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Dog Kings Blackwings for new Format, need help with Side and Extra

Dog  King

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basically updated my old bw list by taking out 2 upstarts and adding the second allure and something else

idk what my side is anymore so i need suggestions for that coz idk what the top decks are lol


basically aim of deck is to set their stuff with the spell card setting yoke and u pop them with delta crow and icarus

also skill drain and veiler to negate their stuff and then run over it with the help of kalut or something


also is anyone wants to duel me my dn is "Dog King"

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Honestly once TDIL hits TCG this August Blackwings should not, in my opinion, be built in this style as it is just far too slow. There are all sorts of new explosive plays with that new patch of support that you can build them almost like Synchron Quasar, however it's even better than that since your plays usually revolve around graveyard loops rather than Librarian top decks.


Until that point however building them like this is not the worst of ideas if you wish to stay exclusively TCG. Instead of mirror force I would instead recommend Black Sonic. Sure you need to control a Blackwing, but honestly if you are in a spot where you can mirror force, but don't have a Blackwing on board, your chances in that game aren't looking too hot.


I have also always been of the stern opinion that anything less than 3 upstart in a deck is incredibly subpar in most cases. Especially in this format that space would be much more useful as Maxx C since there really is no major difference between a 39 and 40 card deck, and Maxx c potentially thins it further.

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Upstart still can make a huge difference as it can be a difference between drawing into a dead card or the whirlwind that i need

Its also nice card to use after u do some whirlwind searches to draw into a card after u thinned ur deck, and i like it with 2 allure and duality how i can open up and thin my deck very fast

Tho it does end up a dead draw later on with anti spell yoke

I understand its too slow and ill prob try and include oroshi and gladius and trish and maybe instant fusion also idk if at 1 or 2 tho since only 1 norden

Probably exlude the delta crows and maybe i guess duality but then im afraid it can be inconsistent since i like my turn 1 duality


Also any suggestions for side deck

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