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Abyss Actor [anime]

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AbyssActorWildHope-JP-Anime-AV.pngAbyss Actor - Wild Hope

pendulum: If this card is destroyed: You can add 1 face-up "Abyss Actor" Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand.
monster: If this card is destroyed: You can add 1 "Abyss Actor" monster from your Deck to your hand.
AbyssScriptAbodeoftheFireDragon-JP-AnimeAbyss Script - Abode of the Fire Dragon
Target 1 "Abyss Actor" monster you control; if it destroys an opponent's monster by battle, banish 3 cards from your opponent's Extra Deck.
CostumeBoxofAbyssActor-JP-Anime-AV.pngCostume Box of Abyss Actor
Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can target 1 monster on the field; equip 1 "Abyss Costume" card from your Deck to it.
Abyss Costume - Sword of the Valiant
equip spell
The equipped monster gains 300 ATK.
Abyss Costume - Shield of the Dwarf
equip spell
The equipped monster gains 300 DEF.
VacancyofAbyssActor-JP-Anime-AV.pngVacancy of Abyss Actor
Activate this card by targeting 1 monster on the field. Monsters with the same Level as that target cannot be used as Material for a Summon.
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Wild Hope has potential, especially if it comes to work with the pend effects on Heel and Comedian.


Abode can be amazing, especially as the monster you use it on seems to keep that effect.


Costume cards are GAAAAAAAAARBAGE.


THAT TRAP DOH. That is mean as HELL.

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You know what I wouldn't mind? Duelist Packs.


For those who forget, Duelist Packs are essentially booster sets that release most (if not all) cards that a specific character used, some that just didn't see print in regular boosters.


Duelist Pack - Sawatari would be FUN, and Duelist Packs for Sora and Reiji would definitely see purchase.


That, or structure Decks. Just, if they don't want to print Abyss Actors in booster packs for whatever reason, an Abyss Actor Structure Deck that teaches you how to play an archetype that hasn't seen much demo.

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