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Gimp sig tutorial 2

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ok since i have already posted a beginner tut i will post a intermediate tut


ok so number one open up gimp and start with a page
2.Select your brush tool and pick and Use a variety of brushes. (maybe a few from the spazz set. Before brushing set your brush opaccity to 50.0 with brush colour black
3.Now start brushing until you end up with something like this
4.Now to add some colour
go to colours>colourize>set colour to main colour of render you will use
5.Now go to File>Open as layers>Find your render and add it
6.Now move it to your liking
7.Now for some effects duplicate the layer and select the bottom render layer
go to filters>Noise>Pick
new seed
then go to filter>blurs>gaussian blur
then set x and y to 20.0
you should now have something like this
8.Now you can add some text
tools>text>select colour>pick font>choose size
9.Now you can add a border
Filters>Decor>Add Border
Colour Black
10.Merge all layers down
Finished sig
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>_> What's so advanced about this tut?

I did almost this when I first started.. >_>


Like kizzi said, you have to match the background to the render not the render to the background.


And no special effects on the text? O_O

Signature graphics shouldn't be something you only spend 2 minutes on, that shows no care for the Graphics at all. Put more time, experiment more. >_> And use common sense, you know everybody will start yelling at ya.

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