buster Drake
Level 4 LIGHT Machine-Type Union Effect Monster
ATK 1500
DEF 1800
(1) Once per turn: You can activate 1 of the following effects.
• Target 1 LIGHT Machine-Type monster you control; equip this card to it. If it would be destroyed, you can destroy this card instead.
• If this card is equipped to a monster, you can Special Summon it.
(2) The monster equipped by this card is unaffected by Spell Effects.
(3) If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can add 1 Union Monster from your Deck to your hand.


C-Crush Wyvern
Level 4 LIGHT Machine Union Effect Monster
ATK 1200
DEF 2000
(1) Once per turn: You can activate 1 of the following effects.
• Target 1 LIGHT Machine-Type monster you control; equip this card to it. If it would be destroyed, you can destroy this card instead.
• If this card is equipped to a monster, you can Special Summon it.
(2) The monster equipped by this card is unaffected by Trap Effects.
(3) If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Union Monster from your hand.


ABC-Dragon Buster
Level 8 LIGHT Machine-Type Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 3000
DEF 2800
Materials: “A-Assault Core” + “B-Buster Drake” + “C-Crush Wyvern”
Must first be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by banishing the above cards you control or in your Graveyard. (You do not use “Polymerization)
(1) Once per turn, during either player’s turn: you can discard 1 card, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it.
(2) During the opponent’s turn: you can tribute this card, then target 3 of your banished LIGHT Machine-Type monsters with different names; Special Summon them.




must have A-Z deck

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... Huh, they streamlined the Union text so it's not so clunky. But... They removed the only 1 Union equipped at once text... Hm!


I was wondering if they were gonna make support for VWXYZ for a while. It's nice to see they are!

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I like how each of these give immunity to a card Type; and about time, too. They may be tricky to get all three on the field, but it's certainly easier than most Union monsters.

Further support could solve that problem, but for now one can use ties to field all 3 at once, while preparing to fuse once they go down.

Not to mention these are what X Y Z should have been to begin with.

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funking hell.... They made Unions again....


That aside, these look like a lot of fun to play. Mainly because the Main Deck monsters actually do something, and the Fusion can use monsters in your Graveyard and can even seperate. Plus, it's main effect being quick is also quite nice.

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You know what's cute about these? The fact that the last effect says 'sent from field to Graveyard'. So you could, like, equip 1 to something, then Xyz or whatever with the monster they are equipped to/send the equipped monster to the Graveyard, and still gain the effect.

It's nice.

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Would drake not prevent the equiped monster from being affected by the other ones ? That is disappointing considering a single call or soul charge would allow one to get an ABC equiped with A, B and C. ... Now all we need are AB, BC and AC, ... in any case C + A or B can setup ABC via Gear Giant.

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inb4 Chaz is in arc v and we get DE and ABCDE.


Then they mega morph into ABCDEVWXYZ that adds all 5 pieces of exodia to your hand from your side deck

I would already be fine with getting AB, AC and BC, alongside actually decent union support, however chazz reappearing and returning union monsters to (former ? I wish I could state this) glory, though the disapointment is quite big once that glass building shatters.
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Ties of Brethren is gonna be so sick in this one.


Also, tribute the fusion when the opponent activates raigeki so you get all 3 in grave again and get their float effects. Next turn summon fusion again....


This is definetely something. Looking forward to see some kind of loop with these and emeral.

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You can splash Red Resonator on their Deck and make a Kaiba-Jack hybrid build XP Their effects will trigger when you Synchro Summon with them, after all.

Also, isn't it ironic that they have synergy with Yugi's new LIGHT-Attribute Gadgets?

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Ooh. I...REALLY like these.


Firstly, I like how they can equip to ANY Level 4 Light Machine. This lets them support the V-Z series, in addition to one another. A has a very solid 1900 ATK.


I'm a little disappointed that they don't buff ATK at all when equipped (whereas V-Z do, however small), but instead they give an immunity to Monster, Spell, or Trap effects, respectively. They don't seem to have a "1 monster equipped by Union at a time" clause, though. Is that just an inherent rule of Unions now that it's an official Sub-type in the OCG?


They also all have effects when sent from the Field to the Graveyard, which helps with both their Union effects, and also just their tendency to die. A grabs a Union from the Grave to the hand. B grabs a Union from the Deck to the hand, and C SSes a Union from the hand.


As for the Fusion, it banishes from the Field OR Graveyard. This helps a ton, because of how stupidly hard it was to Summon the V-Z series monsters back in the day. It's got the XYZ "discard for pop" effect, but it works during either turn, which is awesome. And during the opponent's turn, you can Tribute it to SS 3 banished Light Machines with different names, which can actually help with Cydra Decks or just assembling the other Union monsters for stuff.

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