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The Seven Heavenly Virtues

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I suppose if anything my biggest virtue would be humility? I'm an actual pile of sentient compost so what do I have that's worth bragging about lmao


Actually patience would probably fit me as well. Sometimes I'm a bit too patient and accepting of people for my own good, and if anything I'm trying to work on that, heh

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Chastity: definitely, although its mostly against my well, as my uh habits reflect that

Temperance: I don't drink, the only other time I drank alcohol was when I was younger and I accidentally took a sip.

Charity: I am very stingy with my money, not greedy but I don't like to give my money away.

Diligence: Yes, when I am trying to accomplish something Is strive for the better.

Patience: I am very patient, I wait for hours to download a game via my slow internet connection only to have it useless to me.

Kindness: In real life at least I naturally am to strangers and acquaintances. I am generally kind here.

Humility: I am generally humble, I don't go around showing off what I have or what I can do.


I also kinda agree with Enguin.

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Chastity: definitely, although its mostly against my well, as my uh habits reflect that

Temperance: I don't drink, the only other time I drank alcohol was when I was younger and I accidentally took a sip.

Charity: I am very stingy with my money, not greedy but I don't like to give my money away.

Diligence: Yes, when I am trying to accomplish something Is strive for the better.

Patience: I am very patient, I wait for hours to download a game via my slow internet connection only to have it useless to me.

Kindness: In real life at least I naturally am to strangers and acquaintances. I am generally kind here.

Humility: I am generally humble, I don't go around showing off what I have or what I can do.

I also kinda agree with Enguin.

Er... Being stingy isn't charitable...

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