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Magician Dark Magician [Return of the Banlist]


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Dank Magician x3

Magician of Dank Illusion x2

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dankgon x2

Dragondank Magician x3

Dankdragon Magician x2

Diangke Magician x2

Performapal Dankrobat Joker x1

Dank-Eye Magician x1

Magician's Dank x3

Danking Magician x1


Spells and Traps

Sky Iris x2

Pendulum Call x3


Allure of Dankness x2

Illusion Magic x3

Dank Magic Circle x3

Summoner's Art x2

Dank Magic Attack x1

Magician's Navigate x2


Extra Deck


Red-Eyes Flare Metal x1

Big Eye x1

Ebon Void x2

Ebon Illusion x3

Number C6 x1

Beelze x1

Ignister x1

Scarlight x1

Omega x1

Enlightenment Paladin x2



- I basically never use Magician of Black Illusion, and that might be swapped to boost consistency/the pendulum game some more. Also iffy on the Odd-Eyes numbers, and anyone who knows more about the Magician/Odd-Eyes engine let me know if I'm enacting some sort of cardinal sin on the numbers.

- Three Illusion Magics?! Yes! Because having Dark Magicians in hand with this deck is SUPER GREAT and Pendulums makes it all go round.

- No Eternal Soul?! Yeah, no Eternal Soul. It's a huge target for my opponent to exploit, and any time I've seen it used, I've used the self-nuke against them. Sorry, but I have already decent means of both thinning my deck and searching into what I need; The summoning factor is covered by Pendulums, and the search factor is already covered by stellar deck thinning.

- Number C6 is the beatstick for the deck; my "Towers Out" if you will. Not the best option, but Magic Expand was a great addition for covering those bases.

- Xiangke is fantastic as a monster to use. During either player's turn getting to negate a LIGHT monster is a LOT more useful than you may realize.

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What's your stance on Mahad?  Would you run and if so, how many?


Personally I think a literally free level 7 drop is :SeemsGood: but I don't know if it even matters in the pendulum build


I was initially against it, because of the whole luck factor in needing to draw it, but I laid out my options, particularly weighing them against Black Illusion. And for this particular build, this is what I noticed:

- This deck already has fantastic deck thinning, which should make drawing Mahad relatively easier

- If I didn't get the effect triggered, I can still always Pendulum Summon him

- Using Sky Iris on Mahad triggers his float

- A fantastic beatstick out against cards such as Ultimate Falcon or Chaos MAX

- An additional LIGHT might warrant a surprise visit from Envoy of the Beginning; depending on how much I really need Skullcrobat (honestly not feeling him in this build; especially when my Normal Summon is being competed for with Magician's Rod)


I mean, overall, I'm realizing that this build doesn't play like a more vanilla Dark Magician experience. The pendulum add a much faster and more aggressive playstyle that focuses a lot on swarming, removal, and even OTKing as opposed to the more control-y "During the Opponent's Turn" playstyle of the pure build. I honestly have not made much use of Black Illusion at all, and looking at how Mahad shapes up in theory, I really think this switch-a-roo needs to happen.

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