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[Mtg] Forever After

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3 Forgotten Creation

4 Ever After

4 Sidisi, Undead Vizier

3 Kozilek, the Great Distortion

4 Prized Amalgam

2 Stitchwing Skaab

1 Epiphany at the Drownyard

3 Pore over the Pages

4 Pieces of the Puzzle

1 Gurmag Drowner

3 Profaner of the Dead

3 Diregraf Colossus

25 lands


Can't be bothered with constructing a land base right now. Probably 4 tangoland, 4 handland, and like 2 drownyard temple because that sounds cute.


Deck is fairly simple, dig through your library till you hit either sidisi or ever after, if you have sidisi, search for ever after. Use ever after to reanimate sidisi and another guy (optimally Kozilek, who I'm kimda just assuming is the best reanimator target in standard), and exploit sidisi to search for the ever after that was just placed on the bottom of the deck. Cast ever after again the next turn, reviving another threat and sidisi, search ever after, ad nauseam.

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I'd reanimate Ulamog before Kozilek but that may just be due to my meta have a few W/x decks with destruction removal coupled with the fact he'll always survive a block.

The exile on attack doesn't actually matter, and kozilek's evasion coupled with occasionally giving me counters is sweet. Besides, aside from anguished unmaking and declaration, i can just reanimate him again.
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The exile on attack doesn't actually matter, and kozilek's evasion coupled with occasionally giving me counters is sweet. Besides, aside from anguished unmaking and declaration, i can just reanimate him again.

Notice I didn't mention the exile on attack bit. But good bringing up Unmaking and Declaration, with those around might as well play the bigger one, good point.

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