Snatch Steal Posted April 9, 2016 Report Share Posted April 9, 2016 Every creature on the planet is imbued with Essence. This Essence can be for good or evil, depending on its owner’s free will. A Grim is not granted this choice. The malevolent Essences of Hatred, Agony, Sullenness, Hunger, Terror, Hubris, and Apathy, when coupled with an important event in time, create a Grim: an immortal being whose sole intention is to feed off of the Essence of Hope found in humans. Luckily, not all humans have Hope. If a human Essence, be it of Hatred, Agony, or any other malevolent force, is powerful enough to combat the Essence of a Grim, that human can likely dispel the Essence of it, or coax it to join the human’s side. Fighting alongside friendly Grims can fill them and their owners with the Hope that Grims feed on, remedying the lack of hope humans experience. Welcome to the GRIM POLICE DEPARTMENT and INTELLIGENCE BUREAU Our slogan is "Check the OP!"The Forum Game is in Beta [spoiler=Getting Started: About, Rules, Branches, and Application Form] At the Grim Police Department and Intelligence Bureau (Grim PD&IB for abbreviation), you can make contributions to the fields of Grim Vigilance and Taxonomy, accordingly for either branch. In OOC seriousness, though, this club is for a project of mine, reinforced throughout as "Grim." Influenced by Pokemon, Yo-Kai Watch, Fossil Fighters, and Dragon Quest Monsters, this game seeks to take the natural human instinct of collection and appease it. Here, members will develop the world Grims inhabit, as well as the Grims themselves. If you enjoy making Fakemon, you should like this club. [spoiler=Branches][spoiler=Vigilance Branch] If your strong spot lies in fighting others in the name of justice, you belong in the Vigilance Branch. Here, you can aid in the competitive aspect of the game, from designing sets to shaping the very rules. You lay the foundation for all of Grimkind. Things you do: 1. Determine ways to formulate a game around this concept2. Size up balancing in said game3. Scout people to join the club [spoiler=Taxonomy Branch] If your strong spot lies in an unquenchable curiosity, you belong in the Taxonomy Branch. Here, you can aid in the creative design aspect of the game, whether it be drawing new or existing Grims, or coming up with brand new designs on your own.Things you do: 1. Create new Grims or ideas for Grim-related things2. Draw Grims or Grim-related things3. Make things beauteous Rules: 1. All YCM rules apply. Don't do anything someone cool wouldn't do.2. Be open to criticism on your statements. If someone is being blatantly rude, don't be rude back, and just tell me, another high-ranking member, or (preferably) a mod. Don't expect every submission to get in.3. At least brush over everything. If you go "Yeah, yeah, yeah, resources, branches, Grims, got it," you should be fine. 4. You MUST follow the topic. This is just to make things easier on everyone for club updates and the like. [spoiler=Application Form] YCM UsernameName you'd like to be called (this can be the same as above)Branch you'd like to join and why (you're not limited to being completely centered around one branch)Favorite Grim based on the list (This is impermanent, but required to make sure you care. A complete list of Grims can be found in the Resources section) [spoiler=Example Application] ToadtotterToadI prefer the Taxonomy Branch, because it lets me flex my creative muscle. I also enjoy adding flavor to concepts.My favorite Grim is Toadtotter. [spoiler=Grim Forum Game] On the Forum, you can collect your own Grims in a text-based adventure. Inputting actions lets you coax new Grims to join you, level them up, fuse them, and send them into battle. Obviously, I can't be too detailed, since it's only a forum game, but I can award Reps, Points, and Experience. Details to come 12/23/19 [spoiler=Announcements]4/8/16: Added Type Effectiveness Chart, and some flavor texts.4/9/16: Added Pignacious, Seaforce, and other Grims.4/15/16: Added the banner, and Blankenstein to the list of Grims.4/16/16: Added a ton of Grims, particularly Speculius by Rage, who leveled up!4/17/16: Cleaned up spoilers, awarded Pixel his EXP for making the banner. He leveled up!4/17/16: Added the announcements spoiler!From now on, you must include the stats of your Grim submissions in the submission. You can find the stats list under resources.I've cleaned up a lot of the spoilers. Most of the stuff for noobs is in the About section, just so that it doesn't distract others. 