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Digimon: The Dark Continent [OOC/Started/Not Accepting]

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Dark times have come to the Digital World, and black clouds have begun to circle the Continent of Gateway, the portal to the Server Tree Yggdrasil. Day by day Digimon live in fear of the darkness that has consumed so many, with all who have fallen proclaiming that "The Dark Saviour is here". Concerned for the growing threat, a celestial being, known only as "The Record Keeper" moves to save the world, by of course calling in humans to solve the problem. It's worked in the past, it should work now. Granted, it would have helped if he had maybe planned ahead, since, fate of the world and all, it doesn't help to be sporadic. Ah well, they're humans, they should be fine on their own, just so long as they don't end up somewhere else by complete accident, like the Load Islands. That, that would be a bit of a boner. Eh, they'll be fine. END PROTOCOL....
This first arc will take place on the island chain known as Load Islands, which consist of several small islands, as well as the four larger islands where the vast majority of the island Digimon live. Everyone will start separated on the smallest island (Nanobit Island), and will have to group up as well as find a partner Digimon as well. From there, they will have to get used to their roles as well as working together to not die. Have fun~!

[spoiler=DA RURUS!]
Typical RP rurus apply, so no god modding, all the stuff that is basically common sense. This is meant to be fun and goofy, and a bit of a callback to all that Digimon Adventure nostalgia cheese we just love so much. But of course, some standards need to be kept.
1. No god modding (yes, this needs to be said twice).
2. Maximum of one character per person. (Just a formality to ensure that things don't get gear grinded by one person with two characters dropping out.)
3. I'll pm you whenever I feel it right for your Digimon to ascend to the next level.

4. As far as Partners go, you might wanna shy away from the traditionally evil ones (eg DemiDevimon or Keramon).

5. I'll think of others

[spoiler=The Flipside Digivice]
Designed as a small handheld terminal (think a 3DS), the Flipside Digivice possesses a hinge that allows the user to open and close the device, allowing it to be more easily compressed for safe travel. This Digivice possesses dual-screens; one that is completely useless, and the other keeps track of the health and well-being of a Digimon bonded with the device. There is one screen per each component of the Digivice. There are two slots found on either side of the useless upper screen, but nothing really to insert into them yet. Flipside Digivices come with inbuilt clocks, and also a spotlight if necessary. They do not requiring charging or having their batteries replaced, and cannot be found in toy stores, so don't bother looking. They may or may not possess the ability to purge evil.


[spoiler=Human App]

[b][u][i]Age:[/i][/u][/b] (12-16 range)
[b][u][i]Apperance:[/i][/u][/b] (Either an image (in spoilers), or a detailed description in words)
[b][u][i]Biography:[/i][/u][/b] (Don't need a novel, just a paragraph of 5+ lines. Do note that you will be from Japan, as every relevant Digidestined is from Japan.)
[b][u][i]Personality:[/i][/u][/b] (About a total of 6+ lines will suffice.)
[b][u][i]Digivice Color:[/i][/u][/b] 
[b][u][i]Digimon Partner:[/i][/u][/b] 
[b][u][i]Miscellaneous Information:[/i][/u][/b] 


[spoiler=Digimon App]

[b][u][i]Digimon Name:[/i][/u][/b] 
[b][u][i]Apperance:[/i][/u][/b] (Either an image (in spoilers), or a detailed description in words if custom.)
[b][u][i]Biography:[/i][/u][/b] (Just 2+ lines to tell what the Digimon was up to before their partner falls into their life.)
[b][u][i]Personality:[/i][/u][/b] (About a total of 3+ lines will suffice.)
[b][u][i]Human Partner:[/i][/u][/b] 
[b][u][i]Digivolution line:[/i][/u][/b] (From Rookie/Child to Champion/Adult only, but you can also include Fresh/Baby 1 and In-Training/Baby 2)

[b][u][i]Miscellaneous Information:[/i][/u][/b] 


Kiero Tachikaze - Me

Kosuke Yukimura - Chaos Sonic

Rui Tachibana - Neo New Faytality

Ishida Shiro - Mr. Hyde

Rio Magaki - Kōsuke Ueki

Taras Lytvyn - Zaibatsu

Teiljo Matsubara - Admiral_Stalfos19

Rigor Koshō - Kazo


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[spoiler=The Resident Gogglehead]LKpY6LY.jpg

"You can just call me Tara, if that's easier. Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Name: Taras Lytvyn

Gender: Male

Age: 15



[spoiler=Personality]At first glance, Taras appears to be a wallflower. He's quiet and soft spoken, and usually prefers to be alone rather than in the company of other people. Taras can often be found staring off into space, and as a result can be oblivious to what is going on around him. In actuality though, he really isn't that shy. Blessed with a sharp mind and a dry wit, Taras is something of an intellectual. He's constantly thinking as opposed spending his time interacting with others, keeping his opinions and his ideas to himself until he is absolutely sure of their soundness and satisfied with his ability to convey them properly. In other words, he's perfectly capable and willing to interact with people, but in practice his careful, regimented thought process often puts him on the social periphery by default. This is bit of a shame, as Taras is often capable of witty humor, helpful insight, or simply a good plan of action, he just tends to be the last person to voice his opinion.


