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Yatagarasu ~ [Blackwings]

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Basically just go fast and make stuff then stack until you run out of plays.  I've been playing around with the numbers and tech options a bit over the past few days, and this is the most recent iteration and, in my opinion, the most solid.  And I must say, if nothing else the deck is fun as friggin hell.  At least 3 times now I've pulled the most ludicrous comeback plays out of my ass thanks to the fantastic synergy between Level Eater, Kunai, and the synchros.  However the deck is not without it's faults.  It can brick, and it can brick hard.  Pretty much every single thing in the deck revolves around getting at least 1 Whirlwind and going from there.  Otherwise everything becomes 2-3 card combos that don't net too much advantage.  Therefore I've chosen to forgo fancy tech options in the deck.  I decided to build it more like a standard Synchron Turbo variant, where defense is not a concern.  You simply win before they beat you.  Everything was more or less catered to that mentality, with the exception of the trap lineup.  There are some things that could be improved however.

  1. The numbers have been working out ok, but not ok enough.  Maybe it's the monster count?  But even so I can't think of what to cut besides the obvious choices (Such as Gofu, who has saved me just enough to the point of him being valid at 1, and if he isn't needed I can always just use him as an Allure target.  Plus 0 attack means you can search him with Whirlwind off literally any NS).  I think this might be the primary cause of the consistency issues, but I don't know what to replace to help alleviate said issues, and reducing the monster count could potentially cause harder bricks seeing how Blackwings NEED their key monsters.
  2. The extra deck is a bit of a mess, but all of it is more or less necessary for this synchro stacking madness.  I would like to find a way to squeeze in at least Castel, maybe Zerofyne, etc.
  3. Level Eater is literally one of the most powerful cards in this deck.  I can't stress that enough.  However besides Foolish, my only outlet to get it in the grave is either drawing it and discarding it with Coral Dragon, or wasting a valuable Normal Summon.  Ideas on how to set it up in the grave more consistently (ideally with a readily made synchro option or spell card) would cause this deck's power over several duels to level out considerably.

If you are still questioning how this all is designed to function, here are a couple duels with earlier versions of the deck I was testing that showcase what it's all about.



Thanks for any and all CnC.  I was never that into Blackwings but I really have come to like this new playstyle.

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3 Shura feels like too much, that sent to Graveyard aspect really hurts it. Have you considered Zephyros?


Also, why only 1 Kris?

3 Sura because the only card that can actually search Kunai is Pinaki, and he's not that great of a search off Whirlwing TBH due to his less than optimal ATK. Could take to 2 with no problem TBH, and that's what I had originally, but 3 is what it settled on in the end. What would be good in it's place?


I don't have nearly enough cards to bounce for Zeph to warrant running him. Most stuff either needs to be normal summoned or can only specialed OPT. The only cont spell is Whirlwind. Honestly he would just cause more bricking.


Only 1 Kris because he can only be specialed OPT, and Sura already searches everything Kris can off Whirlwind, with the exception of Sura herself of course. Could go to 2 I guess, but what should be taken out?

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3 Sura because the only card that can actually search Kunai is Pinaki, and he's not that great of a search off Whirlwing TBH due to his less than optimal ATK. Could take to 2 with no problem TBH, and that's what I had originally, but 3 is what it settled on in the end. What would be good in it's place?


I guess I don't understand why you need to search Kunai. All the low level tuners are far better at doing what they need to do. I say drop 1 Shura for 1 Kris, for reasons I'll detail below.


I don't have nearly enough cards to bounce for Zeph to warrant running him. Most stuff either needs to be normal summoned or can only specialed OPT. The only cont spell is Whirlwind. Honestly he would just cause more bricking.


fair point on Zeph, though tbf I only really used it with Gale anyway.


Only 1 Kris because he can only be specialed OPT, and Sura already searches everything Kris can off Whirlwind, with the exception of Sura herself of course. Could go to 2 I guess, but what should be taken out?


The point of Kris isn't necessarily to search it, but for it to do the searching off whirlwind. Kris is one of your best Normal Summons, since it has a good body, a good level and a pretty decent effect, as well as. There's a large enough difference between 1900 and 1800 that I honestly think it's worth the extra copy. I'd go for 2 of each if you want to run multiple Shura, but otherwise I'd even say drop one copy of Shura and that Sonic for a couple of Twin Twisters, or something that prevents you from losing your synchro plays to an errant strike or warning.

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Kunai allows you to make Quasar or the BW level 12 no mater the levels you have on board, which opens up universes. If you watch the showcase, you can see that in BOTH cases, Kunai was the main enabler.


Kunai + Level eater also = Sohaya, and since you need Level Eater to loop Sohaya in the first place, it becomes an ideal way to make it without wasting reasources. Then you just revive Kunai with the Sohaya you just summoned, or with Hawk Joe, and make Quasar. It's an easy as pie 2 card setup.


Level eater and Kunai are the stars of the show in this deck, and the rest is just an engine to expand the play.



I'll play around with the Kris / Shura numbers.

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