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[TCG] Ariadne Dracopal

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The Ariadne variant of the previous Dracopal build I posted somewhere on page 2. This is more oriented for going first, which is a 50/50 shot this format, so not as optimal as I would like, but Ariadne really does seal a lot of Game 1s  and you still have your Ignister plays when going second. Eccentrick is MVP for taking down backrow, and Draco engine is a lot better than what I thought it was.

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How's main decking CTH going for you, I feel like that's a gamble


It's not as big of a gamble as you may think. Most of the meta decks are composed of, surprisingly, LIGHT or DARK monsters. BA is obvious, Dracopal have Joker an other key cards to hit, Kozmo have their Normal Summon, Monarchs are primarily LIGHT and DARK.

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