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REMEMBER ME?!?!?!? No, but seriously I don't know what this is, but it looked pretty fun, so I feel like reviving this.

What is the YCMCS?  The YCMCS is a Konami-sanctioned YCM tournament in which people can test their dueling skills and to generally have a fun time. Think of it as a more casual YCS with the occasionaldickhead that runs PePe tier 1 deck.

What are the Rules? The rules are fairly simple, and there should be little to no issues concerning interpretation or clarity; everything is clear-cut.English text only, use Google Translate if you're Mexican.

[spoiler=The Rules]
- There is no entry fee.
- There are no deck restrictions. Play whatever you want, but be aware that people may hate you if you play Exodia, etc.
- Rounds will be played in matches (best of 3) on either DN or YGOPro/DevPro. If your opponent uses a different medium than you do (ex. DN vs YGOPro), you and your opponent must decide on the one to use.
- The tournament will be in Swiss format.To put it simply, in a Swiss format you face the majority of the contestants, but not all of them.
-There will be a top cut equal to the number of players, minus one, divided by 2 and rounded down to the nearest power of two (for example, 17 players will have a top 8, whereas 16 players will have a top 4).
-Winning gives you 3 points, losing gives you 0. If you get a draw, both players instantly win and the tournament ends. Draws should honestly not happen, but if they do, both players get 1 point. Those with themost points will be in the top cut.
- There will be 4 rounds of Swiss and a top cut.

- We will be playing using the April 2016 Limited and Forbidden List (http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/index.html) . This list has just been released from Konami and will take effect on April 11, 2016. This list will be used even if the tournament begins before it is official.
- The card pool allowed for the tournament will be all TCG cards including any cards from SHVI. If this is too confusing, a good rule of thumb is that any card available on Dueling Network that does not have a OCG or yellow mark is allowed. Prospective TCG cards such as Blue-Eyes support or TDIL will not be allowed for the purpose of decreasing confusion. If there is a conflict on whether a card is TCG or OCG (ex. Number 38 on DN vs YGOPro), DN's classification has supremacy.

- Provide your DN Username, YGOPro Username, and Devpro Username (whichever ones are applicable to you) in addition to any other information that will make it easier for opponents to contact you.Give us your phone number :P
- Deck lists must be sent in to me before the tournament begins. You may not make any changes to your deck once your decklist is sent in, at any point in the tournament.
​- You may also ask to be placed in a "competitive bracket" so that you can have a harder first round. I will still try to keep round #1 as balanced as possible, but asking additionally for this request will keep it in the front of my mind.

During the Tournament
- Rounds will last 4 days. If you need an extension then both members should PM me. If you believe your opponent is inactive, screenshot your scheduling PM and send it to me and I will make a decision. I have the final say on activity calls.

If you have any questions or complaints about the above, feel free to ask. The rules may change if/when I find grammatical errors or when a statement is not clear enough. Be sure to re-check the rules once every 2-3 days, or to use the changelog below for a quick tl;dr

Rules Changelog
4/7/2016 5:16PM EST -Added information on conflicts on card classifications (TCG or OCG) between the different mediums (DN vs YGOPro).
4/8/2016 9:37AM EST - Increased minimum limit from eight people to seventeen, extending the cut-off date and allowing more people to enter. Come on in people!
4/8/2016 9:42AM EST ​- Added information on deck restrictions; there are none.
4/8/2016 9:59AM EST - Added information on "competitive bracketing" -  if you want a harder first round, ask for it and I'll attempt to accommodate you.
Fixed the definition for a Swiss-system Tournament (previously it was that of a Round Robin Tournament) - You face the majority, not all, of the people.
​4/8/2016 10:18AM EST -  I got hit by ISIL and my thread's formatting went whack D:   most of the issues have been fixed, but you may see weird [span] or [div] tags, as well as spacing issues.

4/8/2016 12:30AM EST - New list from Konami was just announced; the February Adjusted List will be dropped in favor of this new list, even if we start before April 11.

4/19/2016 8:30PM EST - DN link with images for those that require one: http://www.duelingnetwork.com/?card_image_base=http://www.xtevenschannel.com/images/card-pics/

X   Enguin     TheGreatEnguin     Enguin     Enguin
X   Catman     Digbeak     DigBeak     N/A

X   Kaiji     lucker noob     urthor peaches malone     N/A
X   phil     iHop     N/A     N/A
X​   Spinny     LordOfOblivion     N/A     N/A
X   vla1ne     vlaine-batteryman-     N/A     N/A

X   Tyretian     Cap'n Bilge     N/A     N/A

X   The Taken King   arkflame   Hades_   Hades_

X    Speedroid   Macaroniwolf   Dendenden


Sir Dudley     luckysword12     The_Progenitor     The_Progenitor

Tsubasa Kazanari     GETTER EMPEROR     GETTER EMPEROR     N/A  Banned?