Taras is an idealist, and possesses several rather romanticized views on humanity, social conduct, and other subjects. Though these beliefs are mostly secular moral views of one kind or another (be kind, be charitable, defend the weak, etc.), Taras often holds both himself and others to an unrealistic standard based on them. In short he can be harsh and overly judgemental toward those who conflict with or don't live up to his ideals. However, being both polite and rather quiet, Taras keeps his judgements of others to himself most of the time. In short, he's much more of a dreamer than a man of action; coming up with grandiose ideas and imagining bettering the world with his ideas, but often being too meek to act upon it.


All of the above being said, Taras is still a fifteen year old boy. He's prone to mood swings, is interested in girls, and still enjoys many of the juvenile diversions other boys his age do. His strong morals have also made him a very kind (if not always understanding) person. He'll often step in to help someone without being asked, or break his usual silence to talk to someone about a personal problem if he thinks he can help. Taras especially enjoys things that exercise his mind: strategy games, riddles, and puzzles, among others.


[spoiler=Biography]Taras was born and raised in a suburb on the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine, where he spent the first ten years of his life. By all accounts, this period in his childhood was normal. Shortly before his eleventh birthday, his father accepted a position in Tokyo and moved his family there. Though his father's family was of Japanese descent and he had some exposure tot h culture, Taras had a good deal of trouble fitting in as children who move often do. He was often teased or ostracized, though his manners and kind disposition made him a favorite with many of his teachers. Eventually, he managed to make a few friends, and has at last managed to carve himself a niche of sorts in high school. He still isn't very sociable, but he has a small group of close friends, and has a leadership position in his school's chess club. Recently he's taken up an interest in literature, and spends a good amount of his time reading novels both classical and contemporary.


Digivice Color: Chalk White and Blue-Silver

Digimon Partner: Kuvyk (Gumdramon)

[spoiler=Misc. Info]

  • He's almost always wearing a rather toasty Russian-made felt hat, as well as a pair of aviator goggles, both of which were given to him by his late grandfather, who was a pilot in the Soviet Air Force.
  • He wants to be a History teacher when he grows up.
  • Taras affectionately refers to his partner as "Kuvyk", which is Ukranian for "Screech Owl" as well as "Idiot".
  • Taras is an excellent chess player.
  • He can solve a Rubik's cube in under 15 seconds.
  • Taras is part Japanese, though he has only just recently moved to Japan.
  • Taras is Fluent in English, Ukrainian, Russian, and Japanese.
  • He tends to go by "Tara" (or "Taro", if he wants to use an actual Japanese name) to avoid people pronouncing his name "Tarasu".



[spoiler=The "Screech Owl" ]Digimon Name: Gumdramon "Kuvyk"

Gender: Male


[spoiler=Biography]Gumdramon has lived on Nanobit island since before he can remember. Longer than most, in fact, as many digimon leave the island after hitting the Rookie level. Gumdramon has elected to stay awhile longer, and often hangs around younger in-training digimon. He claims he's there to protect them, though this is mostly bravado. Really, he's there because he enjoys the attention.

[spoiler=Personality] Gumdramon is in a phrase, full of hot air. He talks big and he acts big, but when push comes to shove he's actually quite averse to standing up for himself. Truth be told, a lot of things frighten him, though he'll never, ever, ever admit that to anyone. Ever. He's loud, obnoxious, and not all that bright, preferring to hit problems with his tail hammer instead of actually solving them. He doesn't shut up when he needs to, and is quick to anger (though he's even quicker to cool off and forgive). Though he's extremely annoying and hyperactive, Gumdramon is good at heart. Taras's ideals inspire him to try to better himself in his own Gumdramon sort of way, and one day, he truely does want to be a hero like the digimon in the stores he heard growing up.


Human Partner: "Taramon!" (Taras Lytvyn)

Digivolution line: Ketomon-->Hopmon-->Gumdramon-->Strikedramon

[spoiler=Miscellaneous Information]

  • Under the mistaken impression that Taras is a digimon he's taken to calling him "Taramon". Despite being told several times that Taras is not a digimon, he continues to use the nickname.
  • The Kinkoji on his tail holds his amazing strength in check, or so he says.
  • Gumdramon loves folktales and legends, especially those concerning great heroes of old such as Imperialdramon Paladin Mode.


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[spoiler=Kosuke Yukimura - The Not So Courageous Digidestined]



"I-I can't. ...This is just t-too much..."




Name: Kosuke Yukimura (Lit. Yukimura Kosuke, 幸村 孝介)
Gender: Male
Age: 15





"...I-I just keep failing..."


Kosuke Yukimura was born outside of the Hokkaido region of Japan. He lived a very quiet live with his single mother and kept to himself, even rarely going out to play with the other kids his age. Instead, he preferred to enjoy the solace he found in the quietness he found when he was alone. This made him the black sheep of his town, the one most people avoided and made fun of...all the time.