4/20/16: Stopped being a lazy inactive oaf. Added submissions to the list. Added "How to Make a Grim" under resources. Also please check the Task Board for quests, it's there for a reason!4/21/16: Added a topic poll. Check it out!5/29/16: Added card types and more Grims. Added a topic poll.5/31/16: Added Grim Abilities, Skills, and Afflictions.6/2/16: We still exist. Adding stats to some Grims.6/4/16: The Forum Game is on the move. We might end up being ready before I know it. [spoiler=Members] ★ Toadtotter Soulfire (Dylan) [25 EXP to Next Level][spoiler=Vigilance Branch]PixilationGamez (Pixel) ◎ [25/100 EXP to Next Level]WurWulfx (Wulf) ◎ [75/100 EXP to Next Level][spoiler=Taxonomy Branch] The Cowardly Dog (Rage) ◎ [25/100 EXP]Hoggy (Spell Counter King) ◎ [25/100 EXP] [spoiler=Ranks] (No Mark) Trainee: Someone who just joined. They have a long way to go.◎ Beginner: A novice Vigilante or Taxonomer. They've got their hands on the ropes.∆ Agent: A regular member. They've got something going.⊕ Enforcer: A skilled member. The first step to having no life.⨷ Hopeful: This is getting boring.☆ Exalted: You get it.★Staff: HIGH EXALTED RULER [spoiler=How to Level Up] You can get EXP by making contributions. A submitted Grim warrants 25 EXP; Graphic Designs warrant 50 or more EXP; contest prizes can warrant more. [spoiler=Ways You Can Contribute] Ideas are definitely needed. I came up with this idea literally in February while walking around and observing spooky houses. I only have a vague sense of how things are supposed to work, and I need an interest check. You can give ideas for cards, video games, narratives, drawings, or just critiques in general.If you're a member already, you can profit and earn EXP from completing assignments on the Task Board. If not, sign up! [spoiler=Grim Design Contests]If you're really into design, you'll love Grim Design Contests. Here, show off your best creations for a chance to win EXP, Rep, and/or Forum Point prizes. Submitting is just like doing so for a submission, but you should be more serious about it. This is for prizes!You can find out more on Grims and how to design them under the Resources tab. Judging Criteria:- How flavorful the Grim is, how fitting its descriptions, bio, and art are.- How fitting the Typing and capabilities are to the Grim's design- How balanced the Grim is regarding its stats and rank- How unique the Grim is If you want to make sure your designs are top notch, check out the Resources tab. [spoiler=Task Board] - Startup Campaign- Grim Design Contest- Grim Icons: Earn 10 EXP for making an Icon for a Grim.- More descriptions + Stat Totals for Grims: Earn 10 EXP for giving a Grim stats.- Art for Grims: Draw a Grim to earn 50-100 EXP based on the quality of the drawing.- Create Grim cards- Tweak the Grim Rules- Aid in the Grim Forum Game [spoiler=Resources (List of Grims Here)] Lists of Grims: (With Descriptions) (With Stats) [spoiler=Grim Types] [spoiler=Grim Submission Template] Name of Grim (Rank)[Primary Type / Secondary Type][spoiler=Description] Write the gist of what the Grim does, perhaps in battle. See "Jesterror © [Zombie / Sound]" if you're confused. This doesn't have to be long. [spoiler=Appearance] Provide an image, OR write enough to convey what the Grim looks like. If it's not that stellar of an image (black and white, perhaps) then add more details. [spoiler=Bio] This isn't always required, but if you want more flavor, give your Grim a creation story. [spoiler=Stats] Give your Grim stats to give us a grip on its power level. Make sure it's balanced with its rank. [spoiler=Rank Ratios & Stats List]Grim Rank Averages F: 150-200 Stat Total, 4-6 Team CostD: 250-300 Stat Total, 7-10 Team CostC: 350-400 Stat Total, 11-15 Team Cost.B: 450-500 Stat Total, 16-20 Team CostA: 550-600 Stat Total, 21-25 Team CostS: 650-700 Stat Total, 26-30 Team CostX: 1000 Stat Total, 60 Team cost Starting Team Capacity: 15Max Team Capacity: 60 Max Grims on a Team (Regardless of Capacity): 6 Grim Stat List VIT: Vitality, the Grim's health.MAG: Magic, the Grim's capacity to use Magic Attacks.STR: Strength, the Grim's capacity to inflict damage with Physical AttacksRES: Resistance, the Grim's capacity to absorb damage from Physical AttacksINT: Intelligence, the Grim's capacity to inflict damage with Magic AttacksAPT: Aptitude, the Grim's capacity to absorb damage from Magic AttacksSPE: Speed, how fast the