Giga     Chakra Trabant     N/A     N/A  Dropped.

Catterjune     Hatcher     Hatcher     Hatcher  Dropped.

jabber2033   jabber2033   jabber2033   jabber2033 Dropped.



[spoiler=Round 1]

Be sure to provide some form of evidence confirming win. If you want, you can also offer YDK files if on PROs.

jabber2033 vs phil

The Taken King vs Enguin

Speedroid vs Catman

Spinny vs Tyretian

VCR_Cat vs vla1ne

Kaiji has a bye






1 - Enguin (3 points)

2 - Catman (3 points)

3 - VCR_Cat (3 points)

4- Tyretian (3 points)

5 - phil (3 points)

6- Kaiji (3 points)

7 - The Taken King (0 points)

8 - Speedroid (0 points)

9 - Spinny (0 points)

10 - vla1ne (0 points)




[spoiler=Round 2]

Be sure to provide some form of evidence confirming win. If you want, you can also offer YDK files if on PROs.

Enguin vs VCR_Cat

Catman vs Tyretian

phil vs Spinny

Speedroid vs Kaiji

Vla1ne vs The Taken King






1 - Catman (6 points)

2 - phil (6 points)

3 - VCR_Cat (6 points)

4 - Kaiju (6 points)

5 - Tyretian (3 points)

6 - The Taken King (3 points)

7 - Enguin (3 points)

8 - vla1ne (0 points)

9 - Spinny (0 points)




[spoiler=Round 3]

Be sure to provide some form of evidence confirming win. If you want, you can also offer YDK files if on PROs.

Catman vs VCR_Cat

Tyretian vs The Taken King

Kaiji vs phil

vla1ne vs Spinny

Enguin has the bye





1 - Kaiji (9 points)

2 - Catman (9 points)

3 - Enguin (6 points)

4 - phil (6 points)

5 - The Taken King (6 points)

6 - VCR_Cat (6 points)

7 - Tyretian (3 points)

8 - vla1ne (3 points)




[spoiler=Round 4]

Be sure to provide some form of evidence confirming win. If you want, you can also offer YDK files if on PROs.

Kaiji vs Catman

Enguin vs phil

The Taken King vs VCR_Cat

Tyretian vs vla1ne





1 - Catman

2 - Kaiji

3 - Enguin

4 - VCR_Cat




[spoiler=Top Cut]



vs  --------------------




vs ---------------------





Now then, who feels like entering? Oh, and you get a rep for entering.

Tournament starts on 4/14 or two days after at least eight fourteen people enter.


Update 4/13: Tournament is now closed to further admission. You will have 1-2 3-4 days at most to submit decklists. You will have an X before your name if you have turned it in.

Update 4/18: Tournament will now begin. Rounds will be posted within the next 2 hours, and you will have today as well as the standard 4 days. Good luck!

Update 4/24: Round 2 has been posted! You will have until 4/28. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Update 4/30: Round 3 has been posted! You have until 5/4. Good luck!

Update 5/7: Round 4 has been posted! You have until 5/11. Good luck!

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I'd be willing to collect decklists, so that you could play, or help host.


I would join, but I got rather disenchanted with BOSH/SHVI YGO.


I feel like sitting on the sidelines for this one, considering the only decks I'm willing to play are either.


a) Dracopals -*shot*

b) Madolche (Brick.dek)

c) Kozmo -*shot*

d) Atlantean (toometa4this)


....and because I need to take a backseat to technical play and actually focus on card theory and rulings.


I most likely won't need any help in collecting decklists, but if anything comes up I'll let you know and see if you're interested.




Everybody above has been registered. Quick reminder to send deck lists in (via PM), since people do forget at around this point in time.

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​Added some information on competitive bracketing requests. In a Swiss Tournament, you may or may not face every other person, so the first round is critical in determining who you face in the later rounds. If you feel as though you are more competitive and/or are running a higher-tier deck than everyone else, you can ask to be placed in a "competitive bracket", which will put you under more consideration for having harder first-round matches.

​tl;dr - Ask for a harder first-round and I'll give you it.

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Lol idk if I'd request to be seeded higher, but are we going try hard for this or what


​If people feel like they're up for it, then it's an option they can take.

​This isn't an overly competitive tournament, that option's just for those that want that extra difficulty. Overall it's going to be a laid-back tournament with a wide range of different decks (I hope), but that doesn't mean you can't play seriously.

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