As Kosuke grew up, he began to get bullied hard by the other kids, constantly getting in fights quite frequently. They picked on him and told him how weird he was for just keeping to himself and how much he was failing everything he did or put his mind to. They also played on the fact that he was "a failure like his father", to which Kosuke knew not who it was. This began to affect Kosuke's overall personality, making him skiddish and shy of new people and even afraid to fail.


And they were eventually right about Kosuke failing...


One friend did end up show up in his life, a young girl named Asuka Takeda. The two of them actually got along very well and Kosuke began to be pulled out of his little shell, mainly due to the fact that he did begin to like her. But he never got to truly admit his feelings to this young lady, due to his lack of courage. But finally he gained a slight bit of it to admit his feelings...


But she was gone. While out with her family, she was a victim of a fall that ended up taking her life. Kosuke was crushed, already knowing that he had failed yet again. He hid back in his shell and continues to wish that Asuka actually was still around, only long enough to admit his feelings for her.



Kosuke is what most people would consider a despondent wuss: very low self-confidence and fearful. He keeps his opinions and suggestions to himself, not wanting to end up failing anyone and in the end having any situation hurting those around him. Kosuke has atychiphobia (the fear of failure) and due to it, stays his actions or any actions because of this.


He hates being in any confrontations and gets very timid in the direction and way of any of the confrontations. It doesn't stop there, however. Kosuke has suffered from being abused and bullied by other kids and as such he constantly has bandages on him. From this, he has somewhat of a trust issue with people, always being fearful about people teasing him or beating him up.


Through all this, Kosuke does find solace and peace in being alone and in the quiet. To him, it just calms him down and keeps him from having any sort of panic attacks due to his overall timidness.





Digivice Color: Orange with flame streaks
Digimon Partner: Delos
Miscellaneous Information: 
Kosuke's Theme (Eng Version)
Japanese Seiyuu: Tetsuya Kakihara
English Voice Actor: Yuri Lowenthal

  • Kosuke's name can be translated into the following: Kosuke - Rising Sun, Yukimura - Snow Town/Village. However, the surname Yukimura is also a reference to the Japanese samurai "Sanada Yukimura".
  • There is also a small reference/joke to Kosuke's name and correlation to his Digimon partner. Rising sun and Apollo happens to be the Olympian god of the Sun.
  • Kosuke's voice actor choices are the same as that of young Simon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.



[spoiler=Delos - The Coronamon]



"C'mon Kosuke! Man up!"




Digimon Name: Delos
Gender: Male





"Now we're playin' with fire!!"


Delos, even before his naming, lived in a pride of the Apollomon line on a separate island than the one he finds himself currently on: Nanobit Island. The young rookie enjoyed his life before he was whisked away from his pack, just living it to the fullest.


However, in the end, a great storm happened offshore from the island. And with it, a MegaSeadramon appeared to cause further damage from it. Delos could see both friends and family fighting against it, but as for him, he got too close to the action. In the aftermath of the fight, Delos fell off a cliff and ended up whisked away by the tide...only to arrive upon Nanobit Island's beaches.



Delos, despite his small appearance, has a very fiery personality (no pun intended).


This Coronamon is optimistic and always wearing a smile on his face, no matter the situation. However, this smile could be either of happiness or the enjoyment of a fight. He is always ready to take action, even though he knows Kosuke won't. Delos is determined, nevertheless, to have his human partner break out of this shell he's in and show both a backbone and show some initiative (his hot-headed personality is a foil to that of Kosuke).


In battle, he loves to push the limits of his abilities. He can get cocky, especially if he's winning or has the upper hand. But even though he loves to fight, he won't fight at all unless something sets him off. One of these things being his friends being threatened.


However, in battle or out of it...Delos has a strange habit of making 'fire' puns.




Human Partner: Kosuke Yukimura

[spoiler=Digivolution line:]
Sunmon (Baby) -> Coronamon (Rookie) -> Firamon (Champion) -> Flaremon (Ultimate) -> Apollomon (Mega)

Miscellaneous Information:
Delos' Theme | Digivolve Theme | Battle Theme (Apollomon Version)


Japanese Seiyuu (Coronamon): Fumiko Inoue

Japanese Seiyuu (Firamon): N/A

Japanese Seiyuu (Flaremon): N/A

Japanese Seiyuu (Apollomon): Hideyuki Tanaka

English Voice Actor (Coronamon): Bryce Papenbrook

English Voice Actor (Firamon): N/A
English Voice Actor (Flaremon): N/A

English Voice Actor (Apollomon): Kirk Thornton



  • Delos' name actually is a reference to his both his overall appearance and his later on Digivolution: Apollomon. Delos - An island near Greece. This island was made the birthplace of the Olympian god Apollo. Also on this island is a land mark known as the "Terrace of Lions", which was dedicated to Apollo.
  • The list of voice actors and seiyuus that are listed for Delos and his Digivolutions are actually the official Digimon (Dubbed and Subbed) actors for the respectable Digimon, with the exceptions of Firamon and Flaremon which do not have a voice in either version of the show.


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Making an app for THIS, will post it here.




