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How Political Correctness Limits the Free Exchange of Ideas on Campus (THE SAAD TRUTH_129)

Kirika Akatsuki

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gotta say, while the videos are good, they are a bit too long considering the average neccecary attention span on ycm. i'm used to these lengh videos, but sometimes people simply don't have enough time.


there was a petition to remove martin luther king quotes though? seriously?


and that one teacher was damn sad to hear, you can't even be blunt on some campuses because the students can get you fired. it screws up the learning experience because the people who can introduce them are too afraid of losing their jobs to actually go ahead and teach.


the 8-41 ratio was damn scary. and those alternate names were just adorable.



the kids who holed themselves up to make requests should have been kicked out. their demands (the ones listed) were stupid and should have been thrown out as soon as they were presented.


24:41 it's been said before, but those students deserve to be thrown out, universities aren't homes, they are educational facilities, you go there to learn, not to be safe. security might be a concern, but this was not about a security breach though, it was about some brat's feelings being more important than learning.


34:00, if those things trigger you, then you should not be in college. college is preparation to advance in life, life is frustrating. a discussion about how life works is about 


the fact that his colleagues are afraid to speak out for fear of losing their jobs is just saddening though.

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I agree with most of what he said and a lot of it is very eye-opening.


The one thing I have a slight problem with is the point about the ratios of democrats to republicans in certain departments. While being exposed to alternate viewpoints is important, you can't do it by artificially balancing the quantities of people who hold each view. You'd end up having to hire people simply because they hold a certain view, which is positive discrimination. It should ultimately be the responsibility of the teachers, regardless of their viewpoints, to make students aware of the existence alternative ideas.

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I agree with most of what he said and a lot of it is very eye-opening.


The one thing I have a slight problem with is the point about the ratios of democrats to republicans in certain departments. While being exposed to alternate viewpoints is important, you can't do it by artificially balancing the quantities of people who hold each view. You'd end up having to hire people simply because they hold a certain view, which is positive discrimination. It should ultimately be the responsibility of the teachers, regardless of their viewpoints, to make students aware of the existence alternative ideas.

i think what he means is that the hiring process weeds out republicans. if that's not what he means then i agree with you, but his other point kind of handles the opposing viewpoints as well. the teachers being afraid to teach because the students can get them fired makes it hard to have either republicans or democrats teach alternate viewpoints.

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i think what he means is that the hiring process weeds out republicans. if that's not what he means then i agree with you, but his other point kind of handles the opposing viewpoints as well. the teachers being afraid to teach because the students can get them fired makes it hard to have either republicans or democrats teach alternate viewpoints.


The way I understood it was that because academics of a certain subject were more likely to be of a certain political viewpoint, the alternative political viewpoint is under-represented, sometimes massively. If they are just hiring democrats because they're not going to offend anyone with their alternative points of view, then that is also positive discrimination.


Of course, either way, the solution is to put a stop to the ridiculous political correctness and ridiculous attitudes of so many students, as is the topic in the video.

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Honestly though, PC only limits Freedom of Speech if you let it do so.


You can say "Illegal immigration is dangerous for America" on a campus. Will certain people ignore any facts you may have and jump on the Bigot train. Sure. But you really don't need to be "liked" by everyone. Provided there is merit in your argument, atleast someone will be on your side, and even if they aren't if you can justify your stance to yourself logically, it shouldn't matter.


PC hasn't limited FoS, it's shown the thin skinned, spineless nature of the my Generation. (On both sides: Both the people who embody PC and get triggered all the funking time, and the people that whine that they cannot express their views thanks to the PC bros)


Getting fired for something like that is grounds for litigation, and if it does happen with the faculty, the university SHOULD be sued.

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I have noted a suspicious trend. Speakers that have been invited to make a speech in our campus tend to usually come back a few semesters later. But the ones that don't tend to be conservative, like Steven Crowder for example. Being in a state that is really liberal does not help at all.

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when institutions change policy based upon what's politically correct, it further limits who they will and won't let on their campus. speaking bluntly can get you taken off of a lot of lists nowadays. one of the more recent examples being dawkins getting removed from a platform for sharing a single joke on twitter.

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Just on a side note, how'd he get banned?

alt account of a banned member, but here would be a bad time to bring it up in detail, as the resulting escalation would likely lead to a thread lock.


on topic, when your ideas/ideals let you treat speakers rudely, simply because their ideas/ideals don't match yours (santorum example) then your ideas/ ideals should likely be reevaluated.

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