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[TDIL] D/D Savant Thomas

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D/D Savant Thomas

DARK-Attribute Level 8 Type: Fiend/Effect ATK/DEF: 1800/2600

Pendulum Effect: During your Main Phase: You can add 1 face-up "D/D" Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "D/D Savant Thomas" once per turn.


Monster Effect: You can target 1 "D/D" card in your Pendulum Zone; any battle damage your opponent takes becomes halved for the rest of this turn, also destroy that card, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Level 8 "D/D/D" monster from your Deck in Defense Position, but its effects are negated this turn. You can only use this effect of "D/D Savant Thomas" once per turn.


A D/D that can Xyz Summon Kali Yuga so easily. Any discussion?

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Well then.

Finally a "1-card" pendulum zone filler and unlike monkeyboard only once per turn instead of once per being on the field, also unlike oafdragon he does not require a set pendulum zone, so this card is even an amazing topdeck (in case D/Ds actually get a reason to pendulum summon).

Now all we need would be a D/D which places those in the extra deck (or a covenant, the yamimakai does not count as it is awful right now ... though this might be the card it requires to be decent).

In any case this card is a great pendulum zone card, a terrible monster, though at least it works with nikolai and can be used as rank 8 fodder.

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I can't japanese so I wonder if it combos with Nikola (cos Idk its effects), but it'll most likely do because the other Savants synergize well with each other (Copernicus + Newton, Kepler + Galilei). 


I disagree on its monster effect being bad. I can see this monster as an awesome Rank 8 fodder for 1st turn boards. Its drawback isn't as bad as Abyss Ragnarok's Pendulum Effect, and you can search him and Armageddon with this card.


Overall, I like this card a lot.

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I can't japanese so I wonder if it combos with Nikola (cos Idk its effects), but it'll most likely do because the other Savants synergize well with each other (Copernicus + Newton, Kepler + Galilei). 


I disagree on its monster effect being bad. I can see this monster as an awesome Rank 8 fodder for 1st turn boards. Its drawback isn't as bad as Abyss Ragnarok's Pendulum Effect, and you can search him and Armageddon with this card.


Overall, I like this card a lot.

Since when is abyss ragnarok's pendulum effect bad ?

And more importantly if you want to use his monster effect to go for a rank 8 you would first need consistent scales which summon level 8 monsters, which is something D/D struggles with.

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Since when is abyss ragnarok's pendulum effect bad ?

And more importantly if you want to use his monster effect to go for a rank 8 you would first need consistent scales which summon level 8 monsters, which is something D/D struggles with.

Her point is that the drawback on rag's pendulum effect is relevant as funk, much more so than on this.


Also keep in mind this can be summoned with howling, though that isn't terribly relevant.

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Her point is that the drawback on rag's pendulum effect is relevant as f***, much more so than on this.


Also keep in mind this can be summoned with howling, though that isn't terribly relevant.

You can also use swirlal, but why would you use it on this rather than on a ragnarok if you also need a pendulum, which goes to the zone D/Ds still hate the most just to get a kali yuga, which ragnarok can do as well, especially now that we have beowulf.

Edit: At least the effects of both new pendulums are better than the 2 covenants revealed with them, thought they could get buffed as they usually get (except dark gate).

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It isn't an incredible play, more a matter of just having more paths to Kali/Titanic.

It is just that ragna is an extremely consistent way to access kali and titanic, as all you really require are a swirlal in your grave (or hand if you plan to use howling right away) and ragna in your hand, alongside a level 8 (which you can discard with trade-in or just fill with beowulf) ... in case you do not get a berfomet, which also fills an alexander or caesar.

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It is just that ragna is an extremely consistent way to access kali and titanic, as all you really require are a swirlal in your grave (or hand if you plan to use howling right away) and ragna in your hand, alongside a level 8 (which you can discard with trade-in or just fill with beowulf) ... in case you do not get a berfomet, which also fills an alexander or caesar.

Thing is, that isn't always possible. And this card is already worth running due to its pendulum effect alone, so the monster effect, while not always relevant, is nothing but upside.

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Since when is abyss ragnarok's pendulum effect bad ?

And more importantly if you want to use his monster effect to go for a rank 8 you would first need consistent scales which summon level 8 monsters, which is something D/D struggles with.


I did not say AR's Pendulum Effect is bad, but it's better when you don't take damage. Besides, like Giga said, Night Howling can Summon this and make Kali Yuga faster. I don't see this card being bad, then again, anything is better than Galilei.


There's so much you can combo with, you can't possibly think this card is bad as a monster. I'm thinking of many different ways to get this card to work, and one of them includes Newton and Orthros.

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I did not say AR's Pendulum Effect is bad, but it's better when you don't take damage. Besides, like Giga said, Night Howling can Summon this and make Kali Yuga faster. I don't see this card being bad, then again, anything is better than Galilei.