[spoiler=Rui Tachibana]



Name: Rui Tachibana


Gender: Female


Age: 14




Apperance: [spoiler=Image]





Small and slight, Rui stands at a meek four feet and ten inches. Her hair is long and brown, falling to just above her waist. Her eyes are brown and large, resting behind a pair of large, rectangular glasses.


Biography: Rui grew up in Yokohama, reading and keeping to herself an awful lot. She wasn't a very popular kid growing up, and she was actually picked on an awful lot due to both this and her small stature and shyness making her an easy target. Rui hated going to school, dreading the teasing and sometimes physical abuse she suffered there. Eventually it escalated to the point where Rui finally lashed out in anger, punching one of the boys who had been tormenting her in the face in front of most of the class. He ended up in the hospital from a head wound he received when he hit the ground. Rui was highly ashamed of herself, and how people might perceive her after this, and she since strived to avoid violence and anger whenever she could, convinced it was all her fault. She was eleven years old when this took place. Since then she has tried to put that day behind her, trying to be kinder to people and distance herself from that image.


Personality: Rui is a very kind individual, some would say overly so. She cares a lot about what people think about her, even strangers, and is stressed very often about how she is perceived. The incident where she hurt someone is something she always assumes people will associate her with, despite her non-threatening appearance and cheerful demeanor. She always strives to listen and be a friend to those in need. She hates and tries to avoid violence, positive that it isn't the answer to conflict. She loves reading and learning new things, being a very curious individual, though she has initial trouble with learning about people, being shy when getting to know somebody. She holds herself to high standards, both in attitude and in life, always struggling to be kind and diligent, especially in school. She is very slow to defend herself, so as to avoid lashing out, even when her anger will build up internally, she will try to avoid confrontation. Rui isn't very vocal, either, preferring instead to scrawl her feelings in her journal, which she always carries. She's deeply ashamed of some of the thoughts she has, as they aren't always the kindest, and she refuses to ever let anyone read her journal. When pressed too far, she gets very emotional, and tends to cry with frustration and sadness, usually running away to hide by herself.




Digivice Color: Lavender


Digimon Partner: Kudamon


Miscellaneous Information: Rui is not very athletic or good at overly physical tasks, and can easily get exhausted.









Digimon Name: Kudamon


Gender: Female










Biography: Kudamon has spent it's time largely fighting, striving to achieve Digivolution. She has developed an unsavory reputation among inhabitants of the island, other Rookies seeing her as a flight risk and likely to beat them up, while those Champion-level and higher see her as little more than an annoying pest. She has fought off other hostile Digimon, however, and so is seen by a few as a mean protector, as she usually refrains from fighting any Digimon she sees as weaker than her, which includes most of the noncombative Digimon on Nanobit Island.


Personality: Kudamon is a headstrong and aggressive Digimon, who loves the challenge of a good fight, even as a Rookie. She considers herself to be a powerful Digimon in the making, and she always seeks out ways to become a stronger and more well-versed combatant. She isn't very forward-thinking, preferring to fight on instinct, having a very "survival-of-the-fittest" type of mindset, also being very prone to rush into fights without thinking, even against some Champion-level Digimon. Pragmatic and one-track minded, Kudamon sees fighting and growing from it as a natural part of life, as a process to move forward and advance oneself. Very quick to instigate, Kudamon is unapologetic in the extreme, and often picks fights even with those who are peaceful towards her. She despises being demeaned to, and is easy to anger, being a standoffish Digimon in general. She considers herself too good to fight Digimon weaker than her, and often won't fight other Rookie-level Digimon unless they seriously irritate her (though that isn't exactly difficult).




Human Partner: Rui Tachibana


Digivolution line:

[spoiler=Kudamon (Rookie):]





[spoiler=Reppamon (Champion):]






Miscellaneous Information:





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Interest checked 'cause let's shoot the other foot
[spoiler=Teiljo Matsubara, the DigiDestined of Faith]


"We may go through thick and thin, but we'll all save the Digital World together. Isn't that right, Cinder?"

"Hmmmm.... yeah, nah, I'm going to bed"

Human Information
Name: Teiljo Matsubara

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Digivice Color: Brown and Yellow

Digimon Partner: Cinder

[spoiler=Appearance:]Being more the size of a full-grown woman over a full-grown man, Teiljo stands at 165cm, (5' 5"), and weighs 58kg (128lbs). To be fair though, he's not far off from what he should be at considering he's only 15 years old, and he still shows signs of growing taller if only ever so slightly. 



[spoiler=Personality:]As per what the fine lady ordered, Teiljo is a handsome young man. He keeps up his appearances and hygiene and all that palaver, is fashionable, albeit not to a degree that would bust his wallet, and certainly isn't afraid to show a softer, more feminine side to him. Of course, this goes deeper than just looks as well; as Teiljo is also passionate, charismatic, well-mannered, cares for his friends and family, is happy to go out of his way to help those in need and he's an overall nice person to be around. All in all, if there was ever a dream boy that a girl could physically meet and actually try their hand at romance with rather than just drool over a poster of that may or may not be on a random wall in her room, that so-called "dream boy" would in fact be Teiljo approximately 75% of the time. Unfortunately, every single person has their own Achilles Heel that must be lived with... either that, or they're merely a figment of one's imagination. And Teiljo is far from an exception.


