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Gitrog Vengevine

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I haven't tried it out, tbh. It reminds me of Esper Gifts and Grixis Goryo with Jace. It seems incredibly powerful, but it also could be only used for one measure. It feels more combo-ish, and less consistent. Unless you make a Self-Dredge Reanimator, which is better in Red/Blue, or Unburial Rites. 5 mana is a lot, but honestly, mana cost depends more on the matchup than the format and 5 is still pretty strong. I could fit in Unburial Rites here, as it is better anyways in this type of deck.

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That is something I haven't even considered. In any Loam variant, I think Gitrog Monster has a mainstay. The problem with Assault Loam is the lack of ability to grind if the pieces don't come together early enough, so it requires very specific timing and sequencing to work especially if you start with almost nothing. It used Lilana and the gang to try and play around this, and to some extent it works. I think that The Gitrog Monster would act as another piece that doesn't help it to come together early enough, but give it more ability to grind and time while utilizing most of the core of the combo-centric deck.

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