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My Chat with Jerry Coyne, Evolutionary Geneticist and Bestselling Author (THE SAAD TRUTH_156)

Kirika Akatsuki

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Back to the hour+ longs? Alright, but I have to say, crab hamlet was completely right when he said it would be best to put your own views, or at least a minor summary of the topic you (or the video)are trying to discuss beside the video. Especially When you post videos as long as this one, having an initial opinion to bounce off of makes the video more worth watching, and while the video itself has lots in it, as I’ve said before, not everybody has the time to go through hour long videos (I listen to it in the background while prepping for work, but even then…) Not saying you can’t post videos, but it’s best to give the people watching some form of summary so they can at least condense their views. But enough of that, as for the video…


1 Hour, 17 minutes later…


To sum this up; Much of the beginning of the video is soft discussion about what made them both evolutionary biologists. Then for the next portion of it, it stresses the need for evolutionary biology books to present the available evidence instead of assuming it’s true, he then goes on about how he learned o write about evolutionary biology and explains how to make chapters in books (and thereby books as a whole) digestible.


After that, they discuss the rights of people to argue or discuss a subject, regardless of their position, and here I agree with them fully. Whether or not I agree with you, I’m not going to silence you, but I will debate the points till one of us either concedes the point or quits the argument. Then it goes back to the discussion of removing invitations, documents, and firing people based upon people their views, it saddens me to hear how common it’s become for people to remove platforms of speech for those they object to, instead of arguing for the points they believe in. then they go on to discuss their views on people on the side of SJW’s, who happen to cannibalize those who are, by most means, on their side, likening it to a collective Munchhausen syndrome. I can’t completely disagree with them I guess. For the most part though, they go on in a similar manner, discussing virtue signaling and the like. Freedom of speech, the right to speak, book plugs, religion and science being incompatible, his retirement life, and all that


Overall, the conversation was pretty much the basic stuff, nothing really significant, and listening to it for an hour, while a decent way to kill the time before going to work, was ultimately less substantial than I was expecting. So again, to repeat, hamlet’s point, you’ve got to give something alongside the video, something like this video is just views without context, there’s no argument to be had here, it’s not a complete echo chamber, since I can see them both being open to discussion, and they vouch for said discussion in any conversations and/or topics, but at the same time, there’s nothing really to grasp in this video. It’s more or less an interview about a book that occasionally trails off into freedoms of speech discussions and promotion of discourse. You’ve got to put something alongside videos like this. There’s no need to watch a video like this (at least on this forum) unless you are trying to present an argument alongside it. It’s not a bad video, but there’s nothing worth discussing…


Ok, there is a discussion near the end about religion and evolutionary biology not mixing, but as a general rule, while I’ve argued against pretty much every religion, and am fully willing to argue it here, the topic as discussed in this video, is something that isn’t all that interesting or conversation starting. I can gladly hold the argument if anybody here does decide to, but it’s not really worth going through an hour of a rather tame conversational video for.

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