Interestingly, Teiljo has slight difficulties with romance, and not for a reason that would be expected either. A lot of this is because to be honest, Teiljo is gay. However, the problem isn't so much that he's gay to begin with; rather, it's the fact that he's yet to fess this up. Teiljo has held back a lot of information about himself, and dislikes opening up because he knows for a fact that with every detail he lets slip, there's always the risk of an opinion of him being changed wildly... and for the worse as well. Speaking of opinions, Teiljo will take any and all critism that one has to say about him, even if it feels unnecesarily harsh and mean-spirited. That doesn't mean to say that his feelings won't be hurt, but he realizes that a big part of learning to become a better person is learning to take critism well.


The desire to hear one's opinion about him is just one of many things that differentiate Teiljo from his Digimon partner Cinder, who couldn't give any less of a rat's ass about the subject in question and would rather people just shut the hell up. The two have such a vast contrast to each other; in truth, the only thing they share in common is that they don't take like standoffish beings, but even then, Teiljo takes it one step further in disliking to be standoffish himself. For that reason Teiljo often wonders whether or not he and Cinder will truly get along. This is a concern for Teiljo specifically since he'll more than likely be stuck with Cinder himself than with any of the DigiDestined... as little as he'd like to be seperated from two of them in particular. Nonetheless, these are the cards that Teiljo had been dealt, and now he has a Digital World to save, and make his way out of should he wish to see his family again. It's a mission that Teiljo has dedicated himself to see through to the very end.

[spoiler=Biography:]Teiljo Matsubara came from a wealthy family. He had a mother, a father, a younger sister and an older brother named Yoshihisa, the former two of which held very successful careers. Nothing of note had happened to Teiljo until he first entered junior high, where Yoshihisa introduced him to two different girls that he had spotted and thought would be nice. The first went by the name of Shiro Ishida, who had the unfortunate birth defect in which her right arm had not grown properly but made the most of it via trying out a whole mess of sports. For a first "date" of sorts, the meeting between Teiljo and Shiro didn't go horribly wrong for the former's surprise, but something was... missing, that prevented any spark from being flared between the two. It wasn't until a few months later that Yoshihisa found another girl by the name of Rui Tachibana and guided her towards Teiljo's direction. They seemed to get along for the moment, but still no spark. It seemed as though Teiljo wasn't ready for this whole dating, and was still confused about his sexuality during both meetings. Of course, this was before he discovered that he was gay.


Sure enough, high school had started for Teiljo, and Yoshihisa had tried to hook his younger brother with yet another cute looking girl when Teiljo finally confessed to being gay, which took Yoshihisa by surprise. He'd dropped the subject immediately, but later as they came home, Teiljo overheard Yoshihisa conversing the possibility of Teiljo being gay with their father, who remarked that he hoped that wasn't the case. Teiljo was disheartened by what he'd overhearded, and decided it'd be wise to be more reserved from that point on and move on with his life. He managed to maintain his parents' expectations as far as his grades went, and even managed to particpate in the school play titled "The Moon Princess". Here, Teiljo was to play as Prince Otomo, and he noted that Shiro had joined and played as one of the moon guardians. And the play was set to be cast in front of an audience the next afternoon. This was a scene to look forward to...

Digimon Information
Name: Cinder

Species: FanBeemon

Gender: Male

Type: Insect

Attribute: Virus

Family: Wind Guardians

Human Partner: Teiljo Matsubara



"...what, you expecting me to look all different and stuff? Well screw you too."

[spoiler=Personality:]If there was one word in the English that would not fit into Cinder's personality no matter how hard one tried, it would be the word "enthusiastic". In all honesty, Cinder can rarely be bothered with much of anything, and the first thing he'll ask when someone makes a request is what's in it for him. Cinder even dislikes giving his opinion on anything that he's asked an opinion for, as even something that mundane takes effort in all technicality; and that, he believes, is better spent on something a bit more meaningful like... oh he doesn't know, survival. However, even though he'll take the path of least resistance the vast majority of the time, he'll expel all the effort that he has to on something specific that he ultimately wants to achieve, regardless of whether he proves to be competent in his attempts. And he'll take pride in even the simplest of accomplishments. It should be noted that demands don't work on Cinder at all, and he'll literally try to duct tape the mouths of those who make one too many... or those that talk too much in general. He does not like to listen to people jabroni and moan about their problems, especially if they involve him of all beings.


All that said, Cinder is not completely heartless. He can be persuaded into doing the noble thing for the sake of being nice. And unlike what would be the case for most Digimon of the Virus attribute, there is no automatic sense that the "so-called noble thing" is just a facade. He cares about people he likes. Well, at least enough so that he'll take their wishes as well as his own into consideration. Sometimes. And if no-one else, he'll most certainly listen to Teiljo. There are times, however, that Cinder will undoubtedly question even Teiljo's judgement. But he'll obey anyway if he gets what he wants out of it, and if it doesn't seem all that hard.