Grim is. Total: A total tally of all the stats.Team Cost: How difficult the Grim is to control. [spoiler=DnD Token Maker and Types] If you'd like to make DnD tokens for Grims using this site, follow the guide.FireHex Color: #DC143C WaterHex Color: 1E90FF PlantHex Color: 2E8B57 MineralHex Color: CD950C WindHex Color: 7FFFD4 ElectronicHex Color: FFD700 NeutralHex Color: FFFFFF Demon Sound Biohazard Zombie Metallic Phantom Bug Dragon Light Combat[spoiler=Example] Kampferhund (you're welcome to give it accessories, though) [spoiler=How to Make a Grim] If you're part of the Taxonomy branch, finding and documenting Grims is a must. Report all findings of new or unique Grims as soon as possible.[spoiler=Before you start] Don't think you can get away with what I'd like to call pulling a Charizard. Flex your creative muscle a lot. This project actually encourages *gasp* going outside!! Go travel somewhere, or just walk outside. Explore. Leave no stone unturned. See what weird stuff you can find. Or, if you really don't feel like it, use the Internet. Research ancient cultures. Look at Pokemon splices. Even listening to certain music can help you. [spoiler=Getting Started] First, figure out what kind of Grim you're gonna make. Start with an inspiring image, a name, or a type combination. Once you have your general idea down, start coming up with more ideas. What would your Grim do in battle, or would it prefer not fighting? Is it scary, tough, or cute? What sets it apart from other Grims?[spoiler=Fleshing Out your Grim] Once you've got your base, build on it. Give your Grim a creation story. Give it personality. Perhaps draw it, if you're good enough. [spoiler=Balancing your Grim] This is one of the weird parts. In order to make sure your Grim's power level makes sense, you should refer to the rank averages displayed under Resources.[spoiler=Submitting your Grim] Once you've got all your info, don't be afraid to submit your Grim, or save it for a contest. [spoiler=Card Template] [spoiler=Grim Abilities]Flame Eater - Takes in fire attacks to boost own magic attacks by 1.5When the opponent uses a fire attack, it adds 50 Beautiful Talent. Weed whacker - Takes in plant attacks to boost own physical attacks by 1.5When the opponent uses a Plant attack, it adds 50 Fright Talent. Porous Skin - Takes in water attacks to recover healthWhen the opponent uses a Water attack, it adds 50 Powerful Talent Martyr - Skills used by the user that damage it become twice as potentSkills used by the user that damage it earn twice the Talent. No Mercy - Ignores enemy Grims' stat changes. Auto Reflex - Applies Reflex at the start of the battle Auto Counter - Applies Counter at the start of the battle Auto Adrenaline - Applies Adrenaline at the start of the battle Phantasmagoric - Grants immunity to Combat MovesGrants immunity to Fright Moves Absolute 0 - Treats each Grim’s RES and APT as 0 when dealing and taking damageYou gain twice as much Talent while your Talent is at 0. Fireproof - Grants immunity to Fire Moves. Lyrical Genius - Sound Type Moves hit twice.Sound Type Moves earn twice as much Talent. Megaphonics - Turns Neutral Moves into Sound Moves.All Grims' Sound Moves earn 1.3x Talent. Deaf - It is immune to Sound-Type moves. [spoiler=Grim Skills]PummelBase Damage: 30Type: NeutralAspect: PowerfulNo other effects ChompBase Damage: 20Type: DemonAspect: FrightDrains 33% of the damage done to the target as health restored LeapBase Damage: 100Type: WindAspect: BeautifulGrants invulnerability on the first turn, then attacks on the next. ScreechBase Damage: 50Type: SoundAspect: FrightHits many Grims at once. HookBase Damage: 40Type: CombatAspect: PowerfulDoes twice the damage to Wind Grims. SyphonBase Damage: -Type: ZombieAspect: IntelligentApplies Syphon. StartleBase Damage: 10Type: PhantomAspect: FrightApplies Fear to the target. Infectious SlapBase Damage: 30Type: BiohazardAspect: Fright50% Chance to apply Infection to the target. King's BlitzBase Damage: 235Type: LightAspect: BeautifulThe user takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the opponent. Queen's LariatBase Damage: 100Type: LightAspect: Beautiful Hits all enemy Grims, giving them and the user Dizziness. PasséBase Damage: -Type: CombatAspect: IntelligentApplies Reflex and Counter. Ricochet PunchBase Damage: 60Type: CombatAspect: CoolLets the user change Zones. Diving LeapBase Damage: 60Type: PhantomAspect: FrightLets the user change Zones. [spoiler=Afflictions] Counter- When