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2 Odd-Eyes

1 Monkeyboard

1 Ceratops

1 Brachion

3 Pteran

1 Skullcrobat

3 Plesios

2 Pendulum Sorcerer

2 Lizardraw

2 Eccentrick

3 Red Resonator

2 Guiturtle

2 Synkron Resonator

3 Instant Fusion

1 Raigeki

3 Resonator Call


3 Igknight Reload

3 Dinomist Charge

1 Dreamland

2 Arc in the Sky

1 Dynamic Powerload


1 Noden


1 Nirvana Paddlin'

1 Crystal Wing

1 Stardust

1 Moonlight


1 Red Wyvern

1 Metaphys Horus

1 Dewloren

1 Stardust Charge

1 Chanbara

1 Cydrafinity

1 Cydranova

1 Castel


The Dinomist Resonators I netdecked got slaughtered by the banlist but it was my favourite deck beforehand so wanted to rejuvenate it and came up with this. 44 cards and with a 4 card draw engine, that's pro deckbuilding right there. Really though I'm lost for changes to make. Maybe drop Instant to 2 or something but what's even the point. Nyeh.


About a minute after making this thread I cut Instant to 2 and Moonlight out to add in 1 Luster 1 Ignister.

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I'd cut out some field spells.


But Sky Arc pops dead sheet and searches Odd-Eyes to search Eccentrick/Monkeyboard/other things. 

Dreamland allows me to make Infinity with Dinomist 4s and/or mess with levels of my opponent's stuff, as well as manipulation for synchro plays.

Powerload guarantees I can kill.


And then AFD makes them all easily accessible more or less on demand. I mean I could cut the 4 of them but they've all helped me massively and I feel it'd be losing a significant component.

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If you're still looking to cut cards you could easily just do -1 Red -1 Call then just freeze at 41 (inb5 black jack)


otherwise this deck should move pretty freakin fast so 43 isn't that big a deal


Need them Resonators though, I had considered doing something like that but then the extra deck would need a bit of adjustment.


1-of unsearchable powerload seems horrendous.


It is searchable though, AFD. At worst it's something to be used with it to search Arc.

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