[spoiler=Biography:]While he was just an unnamed FanBeemon, Cinder was once a part of a hive of the things. He got kicked out for being too lazy and unproductive in general, though he'd have left anyway if it were up to him, so he wasn't too concerned. In any case, Cinder would go on relatively undeterred when all of a sudden he found a guy by the name of Teiljo Matsubara. They lived happily ever after or some sheet like that and... these things have been my mortal enemy for the seven years that I've been RPing now and I just... I cannot and could not make a decent one to save my life. So what I'm gonna do, is I'ma go home, and never think about this again. Thank you.

[spoiler=Digivolutionary Line]Pupumon --> Puroromon --> FanBeemon --> Waspmon --> ??? --> ???




See what I did there? Huh? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya?

Miscellaneous Information
Main Theme Song: Not Gonna Die, by Skillet

Battle Theme Song: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel OST: The Glint of Cold Steel

Ideal Voice Actors for Teiljo: Spike Spencer (En)/Megumi Ogata (Jp)

Ideal Voice Actors for FanBeemon: Lindsay Seidel (En)/Mai Fuchigami (Jp)

Ideal Voice Actors for Waspmon: Kyle Hebert (En)/Koji Tsujitani (Jp)



Am interested, but know nothing about Digimon. Is that going to be a problem?

From my experience, it probably is. I recommend you read through the wikia at the very least, which you can find here.

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Definitely interested. Will post an app sometime in the future.


Also, Tsumugi, you can use custom Digimon. If you are feeling a bit lazy on making your own Digimon, check out neoarchangemon on DeviantArt. He has a lot of custom Digimon (most of them being Megas and the like), as well as ones that are part of its own evolution line. You should find a few Rookie and Champion Digimon amongst his collections. I plan to use one line from him myself. You're welcome.

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[spoiler=Ishida Shiro]





Name: Ishida Shiro
Gender: Female
Age: 15









When Shiro was born, her parents were shocked when they found out that Shiro's right arm hadn't developed entirely in the womb, and a stub was left where the forearm would usually continue.  Growing up, Shiro really couldn't complain all too much about how he was raised.  She grew up alone, with  a loving father and mother, who gave her everything she could have ever asked for, even though he didn't really ask for much in the first place.  Although, behind her father's eyes, she always felt that there was a sense of loathing behind them, as if Shiro wasn't good enough to carry on the family name...that she was too frail and weak.  


She knew that they had wanted a boy...they must've been so disappointed when they found out the news. In middle school, she tried out for a variety of sports, something to help her grow stronger, to be seen as a worthy daughter in her father's eyes.  She figured out soon enough that he wasn't cut out for any sport, besides track.  However, she stuck with it, and through hard work and dedication, he has earned quite a few awards.  




Growing up an only child, Shiro was spoiled beyond most kid's wild imaginations.  However, growing up alone, she always wished for a companion to play with all the toys she was gifted with.  She would ask friends at school if they wanted to play, if it weren't for her shy habits.  She hated that about herself, and wished that she was a more confident and outgoing person, but she is pretty much too quick to quit being that kind of person.  Even in her time doing sports, she was really never able to approach her fellow teammates, rather she would train and work hard all by himself.


Shiro tries to prove to others that she's not what she looks on the outside, even if those attempts blow up in her face.  She just wants to show others how hard she has worked to become better, from a distance of course.  However, she gets discouraged easily, usually from laughter behind her back, or people talking quietly around her.  Shiro has the tendency to jump to the conclusion that people are talking about her negatively.  She'll never call them out on it though...she'd just try to show the other people up.  


Even though she was born without an entire right arm, she tries her best with daily activities, such as doing her hair and dressing herself, even though her lazy clothing style makes it a little easier on her.  


Shiro's outer wall is a tough cookie to crack, and she's afraid people won't like her for who he is once they get to know him.  A paradoxical clumsy try-hard with one hand...who would like a person like that?


Digivice Color: Purple
Digimon Partner: Penmon
[spoiler=Miscellaneous Information:]

Japanese VA: Mikako Komatsu

Has participated in Track for 5 years.  3 first place medals.

Fear of bugs









Digimon Name: Penmon (Mango)
Gender: Male








Penmon has lived with a group of other Penmon since the day he bursted from his egg.  He was known as one of the most energetic of his hatching class, and is really popular among his group.  With the overlying threat of the darkness taking them away, Penmon stands against the thought of this being some sort of saviour, and wishes to have it dealt with asap. 




Penmon is the definition of hyper.  He is extremely energetic and very outgoing.  He loves to meet new people, and he loves fighting new people even more.  He loves being the center of attention as well, and will desperately try to hold on to any attention he may acquire.  Despite his size, Penmon think's that he's the toughest digimon on the island, even though he's never strayed far enough from the village to meet a real threat.  





Human Partner: Ishida Shiro

[spoiler=Digivolution Line]


Zosz8my.gif -> igmHOir.png -> ?? -> ??

Penmon -> Thunderbirdmon -> ?? -> ??







