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Yang-phosis [TCG Banlist]

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Yang Zing + Metalphosis = this


Main Deck Monsters (24)

3 Volflame

3 Goldriver

3 Silvbird

3 Steeleren

2 Suanni

2 Bi'an

2 Bixi

2 Jiaotu

3 Chiwen

Spell Cards (10)

2 Yang Zing Path

2 Dark Hole

1 Soul Charge

1 Metalphosis Fusion


2 Painful Decision


Trap Cards (6)

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Yang Zing Creation

3 Metalphosis Combination

Extra Deck Monsters

1 Cardinal

2 Orihulk

1 Chaofeng

1 Trishula

1 Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon

1 Stardust Spark Dragon

2 Baxia

2 Yazi

1 Metaphys Horus

1 Stardust Charge Warrior

1 Armades

1 Herald

Helps are very appreciated.

EDIT: Temporarily removed the picture for faster editing speed.

EDIT #2: The picture is back!

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Why would you int run 1 jiaotu? Sure I this deck finds it more consistently, but it's still your ONLY advantage making play.


Why would you not run Herald of the Arc Light?


Why would you run 2 Metalphosis trap, yet run 3 of the Fusion Spell? The trap is more important for helping you assemble scales, where the fusion spell only NEEDS 1 copy and an extra tech is considerable.


And why would you run just 1 Wavering Eyes? It's not helpful here, but a SINGLE COPY is even less so.


This just seems all over the place and meh.

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Agreed on Combination vs. Fusion.

You can get away with using just one copy of Fusion (eventhough I think two is probably good to prevent getting screwed) because it recycles itself.


Wavering is bad here because you don't have any particular power Pendulums (like Skullcrobat Joker, or Luster) that getting will help you more than just having two scales most of the time. It'd be less dead if you had other ways to get single scales, I think (like Painful Decision or Summoner's Art, or something).


You wanna maximize your best cards, try not to just play one of something, even if it's good.


Dunno much about Cosmics, so I can't help you on that side.

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I dunno.  I never really understood how this deck was supposed to synergize perfectly considering Creation locks you into Synchro summoning.  I mean I get that it's a spell that passively triggers the effects without missing timing, which is fantastic, but why even run the fusions?  I suppose it doesn't hurt as a tech play if Creation gets popped, or you could just pop it if you want to fuse.  Do you find yourself restricted on your synchro options or have the 4 or so fusions not eaten enough ED space for it to be noticeable?

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Why in god's name are you not running Baxia?  That card alone is one of the main power plays yang zing actually have since it's insane non-destruction removal and a combo ladder all in one.  I would drop stardust spark for it.  Hell I would drop Beelze too just so you can have 2 copies minimum.  Beelze isn't even that threatening anymore anyway.  It just screws over scrubby decks that can't run castel or Ignister.

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Agreed on Combination vs. Fusion.

You can get away with using just one copy of Fusion (eventhough I think two is probably good to prevent getting screwed) because it recycles itself.


Wavering is bad here because you don't have any particular power Pendulums (like Skullcrobat Joker, or Luster) that getting will help you more than just having two scales most of the time. It'd be less dead if you had other ways to get single scales, I think (like Painful Decision or Summoner's Art, or something).


You wanna maximize your best cards, try not to just play one of something, even if it's good.


Dunno much about Cosmics, so I can't help you on that side.

Creation is always #1 on the Twin Twister chop block

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