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Transformers Phoenix Force {Metalphosis Fire Kings}

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Hey, Broken here with an amusing deck idea involving the Metalphosis, who love popping stuff, and the Fire Kings, who love to be popped. Testing with the deck has proven pretty decent, and it's not hard at all for them to set up the Garunix Loop with this deck.


.:Main Deck:.

12x Current Main Deck Metalphosis monsters

2x Fire King Garunix

2x Fire King Yaksha

3x Fire King Barong


2x Onslaught of the Fire Kings

3x Supply Squad

2x Metalphosis Fusion

2x Twin Twister

3x Circle of the Fire Kings (Really amazing card for this deck)

2x Fire King's Island (Easily searched by Barong, but I wouldn't want more than 2 of it)


1x Jar of Avarice (My preference, can easily be replaced by a 3rd Island)

3x Metalphosis Combination 

2x Solemn Strike

1x Solemn Warning



.:Extra Deck:.

2x Metalphosis Cardinal

3x Metalphosis Orihulk (I run 3 since he can be used to make Rank 8s with Garunix, like Titanic Galaxy)

2x Metalphosis Adamante

1x Number 38

1x Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand

1x Fire Fist Tiger King

5x Generic Rank 4s



In testing, this deck is a little bricky, but it can pull off some fairly functional moves. I tested it in 3 games, and easily pulled off the Garunix Loop in all of them. The fusion side is honestly a little wonky, but the Metalphosis are amazing for triggering the Fire Kings, and Yaksha can pop set Metalphosis Fusions for a draw. Circle can also bring back any of the Fusions, which is always incredibly useful.


Useful interactions include:

*Using a Metalphosis monster to clear a Fire King from your field to set-up Onslaught.

*Using Yaksha to pop the Metalphosis backrow to search/draw.

*Using Island and the Metalphosis to set up the Garunix loop.




-3 Upstart

+3 Supply Squad

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