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Snatch Steal

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Courtesy to Shalltear Bloodfallen for opening my eyes to this utterly insipid piece of garbage.


Before I post this, it's not targeted against Christian people, it is targeted against this particular production company



One day, when I was like, 13 or something, I went with my dad to the movies. He didn't tell me what we were going to see, and I was pretty darn afraid because of it. I saw a poster that said "God's Not Dead" and thought "Sure hope he isn't dragging me into that one," and my worst fears were realized.


The movie itself sucked ass. They stigmatized an atheist as an jabroni drunkard who was closed off to other opinions, disrespected his wife (really, guys?), and was only atheist because of his mom dying. He also ends up being the only character to die in the end. "Atheist?" They likely wondered. "Let's make him a PTSD-induced jabroni who is the only character we get to see die from getting hit by a car."

Not to mention, people isolated the main character for being Christian.

You know when this happens? NEVER!

They also threw Duck Dynasty into this cesspool, of which portrays a character who is openly against homosexuality (although not in the movie). Not to mention, these people are blatantly hicks, and I'm not sure how much I'd like to listen to them.


Also take into account the name "Pure Flix."

So you're telling me that blind evangelism is "Pure?" You're telling me that painting atheists as murderers, as bastards, as cynics, as horrible people in general, is "Pure?"


On the bright side, God's Not Dead 2 looks like a bit of a remedy, but...I'm Not Ashamed...





First off, how do you NOT cringe at the opening? It's like they made this in Powtoon or something.

Second, these kids are obviously freaks of nature/some satanic sheet. I don't have documentation of whatever event this is, so if anyone has that, it would be much appreciated.



Why would anyone in their right, non-supremacist mind, make this?


Help me understand




TL;DR: Pure Flix made God's Not Dead, which was a crap movie for several reasons, and while God's Not Dead 2 could be good, the original and another movie, I'm Not Ashamed, suck.

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Yeah... these movies are mostly self-reaffirming trash.  There's really nothing wrong with that, but it's really of no interest to anyone who isn't already fully on board with what the movie is stating.  


That being said...



 They stigmatized an atheist 

Okay?  Can you honestly say you've never seen movies stigmatize religious people in any negative light?  Because I can think of a fuckton.  


Also keep in mind that the movie is (very loosely) based on a true story.  There are plenty of jabroni atheist professors that do exist. 

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Choice in religion has nothing to do with whether or not you're an jabroni, the sheet you spew just happens to be different. That said, I've seen God's Not Dead and think it's horrid and these people are probably gonna use this to attempt to turn Columbine into some sort of propaganda because victim complex.

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Okay?  Can you honestly say you've never seen movies stigmatize religious people in any negative light?  Because I can think of a fuckton.  


Well yes, except Binding of Isaac isn't a movie, but kind of counts.


Also, that was the one particular atheist that existed in the plot. They didn't have good atheists or bad christians in the movie, it was good vs evil the whole time.


Then again, I haven't seen this movie since, what, 2013?

I also don't plan on re-watching it for the sake of this argument.

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