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Open and Shut Case? Man Shot by Ariz. Police Begged for His Life


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Apparently the man was intoxicated.  After being told to get on his knees and cooperating, the officers reportedly issued confusing or questionable orders.  The victim attempted to comply, but the officers shot him anyway.


It's getting--no--it's been way outta hand bruh.

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And yet another incident where police brutality should not have been. 


Even though the suspect in question was drunk, he attempted to at least follow orders (despite his condition at the time). Reading the article, the officer appeared to have assumed that Shaver had a weapon, but was just fixing his pants. He technically did have pellet guns in the room, but NOT on his person at the time.


But yeah, condolences to his family, though that's not going to bring him back. 


This guy is an utter disgrace to the men and women of law enforcement that actually do their jobs. I hope a jury is smart enough to see he's a bad cop and convict him.

Seriously, who the hell are they allowing on the police force these days?


Yeah, it's really sad to see another article about some law enforcement officer killing an unarmed person. And we wonder why some of the cops nowadays who are actually trying to do their job are afraid of doing so; because of the negative stigma of the profession that guys like him (and others) brought upon it.

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And yet another incident where police brutality should not have been. 


Even though the suspect in question was drunk, he attempted to at least follow orders (despite his condition at the time). Reading the article, the officer appeared to have assumed that Shaver had a weapon, but was just fixing his pants. He technically did have pellet guns in the room, but NOT on his person at the time.


But yeah, condolences to his family, though that's not going to bring him back. 




Yeah, it's really sad to see another article about some law enforcement officer killing an unarmed person. And we wonder why some of the cops nowadays who are actually trying to do their job are afraid of doing so; because of the negative stigma of the profession that guys like him (and others) brought upon it.

It's a vicious cycle that the actually decent cops are caught up in. Bad cop does something, and, the media blasts it. Here, we have a clear example of a bad cop, and because of him, every other cop now looks bad. All it takes is one.


It goes both ways, though. While police definitely needs reform, especially on their use of force policies, people doing sheet like cheering when a cop is hurt or killed is wrong as well, and adds fuel to the fire, thus straining relations further.

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This is getting out of hand. 


Police can't possibly be trained to be so trigger happy, can they? The slew of stories coming out about police men fearing for their lives against unarmed individuals they perceive as being armed is absolutely ridiculous. Like I get that they have to make quick decisions, and it can mean life or death for them, but come the funk on a man adjusting his pants should not be perceived as a man reaching for a weapon.

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Wonder how many people are going to turn this into either


1) cop was only dealt justice cause victims was white #provilege




2) why isn't this covered more, is it cause he's not black?


At the risk of being called racist, I'm going to say, all life is precious, and incidents like this are a disgrace upon our police force, which in a vast majority is full of kind and just people

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This is getting out of hand. 


Police can't possibly be trained to be so trigger happy, can they? The slew of stories coming out about police men fearing for their lives against unarmed individuals they perceive as being armed is absolutely ridiculous. Like I get that they have to make quick decisions, and it can mean life or death for them, but come the f*** on a man adjusting his pants should not be perceived as a man reaching for a weapon.


I imagine it's part of what happens when you emphasis coming home safely as the number one priority of the job in combination with firearms being the standard  across the force. Along with you know, with the idea of them having the most dangerous job in America being perpetuated means that you get people being more jumpy than they should. And then the fact they can't offer high enough wages to get the people most suited to the job, so you get essentially bullies in a position of power with firearms. Lingering effects of the War on Drugs probably adds to that. 


There's a lot of s*** that built together to the create this. Sadly it means too many officers forget the job is about 'Protect and Serve'. And you get awful incidents like this where people are excersizing power for the sake of it and it blows out of proportion all to often. 


But yeah, tragic event. Nice to see some actual punishment for once. 

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