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If You Were Filthy Rich...

The Amazing Avian

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What would be the first thing you waste money on? Waste money as in buy something completely unnecessary just because you're filthy rich and can afford it.


My first (of likely many) would be a painting of myself and close friends in the style of the Reservoir Dogs poster and in addition, a set of detailed miniatures that look like us for each of us to keep, so for eventual gatherings we can place them in the base together to create the image.

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I probably would have no idea what to do with it and keep just what i need for my personal use. Put the rest of the money away, then hire someone much better than me at accounting :v

That sorta doesn't qualify as a waste of money though. Ignore any sense your mind is making and just think of the first stupid thing you'd spend on.
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Idk, there might be a few things I would do:


-Build a RL model of some of the original F-Zero courses and get some go-karts to race on them

-Build a real-size replica of a portion of one of my video game worlds

-Donate to charity

-Something else that's not completely stupid

-Any combination of the above

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Me? Well, first, I'd become president. Next, I'd call all the soldiers we sent over back home and call off whatever war America is in. Next... I would buy Capcom and get to work on Megaman 11, Megaman X9, Megaman Legends 3 and Mega Man Universe. Next I would buy Wikia and insert a rule that, according to my ears, English voice actors must be put in character information, even if they are no official sources. Next, I'd buy Namco Bandai and have them localize Tales of Phantasia with an English voice cast, and do the same thing for Tales of Rebirth, Tales of Innocence and hire an English Voice Cast for Tales of Hearts and Tales of Hearts R. Next I would try buying NIS AMerica and have them get an English Voice cast for an improved version of Criminal Girls Invite Only. Then I would travel the world, promote world peace, all that good stuff.

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buy all of my closest family and friends houses and pay of the first three years bills for all of them including heating, water, renovations, and miscellaneous expenses. then i'd start up my own hobby shop, where i'd eventually develop a way to make gundam build fighters a reality.

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