hit with a direct attack, deflects half of the damage back at the opponent. Adrenaline- Increases SPE, STR, and Critical Hit Rate for a short period of time. Syphon- All Attacks restore 25% of the damage dealt. Reflex- The Grim can change zones after an attack. Fear- The Grim can only use moves with base damage 50 or less. Infection- Deals VIT damage every turn. Locust- Deals MAG damage every turn. Dizzy- Prevents the user from changing Zones. [spoiler=Grim Gaming Brainstorm] 3 grims participatePrimary typing determines type effectivenessInverse Grims: Primary and Secondary typing switch The field is divided into 4 zones, called Squares:-The MA, or MAIN ATTACK square (In the front)- The SA, or SUBSEQUENT ATTACK square (Two, one each on the top and bottom)- The RA, or REFLEX ATTACK square (behind the MA)- and The OA, or OUTFLOW ATTACK square (behind the RA) Each zone will have a different affect on each player's units and what they can and cannot do. The MA allows most units to hit at maximal power, although they are at a greater risk of being damaged. You absolutely must have a unit here.The SA allows most units to take less damage from attacks, although they will do less damage from this zone with their own basic attacks. Additionally, they can only use basic attacks on the MA.The RA allows units to grant a fraction of their power to the current MA; however, they cannot attack.The OA prevents the unit from using skills or attacks, although it is fully protected from enemy attacks. To change the zone of a unit, you can either swap it with another unit or simply move it to an adjacent empty square. A victory is achieved when each enemy has been left with 0 Health (in this case VITAL). Combining Grims can grant you a more powerful one that builds upon the traits of its predecessors. In a Grim Talent Show, Grims compete to see who has the most powerful, beautiful, frightening, charismatic, intelligent, cute, or cool team. Each stat counts for a certain aspect of Talent. Talent Shows require you to prove yourself not by might alone, but by talent. In addition to knocking out enemy Grims, a team must reach 500 Talent of their given aspect in order to win. Grims can be classified as a certain aspect based on their highest stat, but any Grim can be used in any Talent Show, so long as the team suffices. The stats compared to Talent aspects are as follows:VIT (Power)MAG (Beauty)STR (Fright)RES (Charisma)INT (Intelligence)APT (Cuteness)SPE (Coolness) Skills are also divided into Talent aspects. Using a skill will add to your team's Talent. If you use a skill according to the Talent Show's aspect, bonus Talent will be added. The winner is the one who earns 500 Talent first, or knocks out the enemy team. [spoiler=Bans] None Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 9, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 9, 2016 Added Type Effectiveness Chart and descriptions for each of the Grims. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cr47t Posted April 9, 2016 Report Share Posted April 9, 2016 Dont feel like joining but nice concept, could see this going well in RP subforum or so Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 9, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 9, 2016 On 4/9/2016 at 8:43 PM, cr47t said: Dont feel like joining but nice concept, could see this going well in RP subforum or soThanks for the feedback. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pixelationgamez Posted April 13, 2016 Report Share Posted April 13, 2016 Count me in. I like the concept. And fakemon. YCM User: Pixelationgamez Nickname: Pixel Preferred Branch: Vigilance Branch. I'm a stats guy. Favorite Grim: Kitsunapalm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 13, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 13, 2016 On 4/13/2016 at 3:05 PM, Pixelationgamez said: Count me in. I like the concept. And fakemon. YCM User: Pixelationgamez Nickname: Pixel Preferred Branch: Vigilance Branch. I'm a stats guy. Favorite Grim: Kitsunapalm Welcome! You're actually the first member. I'll add you to the list asap. This thread might not be around for a long time, but I'm planning on hosting an RP when I get the right credibility. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted April 13, 2016 Report Share Posted April 13, 2016 How can I say what my favorite grim is if I don't know what they are? ;-; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 13, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 13, 2016 On 4/13/2016 at 11:00 PM, Dova said: How can I say what my favorite grim is if I don't know what they are? ;-; You can find a list with descriptions under resources. