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Audition for a future comic


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Folks since I will be gone this will last until August 17th which should give you enough time.


How to fill in the requirements:

Step 1)


Hair Color(s):

Hair Style:

Hair Length:

Eye Color(s):

Extra Clothing:

Extra Clothing Color(s):

Normal Upper Half Clothing:

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s):

Normal Lower Half Clothing:

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s):


Shoe Color:

Signature Card:

Signature Thing About Character:

Catch Phrase:

Deck Title:

Skin Color:


Special Thing About What The Character Does:




Duel Spirit(s) "Optional":

Background Story "Optional": (If you want to keep it a secret PM me if you don't want others to know)


Step 2) "Optional"

A piece of artwork that goes with your character


Step 3)

PM me a deck list/recipe of your character's deck (can be fake cards, cant be written)


Have fun folks and also no rush since well till Aug 17 is the due date.


As for title and background where the characters duel, I still thinking on that.




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Hair Color(s):Brown

Hair Style:see on the pic

Hair Length: little long

Eye Color(s):brown

Extra Clothing:none

Extra Clothing Color(s):none

Normal Upper Half Clothing:Black T-Shirt with a Skull on It

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s):Black

Normal Lower Half Clothing:Ripped Jeens with Chains

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s):jeens

Shoes: Basketball Shoes

Shoe Color: Black

Signature Card:Oppressor Redux Master Mech


Signature Thing About Character:Please Explain

Catch Phrase: "Don't Trust Anybody"

Deck Title:Chronicles Of Science

Skin Color: Cocasian


Special Thing About What The Character Does: Please Explain

Likes:Mech,Machines,Cars,Technology,mutants and Monsters.

Dislikes:GEEKS,Happy Stuff and loosers

Personality: Doesent Talk Much.Hates everybody.Not a friendly person.

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": Please Explain

Background Story "Optional": His family died and thats why he hates everybody.


Character Pic:




Deck:It is still not finished but i will not be able to do it on june cause im going to camp for a whole month but since this will start august 17 i will be able to finish it cause i come back from camp on 1 august.Here is the link to the unfinished : http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=4189

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Okay on the "Signature Thing About The Character" I mean like is their a special thing that lets the character stand out like for instance mine wears a kitsune mask thats tied to a loop on his pants.


Like from the anime/manga where like Chazz has the 3 ojamas or Jaden has winged kuriboh but your not forced to pick a monster thats in your deck that well is sort of a guide (can be a complete joke of a monster in your deck for all I care)

better yet since I did make this earlier:


She is my characters duel spirit which has the card:


If your wondering on background that would be from the card Oni Tower:


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Step 1)

Name: Arashi Teikiatsu (dub name: William Nimbus)

Hair Color(s): Dark Brown

Hair Style: Always has a windblown effect, period.

Hair Length: Short, but long enough to blow.

Eye Color(s): Dark Blue

Extra Clothing: Wears a dark blue unbuttoned jacket, with the sleeves riped off. It almost looks more like a vest

Extra Clothing Color(s): Dark Blue, with a tornado ont eh back in gray.

Normal Upper Half Clothing: If he's not wearing his school uniform, he usually wears a simple tshirt.

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s): Lightest blue, almost white.

Normal Lower Half Clothing: Wears blue jeans.

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s): Blue, dark blue.

Shoes: Wears simple sneakers, nothing spectacular.

Shoe Color: White.

Signature Card: Magician of Storms


Though it should be noted that he also hold his Weather Warriors, and their leader, Atmos, with the same passion.

Signature Thing About Character: Scientific in his additude, and relates everything back to weather. (Think Bastion meets Amon meets Jim Crocodile.)

Catch Phrase: "This is just the Calm Before the Storm!"

Deck Title: Weather Warriors

Skin Color: White

Gender: Male.

Special Thing About What The Character Does: He's left handed, so does everything flipped from the rest. Plus, he's the kidn of guy who will sit out in a heavy storm, and watch it.

Likes: Dueling, friends, weather, heroes

Dislikes: Evil, intolerance, clear weeks, double crossers

Personality: Despite his scientific logic, he is a very friendly and caring persona nd duelist, and will do anything, no matter how foolish and dangerous, to right a wrong. He is the kind of guy who is the first to duel the evil force, even if he fails at it.

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": Magician of Storms, however again his Weather Warriors (minus Atmos) will also appear if he needs help.

Background Story "Optional": His mother is a meteorologist, and his father works for Industrial Illusions. He had always found a passion for the two, and it was that passion, and the fact that the only cards he would duel with was Dark Magician and Weather Report, that led to his father working with Pegasus to create the Weather Warriors. He has grown into an like minded duelist as Bastion Misawa, and Amon Garam.