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[spoiler=Hot Peppers]


Name: Rigor Koshō
Gender: Male
Age: 15


[spoiler=Biography] Rigor is what many people call unlucky. His father abandoned his mother before he was born, being raised by an abusive babysitter as his mother went to college to try to provide a better life for her son, no one believing him when he told people, not even his own mother; being picked on and beaten up in school, never having many friends... most people would not want to switch lives with him. He found comfort in his art and writing, even when they were defaced by his peers.


His life was constantly shifting, as his mother kept across America for most of his childhood, before finally moving to Japan when he was even more alienated, having to learn a new language and deal with the fact he looked very foreign. This problem is compounded by his day-to-day brushes of bad luck and horrible sense of direction.


His luck slightly improved though, as he managed to make a single friend.  He can't even exactly remember how they met, but his life was on track to slight improvement when he met Rio Magaki. The two became friends over their shared love of art, and Rio inspired him to keep trying. He hopes to one day write his own manga, which is what he was working on before being transferred into a new world.


[spoiler=Personality] Many people would look at Rigor and think he is a man with a hot temper and fists of fury. This is actually not the case. He's a very quiet and shy guy, who constantly is afraid of what people think of him. He is a bit of a perfectionist, and thinks lowly of anything he does. He prefers not to speak unless spoke to or if it's important.

He sort of drifts through life, surviving everything life throws to him, like it's his final middle finger to a world that hates him. Most people would assume he is dumb, but he is actually an intelligent and observant person. He does suffer from an occasional burst of anger, although he hates every single time he does it and will beat himself up over it every time.
He's not one to hold a grudge, instead believing everything bad that has happened to him he deserved in some way, and when something good happens, he is baffled by it, unsure what he did to deserve something like that. He tries his best to be helpful, but screws up more often than not. He wishes to change, but feels trapped in his shortcomings. He doesn't believe in being honorable and will kick people when their down, seeing how life has done the same to him.



Digivice Color: Blue with red streaks.
Digimon Partner: Blackagumon
Miscellaneous Information: 
  • Has an art hobby.
  • Loves to read.
  • Plays a lot of video games.
  • His first name is a combination of the Rio Grande and Goronong peppers.
  • Has a horrible sense of direction, best shown when he once made it all the way to Sendai when trying to Hiroshima from Kyoto. 


[spoiler=In the Dark of the Night]

Digimon Name: Blackagumon
Gender: Male




[spoiler=Biography] Xicor hatched alone in the wilderness, and was born with a drive to become one of the most powerful Digimon alive. He has trained himself daily, fighting Digimon hoping to achieve Evolution. He has currently reached Rookie form, but wishes to ascend even further beyond. For now, he wanders the island looking for more challenges and a way to get stronger.

[spoiler=Personality] Xicor is a proud and confident Digimon, always believing that with a little preparation he can win any fight. He loves the thrill he gets in battle and relishes in every second. Despite this thrill, he is an honorable fighter, finding no joy in fighting weaker opponents or using underhanded tactics. He's not the most sociable of Digimon, but he's a hell of a lot of sociable than Rigor, so he often speaks for his partner.



Human Partner: Rigor Koshō
[spoiler=Digivolution line]

[spoiler=Dark Tyrannomon]mewhrp4.gif

Miscellaneous Information: 

  • Is nicknamed Xicor.



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Name: Rio Magaki

Gender: Male

Age: 16






Biography: Since Rio was very young, he was always fascinated with pictures and taking them. It was the equivalent of making your memories take a physical form that can be cherished. One day when he was deemed 'old enough' (aka 9 years old), Rio was given his own personal camera, albeit a basic one. For some time, he was always considered an odd kid due to his fascination. If anything, people were just aware of his presence, making different rumors about him that were most likely not true. Some assumed that his passion for photography was more of an obsession, and an unhealthy one at that. Soon enough, he began to make use of his talents for the better. When he turned 12, he decided he wanted to be a photographer, realizing his own skill in taking photos wasn't up to par with making lasting memories. It was to the point where as his talents grew, his popularity soon grew, to the point where his own mother decided to make a business out of it.


Personality: Rio has always been socially awkward to a certain extent. As the years went on, he would get better at talking to other people, but he still had a lot to learn. Either way, his fascination with taking pictures was his main priority in life. Being the odd kid in Kyoto for some time, he struggled finding friends. But that didn't mean he didn't have friends. It's just that he didn't have that many people who understood him. And by having a hard time expressing himself in a way that people could understand, he felt like the walls were slowly closing in around him. As a result, he couldn't debunk any rumors brought onto him, even if he wanted to. Only through his passion as a photographer did he used to feel safe, where the world wouldn't judge him and he could keep living life without a care in the world. As he grew older, he soon realized that he couldn't stay within his own comfort zone for long. It would eventually become cramped to the point where he needs to expand his own horizons. And making a photography business would be the start of that. With it, he could learn about other people, create memories that would expand his own comprehension of the world and feel more comfortable around others he would normally struggle to interact with. He hopes that through this, he can learn to open up more.


Digivice Color: Black/Gold (If I can only have one color, then Gold is fine)

Digimon Partner: Razomon (refer to Digimon app)

Miscellaneous Information: Rio carries a camera (that can develop its own photos on the fly) as well as a small photo binder with him at all times, mainly for the sake of creating memorabilia.