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted April 13, 2016 Report Share Posted April 13, 2016 Ah, didn't look at that one, because I thought it was just something for the RP. The one time I don't read something XD Guess I learned from that. Also, what do ranks mean when it comes to grims? And what is that "A" within the "F" section? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 14, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 14, 2016 On 4/13/2016 at 11:42 PM, Dova said: Ah, didn't look at that one, because I thought it was just something for the RP. The one time I don't read something XD Guess I learned from that. Also, what do ranks mean when it comes to grims? And what is that "A" within the "F" section? The ranks determine how good they are overall. You would have to be stronger to use the better ones, but it doesn't quite matter which one you make your favorite. I have no idea why there is a random letter A in the middle of the thing. Fixed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pixelationgamez Posted April 14, 2016 Report Share Posted April 14, 2016 I can make banner but, I need a couple of pictures of the Grims. But for now if you want I can just make a banner with a fancy bg and then add then in later. Here is one with out the pic and not a cool/fancy bg but, eh. Also I dont know what to put as a 'catchphrase' so just put that even though it doesn't make sense. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 14, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 14, 2016 On 4/14/2016 at 3:39 AM, Pixelationgamez said: I can make banner but, I need a couple of pictures of the Grims. But for now if you want I can just make a banner with a fancy bg and then add then in later. Here is one with out the pic and not a cool/fancy bg but, eh. Also I dont know what to put as a 'catchphrase' so just put that even though it doesn't make sense. I actually don't have any images of Grims. That's one of our tasks, actually, and I can't do it because not only is my only medium pencil and paper, but I have zero professional art skills. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 14, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 14, 2016 Gonna leave the banner up for now Once we get enough members, we'll hold a Grim Design Contest to commemorate the boon of the club. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 14, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 14, 2016 Added "Blankenstein" to the list of Grims. Added "Miss Gooey", "Miss Spooky", and "Oculacrima" to the list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Cowardly Dog Posted April 15, 2016 Report Share Posted April 15, 2016 Well, I don't love Fakemon all that much, But I have a few ideas left from my fanfiction days. I would love to join your club. (Plus the Grims somehow give out the same vibe as old school Normal Monsters, which I LOVE). The Cowardly DogCourage (or rage, your choice)I prefer the Taxonomy Branch, because creativity calls.Favorite Grim: (Tier) Joy and Spirallax. Small questions: How do we submit our designs? Do we use this forum or pm each other privately? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 15, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2016 On 4/15/2016 at 12:54 PM, The Cowardly Dog said: Well, I don't love Fakemon all that much, But I have a few ideas left from my fanfiction days. I would love to join your club. (Plus the Grims somehow give out the same vibe as old school Normal Monsters, which I LOVE). The Cowardly DogCourage (or rage, your choice)I prefer the Taxonomy Branch, because creativity calls.Favorite Grim: (Tier) Joy and Spirallax. Small questions:How do we submit our designs? Do we use this forum or pm each other privately? Welcome to the club! I'll add you to the list as soon as possible. Thanks also for following so that I don't have to ask you to :PI'll probably end up making a template for design submission. Art is NOT required for a submission. You can use the main thread when you want to create a Grim for the list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mr. waifu Posted April 15, 2016 Report Share Posted April 15, 2016 I would love to join Name: Hoggy (Spell Counter King now, but I am planning on changing to Hoggy when I can). Branch: Taxonomy. Grim: You figure that out, just something serious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 15, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2016 On 4/15/2016 at 8:24 PM, Spell Counter King said: Grim: You figure that out, just something serious. Let me guess...Pignacious? If not, please actually clarify. I need to know to make sure you're oriented. Also, please follow the topic in order to receive updates on the club activities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mr. waifu Posted April 15, 2016 Report Share Posted April 15, 2016 Pignacious is fine! