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The Seven Heavenly Virtues

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Aside from Deadly Sins, there is something less familiar, namely the Heavenly Virtues, which of the seven are you?

(Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility)


Personally, I think mine's is diligence since I enjoy studying and is always motivated to get the homework done in time, with maximum effort, to achieve the best results.....and I can't stay still...just watching without acting

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The point of creating this thread is to reflect our own characteristics and know our strengths and weakness to recuperate it for a better future....

Look deep inside and you'll find one..


Why are these 7 things even positive characteristics? Because an authoritarian 2000-year old book told us they were? I don't believe I'm a bad person, but I've had pre-marital sex, I drink and I don't give to charity. Why are these such terrible things?

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I would say I have all of those traits except diligence. Though, perhaps it's best to leave that the opinion of others.

Meh, at least its more interesting than just a load of people posting lists of assorted words. Its just a +1 post count thread really.

I disagree. I like reading what others have to say. 

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Chastity..... I guess?

I mean, considering I actively wish I could rid my body of any resemblance of a sex drive


Beyond that maybe Kindness (since I usually really dont like upsetting anyone or make them mad), but that breaks quickly if I get mad at someone ;D


Not controled enough to be Temprance (helloooo angry outbursts)

Charity is if I feel like it

Diligence depends on if it interests me, and a morphed sense of pride

Patience.... yeah no

Humility, puh lease, even if that one was true I cant admit it because then it wouldnt be true any more :P

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Pfft. The narrative of "do these seven things and you'll go to heaven" and "don't do these seven things or you'll go to hell" is like 2000 year-old Buzzfeed. Load of shite.


There's a Cyanide and Happiness comic that depicts hell as a place where people who sinned on earth get to party. How do we know it's not really like that?


you know, if it existed.

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