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Katamari on the [Rock Stun]

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1 Tramid Sphinx

2 Block Dragon

15 Good Rocks

2 Block Golem


1 Raigeki

3 Ties

2 Terraforming

3 Diamond Core

2 TwiTwi

1 BfaDD

1 Seal

2 Tramid King Golem


2 Powerful Rebirth

1 Tramid Pulse

2 Strike


2 Utopias

3 Over-Hundred Numbers





DiDi Wolf







I've decided to go with the "run both" strategy for the field spells, since Terraforming is a great toolbox and the Seal is a stupid card in here. BFaDD because hopefully banishing a bunch of Rocks ends up winning me the game with either Block Dragon or a well-timed Pulse. Extra is pretty standard, but I ran out of ideas near the end. I'm thinking of running Durendal just in case I have two Rebirth'd targets. On that note, since Dragon/Sphinx are both nomis, rebirth accomplishes everything that call does in here with less limits.

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CoTH means that you can R4NK with what you Summon, which you can't with Powerful Rebirth. (Unless you're summoning block golem)


BFaDD seems really kinda meh here.

True. I'll switch em out and see if anything comes of that. I'm not locked into the extra so much.


It honestly has been pretty meh, but I'm kind of out of ideas for what to replace it with.Foolish maybe?

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