There's so much you can combo with, you can't possibly think this card is bad as a monster. I'm thinking of many different ways to get this card to work, and one of them includes Newton and Orthros.

Well as Giga pointed out galilei is mostly a hand trap and by the way nothing is worse than the 2 new covenants ... well it also works with nikolai if you can summon it (and if it gets severely buffed upon release).

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Since when is abyss ragnarok's pendulum effect bad ?

And more importantly if you want to use his monster effect to go for a rank 8 you would first need consistent scales which summon level 8 monsters, which is something D/D struggles with.

What? Both Newton and Kepler are easily searchable and can PS Thomas. Sure, Kepler becomes dead after turn 1, but you can work around it through numerous means, like destroying it with Orthros, then getting it back with Yamimakai.

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What? Both Newton and Kepler are easily searchable and can PS Thomas. Sure, Kepler becomes dead after turn 1, but you can work around it through numerous means, like destroying it with Orthros, then getting it back with Yamimakai.

I do not see why anyone would not want to just fuse 5 dragons from his hand using polymerisation to get five headed dragon, a few might even float, so you are not completely going -5 with that play and hey we have that new pot, so you can even open with that play.

Jokes aside, that play is downright terrible, D/Ds are still in no way a deck that enjoys pendulum summoning and trying to fix a terrible waste by wasting even more cards is a terrible try to fix it.

And by the way, if you want to somehow justify that play in any way you should suggest using newton instead of kepler.

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 Sure, Kepler becomes dead after turn 1

This, not sure how many turns you people want. You have a scale 6-10 off just this card, that should increase your ceiling enough for you do some significant damage


Wavering Eyes seems like the biggest problem, but atleast OCG limited it (with TCG hopefully following suit eventually)

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I do not see why anyone would not want to just fuse 5 dragons from his hand using polymerisation to get five headed dragon, a few might even float, so you are not completely going -5 with that play and hey we have that new pot, so you can even open with that play.

Jokes aside, that play is downright terrible, D/Ds are still in no way a deck that enjoys pendulum summoning and trying to fix a terrible waste by wasting even more cards is a terrible try to fix it.

And by the way, if you want to somehow justify that play in any way you should suggest using newton instead of kepler.

Newton is obviously the ideal play; I'm just saying there are ways to get around Kepler's downside. And I don't see how wouldn't them be able to PS normal and frequently now with Newton and Copernicus and their negligible restriction on the game. Slime seems redundant when you have Contract with the Swamp King, and even its SS effect isn't all that needed with reliable Scales now avaliable, not to mention Thomas would make Kali Yuga much more fast than Ragnarok by himself, which requires Grave setup and more specific hand. Also, you suggested using Beowulf for your combo, which is a pretty underwhelming card, IMO.

EDIT: Also, the only real downside to Ragnarok's PE is that it'll be harder to OTK that turn, but TBF I don't care, since I'll get my field setup for the next turns anyway.

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Newton is obviously the ideal play; I'm just saying there are ways to get around Kepler's downside. And I don't see how wouldn't them be able to PS normal and frequently now with Newton and Copernicus and their negligible restriction on the game. Slime seems redundant when you have Contract with the Swamp King, and even its SS effect isn't all that needed with reliable Scales now avaliable, not to mention Thomas would make Kali Yuga much more fast than Ragnarok by himself, which requires Grave setup and more specific hand. Also, you suggested Beowulf, which is a very underwhelming card, to say the least.

So you call beowulf underwhelming but suggest using newton and copernicus as your pendulum scales ... the irony behind that ... just like those players which state pendulums are broken by default and would even tell that to flash knight ... simply absurd, D/Ds do not benefit that much of being able to pendulum summon, let alone would they be willing to place 2 cards from their hand in the pendulum zone, especially if those have no physical value in that spot beside giving them a summon mechanic that is mostly redundant to them anyways ... and slime is in no way redundant, especially for the fact he breathes live into the ragnaroks in your hand, not to mention the deck mainly wants to fuse and xyz, even synchro to an extent, now that we have lamia and siegfried, the only thing that states the assumption they would want to pendulum summon would be contract with the yamimakai, which itself is terrible.

Face it, if a deck has no real benefits of pendulum summoning and does not have pendulum scales with a real value besides using that mechanic they are better of not using it.

And now you are going to tell me they could use gate to search both copernicus and newton, are you not ?

There are so many better options to search than a few cards that can access combopieces you can use anyways.

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Interesting to see how this card and its counterpart use their first name, as opposed to the other "Savants" who all use their last name.


Its monster effect currently is quite limited in what it can summon: "D/D/D CEO" and "D/D/D COO". Though the latter is not bad. As for its Pendulum Scale and effect: eh? The scale isn't very good, and I believe the Deck is not really geared to getting Pendulum Monsters in the Extra Deck with  itsFusion and Xyz monsters; making its Pendulum Effect slightly moot. But its better than nothing I suppose.

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