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You did gud kojima, you did gud

Power Armour

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MGS as a series can be interpreted in many different ways, you could look at it as a man who was betrayed by his own country and was forced to kill the only woman he ever loved, a memory that haunted him until his dying day, he was forced to fight back and he did, and nearly won.

It could be a message about how our governments have nothing to gain from civilian freedom and peace, and how one man brought about a catalysmic change in culture across the globe.



could also be clone baby sneaks around and saves teh world


And you know what? Theres no more Konami can do to this series, it's explained itself fully and needs no more entries, the story of Big Boss and his clone son, Solid Snake, are masterfully presented within the context of a world that is inescapably fuelled by war, and everyone wants a slice of pie on this dish and Metal Gear ZEKE helped some solidify the hold on some slices for some people.



What does Metal Gear mean to you?


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Konami have already stated they intent to carry MGS on without Kojima.

Answers to what? We have Big Boss' motive for outer heaven, what became of Venom, what happened to Solid, Major Zero and even Miller and everyone else, Phantom Pain served as answers for a nine year gap and set up events for MG1 and MG2SS, which ends if 4.


Not many loose ends tbh

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