Digimon Name: Razomon

Gender: Male




If it isn't obvious, Razomon is the smaller of the two in this image and RipRazomon, his Champion form, is the bigger of the two.



Biography: Razomon has been alone for as long as he can remember. Afraid of being around others, he's been able to survive by avoiding confrontations with more powerful Digimon that would kill him given the opportunity. However, the moment he met Rio, as skeptical as he was about him, he felt drawn to him for one reason or another. A reason he would come to know of soon enough.

Personality: Razomon is someone who has been afraid to trust others for a long time. He has stuck by that mentality for so long that trusting others would be the equivalent of committing a sin and begging for repentance. Above everything else, he's afraid of being betrayed. The last thing he wants is to experience the pain of others turning their back on him. He would rather take care of himself and leave everyone else to their own devices without him ever getting involved. It's not that he doesn't care about anyone else. He's more worried about his own well-being above all else.


Human Partner: Rio Magaki

Digivolution line: Razomon(Rookie) --> RipRazomon(Champion)

Miscellaneous Information: Razomon has a scar on his chest. It looks as if something slashed at him once upon a time.



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Name: Akira Sensa


Gender: Male


Age: 16


Bio: N/A


Personality: N/A


Digivice Color: Black with a red, music note pattern


Digimon: Igniamon (custom)


Misc: N/A



Igniamon https://imgur.com/vOWtiwa


Name: Igniamon


Gender: Male


Bio: N/A


Personality: N/A


Partner: Akira Sensa


Digivolution: Igniamon -> Exigniamon https://imgur.com/9PsoDbG


Misc: N/A

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[spoiler=The "Hero" of Truth]



Name: Kiero Tachikaze


Gender: Male


Age: 15






"Yeah, lemme just stop you right there."



Biography: Kiero's life hasn't been much of ups and downs, and is your standard "smarter than you" smart aleck with a bit of a big mouth. Having always spoken his mind and never really tried to lie since he was child, he has earned a fair bit of ire from his less than subtle ways of speaking. Given how sharp his tongue was, people never tried to argue with him during school, and those he considered friends were remarkably good at tolerating his brutal honesty. Despite being a mouth, Kiero was a fairly bright person, and did pretty well in class, and has managed to score fairly well in a national maths competition. Other than that, there isn't too much to say about him beyond the fact that he's secretly a brony and may or may not collect stuffed animals. 


Personality: Kiero is about as blunt as a 2x4. A person who considers honesty a virtue, he is not one to try and soften the blow, and doesn't really try to screw around with them. He'll tell you how it is, sometimes with more detail than what is really demanded. He's not partial to people daydreaming either, and possesses great talent in bursting people's bubbles. He doesn't do it to be mean, he just sees little point in people clinging to silly little delusions all the time. He is the sort of person who would try his absolute best to explain "miracles" and why they happen. This sense of honesty is derived from his being pretty intelligent, and yet still not smart enough to understand concepts such as "subtlety" and "trying to spare people's feelings". Feelings need to be hurt sometimes, and people will get over it; that's what he believes in any case. It's a bit of a jackass philosophy, but it's one he's stuck with the entire time, and he's not about to drop it now. On the flipside, he does have a particular fondness for cute things, although he is pretty ashamed to admit it to anyone. His personal life is perhaps the only thing he would ever try to lie about.




Digivice Colour: Amber


Digimon Partner: Cutie Pie (CP for short)




[spoiler=The Most Precious Peach]



Digimon Name: Cutie Pie (CP for short)


Gender: Male




Appearance: Cutemon_b.jpg

"I will always try to help others when I can~kyu!"


Biography: Living a secluded life, CP enjoyed his life of solitude while also healing the sick and injured he discretely came across. He would use his small stature and agility to ensure no one ever saw him as he healed them up, then he would return to what he was doing prior. Because of the rare sightings of him across the Load Island, he earned the nickname of "The Pink Angel", who would descend upon the sick and the lame to give them a new chance at life. CP found that nickname pretty funny as he continued to help out without people even knowing his name.


Personality: Cutie Pie (not really their name, CP is just a bit of a troll) has lived a hermit-like life on the Load Islands. Day by day he wanders across each island, finding those in need and using his abilities to heal them without them even knowing he did it. He doesn't want to be thanked for his efforts, as he feels that his actions and knowing people are feeling much better and healthier (and going to live) is all the thanks he feels he really needs. He's a genuinely nice little bugger that tries to help between out when he can, but he can also be quite mischievous when he can.




Human Partner: Kiero Tachikaze


[spoiler=Digivolution line]


YukimiBotamon_b.jpgArrow-right.png Nyaromon.jpg Arrow-right.png Cutemon_b.jpgArrow-right.png Rabbitmon_b.jpg


SnowBotamon - > Nyaromon -> Cutemon -> Rabbitmon -> ??? -> ???





Due to a glitch, I'll just say that Chaos Sonic, Neo New Faytality, Mr. Hyde, and Kōsuke Ueki are accepted.

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