Step 3)

PM me a deck list/recipe of your character's deck (can be fake cards, cant be written)

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Might as well submit mine (odd but then it would seem unfair to me if the rest didn't see my character being part of this comic)


Name: Vuhs Skytail

Hair Color(s): Red

Hair Style: A bit of drift in the front

Hair Length: To neck

Eye Color(s): Blueish-Greenish

Extra Clothing: Scarf

Extra Clothing Color(s): Red

Normal Upper Half Clothing: T-Shirt with yin-yang symbol on front

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s): Black

Normal Lower Half Clothing: Jeans

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s): Dark blue

Shoes: Skateboarder shoes

Shoe Color: Black & red

Signature Card:


Signature Thing About Character: A lucky kitsune mask tied to a loop on his jeans.

Catch Phrase: "Tired Yet?"

Deck Title: Otokoyo

Skin Color: White

Gender: Male

Special Thing About What The Character Does: Hang upside when thinking, also plays mind games when or when not dueling.

Likes: Dueling, High Places

Dislikes: Having to be stuck on the ground, boredom

Personality: The Performer "Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving"

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": Demon Kitsune

Background Story "Optional": Hasn't been quiet the same as his quiet self after he had returned from a city in Japan.

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Name: Brian Nairb

Hair Color(s): the darkest brown

Hair Style: spikey

Hair Length: about an inch from the top of his head

Eye Color(s): brown with green around the edges

Extra Clothing:ghost rider jacket

Extra Clothing Color(s):black

Normal Upper Half Clothing:T-shirt with light pink letters that say "Have a nice day." and a heart

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s):black and light pink

Normal Lower Half Clothing:Baggy pants

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s):green

Shoes: sneaks

Shoe Color: hot pink

Signature Card: Blue Eyes White Dragon

Signature Thing About Character: the meanest boy with the sweetest soft side

Catch Phrase: "You think that's bad, this is just the begining."

Deck Title:The Light Brick Road

Skin Color: cocasian

Gender: male

Special Thing About What The Character Does: he hugs everyone tightly after a duel


Dislikes: nothing

Personality:99.9999999999999999%happy, 0.0000000000000001%mad

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": Blue Eyes White Dragon (talks)

Background Story "Optional": At age 10, sent back to the year 2007.

BIRTHDAY: 11/10/9999

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Name: Angela Marks

Hair Color(s): Dirty blonde

Hair Style: hanging down to shoulders

Hair Length: to her shoulders

Eye Color(s): dark blue

Extra Clothing: hat

Extra Clothing Color(s): dark blue

Normal Upper Half Clothing: A shirt with the word "primrose" with a cami underneath

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s):The shirt is a mauve-pink color and the cami is Black

Normal Lower Half Clothing: flare jeans

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s):blue

Shoes: sneakers

Shoe Color: blue

Signature Card: Angel of Blessing- Rabias


Signature Thing About Character: Just your average girl, but when she is dueling, she can be as tough as nails.

Catch Phrase: "Let's rock and roll!"

Deck Title: Angel's Ascencion

Skin Color: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Special Thing About What The Character Does: High fives opponents before dueling.

Likes:noodles and cats

Dislikes: Annoying people

Personality:Bubbly and smart.

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": Nidoqueen (Talks)

Background Story "Optional": Was separated from her parents by a ferocious storm but is now under the care of one of her friend's parents.

BIRTHDAY: 3/8/1990


Character pic:Jewels.jpg

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BTW, about you're PM, I am considering it and I'll PM you back when I've decided...


Name: Komuri Tenshi (literally means Darkness Angel, or angel of darkness)

Hair Color(s): Dark Brown

Hair Style: Messy and untamed

Hair Length: short around the sides but long at the front and back

Eye Color(s): Purple

Extra Clothing: (See image)

Extra Clothing Color(s): (see image)

Normal Upper Half Clothing: black top with cords and a hood

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s):Black

Normal Lower Half Clothing: Jogging trousers plus a normal belt/buckle

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s): Primarily black but some faded parts are grey.

Shoes: trainers

Shoe Color: white

Signature Card: http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/726/swiftbladescarletninjanb2.jpg

Signature Thing About Character: Does things as quick as possible, practices a very fast form of martial art.

Catch Phrase: "You're goin' down at the speed of sound"

Deck Title: Light speed ninjas

Skin Color: Slightly tanned

Gender: Male

Special Thing About What The Character Does: Uses his martial art moves when playing cards.

Likes: Wrestling, Boxing, Racing, being faster than other people, finishing anything in a small amount of time.

Dislikes: Spening too long on something, arrogant duelists.

