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Catapult Zone

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Lore: Once per turn, if a monster you control would be destroyed by battle, you can send 1 Rock-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard instead.


So I was thinking that, depending on how Graveyard-reliant the deck ends up being, maybe you could run this in Tramids.


I mean, in certain Rock decks, this can be a slow but steady way to mill your monsters and trigger stuff like Tackle Crusader while also setting up for bosses like Megarock Dragon.


The only thing that really kills the card is the battle and OPT restriction. Other than that, it's fine.



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Send Magnet Warriors, Soul Charge, summon Valk, disassemble, summon Slifer. Yup, Yugi is crying tears of joy somewhere right now

(I know this isn't really the point but...) Why bother summoning Valk?


As for Catapult Zone, I really enjoy using it in Gogogo.dek but Rock Bombardment is often safer. I'd rather wait for more info on the Tramids before saying this is good for 'em. They might all be semi-nomi after all.

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To make sure Slifer's attack is as low as possible thus making your disrespect level is as high as possible.

No silly, you obviously have Super Rejuv in hand and called Dragon with DNA surgery

I'M crying tears of joy right now. That actually sounds really legit for one of my favorite decks. :'D

Might be legit if only SC was at multiples. The card is a foolish burial at the end of the day, and we all know how powerful that effect is in the current game

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I find Rock Bombardment to be better, IMO.

Don't get me wrong, Catapult is cool and all, but I'm not really a fan of it telegraphing/having you waste your Battle Phase(if it comes to that)/etc.

Well, Tramids seem like they're going to be Field Spell based, so that's why I brought this card up. Rock Bombardment is also a cool card, so don't get me wrong.

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