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 15, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2016 On 4/15/2016 at 9:20 PM, Spell Counter King said: Pignacious is fine!, you did read the list of Grims, right? It's under resources. that's where you can find all of the Grims. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Cowardly Dog Posted April 16, 2016 Report Share Posted April 16, 2016 Since we haven't had a fixed template to follow when submitting our Grims, I will follow the example in the... Grimsdex? Grimopedia? =)) [spoiler=Speculius] Speculius (B) [Light/Demon] Lore: It is said that when a mirror is broken while being gazed at by someone, a piece of that person's soul will be torn out and bound to the broken pieces and corrupted becoming a Speculius. Description: It takes on the appearance of the soul it came from, however in place of its eyes are two hollow holes. However, upon physical contacts with a human being, numerous cracks would start to appear on its form, until finally this appearance too would shatter, and the sharp pieces would assemble themselves into a humanoid figure with limbs made out of sharp mirror blades. Being born from only a small piece of the soul, Speculius craves the feeling of "wholeness", and for such, is driven by the desire to reunite with the original soul: by devouring its flesh and blood. Unfortunately, because of its lack of sight, this Grim usually ends up attacking the wrong person, instead of its desired target. Known weakness(es):- Blindness impedes its precision in attacking.- Its appendages are made of glass, and thus, quite fragile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 16, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 1:04 PM, The Cowardly Dog said: Since we haven't had a fixed template to follow when submitting our Grims, I will follow the example in the... Grimsdex? Grimopedia? =)) [spoiler=Speculius] Speculius (B) [Light/Demon] Lore: It is said that when a mirror is broken while being gazed at by someone, a piece of that person's soul will be torn out and bound to the broken pieces and corrupted becoming a Speculius. Description: It takes on the appearance of the soul it came from, however in place of its eyes are two hollow holes. However, upon physical contacts with a human being, numerous cracks would start to appear on its form, until finally this appearance too would shatter, and the sharp pieces would assemble themselves into a humanoid figure with limbs made out of sharp mirror blades. Being born from only a small piece of the soul, Speculius craves the feeling of "wholeness", and for such, is driven by the desire to reunite with the original soul: by devouring its flesh and blood. Unfortunately, because of its lack of sight, this Grim usually ends up attacking the wrong person, instead of its desired target. Known weakness(es):- Blindness impedes its precision in attacking.- Its appendages are made of glass, and thus, quite fragile. Thanks for the submission! You've been added. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mr. waifu Posted April 16, 2016 Report Share Posted April 16, 2016 Doomenbloom will be my Grim! So what would you like me to do? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snatch Steal Posted April 16, 2016 Author Report Share Posted April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 3:12 PM, Spell Counter King said: Doomenbloom will be my Grim! So what would you like me to do? For starters, follow the topic. If you'd like to make a submission of your own Grim, you could try that as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mr. waifu Posted April 16, 2016 Report Share Posted April 16, 2016 K Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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