Personality: Casual and relaxed, but can be violent when he needs to be

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t270/TotalObelisk/SwiftBladeCrystalAssailant.jpg


This is more or less what he looks like, he only wears those clothes when he's dueling (if he has time to get changed, he's a yugi fan): http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs8/i/2006/161/f/c/Tsuzuki_in_Duelist_Clothes_by_slifertheskydragon.jpg


His deck is mainly my Leugue of the swift blade structure deck along with some real cards, once I finish the set I'll PM you the list.

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Here is my character I'll send the pm later.


NAME: Spark Upperwater





EXTRA CLOTHING: wears a jacket with a hood


NORMAL UPPER HALF CLOTHING: t-shirt with seto on it




SHOES: nikey

SHOE COLOR: yellow




CATCH PHRASE:"Your soooooooooo stupid"

DECK TITLE: Surpreme Deck




LIKES: dragons and wolfs

DISLIKES: snakes and spiders (I really do hate them)



BACKGROUND STORY: was raised by wolfs

BIRTHDAY: 3\23\1990


Character pic.


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, here's mine:


Name: Damian Sharpe

Hair Color(s):Blue and a little bit white

Hair Style:Strait down

Hair Length: Almost till the shoulders

Eye Color(s):Black

Extra Clothing:A jacket

Extra Clothing Color(s):Blue

Normal Upper Half Clothing:Adidas

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s):White

Normal Lower Half Clothing:Jeans

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s):Blue


Shoe Color:White and Black http://eukicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/06/Adicolor%20Adidas%20New%20York.jpg

Signature Card:2004447532659004811_rs.jpg

Signature Thing About Character: Likes to take things slow

Catch Phrase:I'm gonna PWN you

Deck Title:Elemental Warriors

Skin Color: White


Special Thing About What The Character Does:Helps his friends a lot

Likes:Architecture, dueling, basketball

Dislikes:Football, spiderwebs

Personality:Calm, but isn't patient

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e282/cats1994/?action=view&current=animegirlfav28700a4gw.jpg


I'll PM you my deck list

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Name: KA Flame

Hair Color(s): red

Hair Style: spikey like kakashis off naruto

Hair Length: medium )kakashis length

Eye Color(s): red (as you can see red for flame in meh name)

Extra Clothing: Battle vest...ill post what it looks like later

Extra Clothing Color(s): silver

Normal Upper Half Clothing: T-shirt

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s):black silver red '---- i might remove the red

Normal Lower Half Clothing: baggy pants

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s): silver black red '---- i might remove the red

Shoes: uhm running shoes

Shoe Color: black silver red <--- as again i might remove

Signature Card: Lord Zarcos

Signature Thing About Character: doesnt care about mutch loner

Catch Phrase: its over!

Deck Title: Zarcos Army

Skin Color: white

Gender: boy

Special Thing About What The Character Does: uhm captures pro duelists souls in cards and drains their duel skill i guess

Likes: winning i guess

Dislikes: losing mostly every human alive

Personality: dark unjoyfull

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": Zarcos's Soul



ill post a pic later

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Name: Layla Smith

Hair Color(s): redish-pinkish

Hair Style: Usually down

Hair Length: Straight, about 6-7 inches past shoulders

Eye Color(s): bright green

Extra Clothing: fishnet-gloves

Extra Clothing Color(s): black

Normal Upper Half Clothing: Sweater with tank top under it

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s): Sweater: black/ Tank top: white

Normal Lower Half Clothing: Jeans with rips at the knees and patches on it

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s): base color dark blue, patches red with yellow polka dots

Shoes: Sneakers

Shoe Color: Black

Signature Card: Shayminscardagain.jpg

Signature Thing About Character: She never really concentrates on any type of work, but when she's dueling, she's "In the zone"

Catch Phrase: (when dueling) Time to get into the zone (when something bad happens to her, ex.: A toy that was claimed to be great and never breaks falls apart) Rip off!

Deck Title: Layla's Deck

Skin Color: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Special Thing About What The Character Does: Before she duels, she ties her hair in a pony-tail to help her get "In the zone"

Likes: Yu-gi-oh, comics,manga, t.v, animals (mostly dogs), reading,nature, anime

Dislikes: Most mind-numbing games, voodoo, dolls,annoying people who never leave your side and don't take the hint that you don't want them there

Personality: Brave, kind,sot-of-smart, strong, friendly

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": Earth Spellcaster- Daisy (talks)

Background Story "Optional": Her parents barely payed attention to her when she was little, so she can only talk to her friends about her problems now

Birthday: 6/16/1992


Character pic: Athinasad.jpg


I'll PM you her deck once I get it ready

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