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Maxx "C" vs Effect Veiler

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I wouldn't say one is better than the other, as they both fill somewhat different roles.  If your deck is lacking the draw power, then go with Maxx "C".  if you don't really care about that, then Veiler will probably be better suited to the deck.

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My locals are literally all BA and Kozmo, and although it's not my favorite choice against Kozmo, I'm still maining 2 if not 3. Even against Monarchs, I'm pretty sure there are like ED-centric/Brilliant builds that you can get a couple draws off of, if not 141 against Edea/Ehther/Prime

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It's pretty decent vs Kozmo, going second you usually save it AFTER the pilot banishes itself for Dark Destroyer, this way if the opponent decides to target Dark Destroyer itself intending to loop with strawman you put them in a tough position.


While less likely now, there's still Etele Tin Can.


I would expect this to see play in the main at the beginning of the format, not because it is the optimal choice but most people will find it the safest choice to gauge the format with because of PK BA increasing in popularity

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