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2 Gem-Knight Lapis

1 Block Dragon

2 Tramid Master

1 Mathematician

3 Tramid Hunter

2 Giant Sentry of Stone

3 Block Golem

3 Tramid Dancer

1 Glow-Up Bulb


3 Terraforming

3 Brilliant Fusion

2 Tramid Fortress

3 Tramid Cruiser

2 Tramid King Golem

2 Chicken Game


2 Tramid Pulse

2 Release from Stone

2 Solemn Strike

1 Solemn Warning


2 Gem-Knight Zirconia

1 Giganticastle

1 Naturia Beast

1 Number 38: Hope Harbringer Dragon Titanic Galaxy

1 Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand

2 The Phantom Knights of Break Sword

1 Soul of Silvermountain

2 Leviair the Sea Dragon

1 Meliae of the Trees

2 Gorgonic Guardian

1 Giant Soldier of Steel

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I didn't even think about brilliant fusion for zirconia to immediately set up Pulse/block drago-oh wait you're using Lapis. Is rank 3 really super important, or would it be more worth it to run Garnet instead to get R4nk with garnet and block golem, a total of level 8 from block dragon, or just a decent body from garnet?


Also have you thought about release from stone as a DDR of sorts?

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instead of gem-knight + brilliant, why dont you try koaki meiru variant? (golem and the overload) and you can summon them easily thx to ties of brethren (using master + ties for example).

also no need to worry about ties of brethren restriction (well okay slow you down a bit) but most of the time tramid eff involve around opponent's turn so yes.


chicken game is a MUST imo . . .


so what i mean is:

> take out gem knight and brilliant, change them into koaki meiru and ties of brethren

> also a space for chicken game (dunno what to take out)


well thats my version of tramid (and pretty good so far), not sure about that burial there

as for the rest is same

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I'm looking to see what I can come up with regarding Tramids myself. Personally, I don't think you need to run 3 Fortress/King Golem field spells. Cruiser is the one you wanna get to early, so I'd keep that at 3, but since you have decent recyclability, I wouldn't think you'd need 3 each of the others (also considering you aren't running Sphinx).


I second Bringer's suggestion of Release From Stone. It's a nice play extender that really didn't have much use before.


I also have a question, why 2 Giant Sentry?

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I didn't even think about brilliant fusion for zirconia to immediately set up Pulse/block drago-oh wait you're using Lapis. Is rank 3 really super important, or would it be more worth it to run Garnet instead to get R4nk with garnet and block golem, a total of level 8 from block dragon, or just a decent body from garnet?


Also have you thought about release from stone as a DDR of sorts?


Garnet is a Pyro. Lapis is Rock. So I'm went with Lapis. I originally had Release From Stone in, but I thought people would tell me to drop it because it's too slow.



instead of gem-knight + brilliant, why dont you try koaki meiru variant? (golem and the overload) and you can summon them easily thx to ties of brethren (using master + ties for example).

also no need to worry about ties of brethren restriction (well okay slow you down a bit) but most of the time tramid eff involve around opponent's turn so yes.


chicken game is a MUST imo . . .


so what i mean is:

> take out gem knight and brilliant, change them into koaki meiru and ties of brethren

> also a space for chicken game (dunno what to take out)


well thats my version of tramid (and pretty good so far), not sure about that burial there

as for the rest is same


That's a completely different deck. I don't know if I want to put Chicken Game in, mostly because of space.



I'm looking to see what I can come up with regarding Tramids myself. Personally, I don't think you need to run 3 Fortress/King Golem field spells. Cruiser is the one you wanna get to early, so I'd keep that at 3, but since you have decent recyclability, I wouldn't think you'd need 3 each of the others (also considering you aren't running Sphinx).


I second Bringer's suggestion of Release From Stone. It's a nice play extender that really didn't have much use before.


I also have a question, why 2 Giant Sentry?


Giant Sentry of Stone let's me go into Rank 3s easily. 3 is too much because it's once per turn, and drawing it sucks. 1 means I have to be careful about banishing it for Block Dragon or Tramid Pulse.

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