Htamret Posted May 2, 2017 Report Share Posted May 2, 2017 Having gotten herself into some semblance of emotional stability, Ashley got up and looked around. The forest certainly seemed alive, though her actions probably scared off most of the Pokémon in the immediate area. At least, it seemed that way. She wondered if the Pokémon that were active this morning were different than those at night. She knew of one that certainly wouldn't be around: the Duskull from before. She didn't know if they were native to the area, and she shuddered to think if there were any more around. At the very least she wouldn't have to worry about any now, but her survey made her realize something fairly troubling: she was lost. Making sure her Laconda was following, she headed off in the direction that she thought was where she came from, keeping an eye out for any Pokémon... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 3, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 "Predincense!" Fern called in a daze. "Scent Trap! Crush it in your jaws!" The Grass-Type lunged into the air, its jaw wide to attempt to snap on Neos's head in Ninetales form, viciously trying to take out its charging foe. ---Thornbay City Pokémon Center--- The door reopened, the nurse carrying out the happily chirping little Civibin. "Bin! Bin, bin!" it hopped excitedly in her palm, stretching its wings and fanning out its golden tailfeathers like a peacock. "Here you go, young man. It's very rewarding to take care of a Civibin!" She smiled, presenting Garbit with the Flying-Type. ---Route 401--- "Dude." A voice grumbled at Ashley's feet, until she hit her foot on a rock . . . or, rather, a Rock-Type. "Dude. Geo. Dude." A round, stony body with two arms on either side of its body, with an open mouth. Evidently, the Pokémon didn't take well to being ignored. It also seemed to be pointing at . . . something . . . to Ashley's left. -Nearby- Daniel needn't look long for something to train against- a Pokémon was already waiting for him, and one that a Unova native like himself would recognize: a Panpour. Unusually, though, it seemed to be sitting nearly a half-foot in midair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tesability Black Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Neos purposely missed with the Fire Charge, seeing the Team Rocket human in his vision with the large mouth trying to bear down on his head. Instead, he took a risk and Transformed far faster than his body should normally allow, hurting himself in the process from the strain of the shift as a wave of water began to form under blue webbed paws right next to the Predincense just before crashing it into the large plant. Neos did not speak by any means, instead, he repeated called forth the waves of Surf from the hindpaws of his Golduck form to create enough water for himself to dive long enough to clear his lungs and mind and allow himself a way to breathe in such a dangerous battle... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
👀 REP 👀 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Thornbay City As he made his way into the forest, he was greeted by a very familiar Pokemon - a Panpour, which seemed to be floating in mid-air. Daniel thought that it was rather strange, but shrugged it off - it was training, and his Emolga had a type advantage over it. "Alright Proton, you ready?" The Emolga nods, before turning its head towards the floating monkey. "Hey, you! Panpour!" Daniel called out at the floating monkey, wanting a relatively fair fight. Once its attention was brought towards him, he would begin his battle. "Proton, use Spark on that Panpour!" As soon as he finished his sentence, Proton almost instantly leaped towards Panpour, its body covered in sparks as it charged towards its opponent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DEStroyer of worlds! Posted May 14, 2017 Report Share Posted May 14, 2017 Garbit, as well as his two Pokémon, looked up from thier game to the sound of the chirping Civibin. "Here you go, young man. It's very rewarding to take care of a Civibin!" "Hey little guy." The flying type was a little hesitate at first, but with a little confirmation from the nurse, it flattered onto the boy's left arm, soon being greeted a cow and a bug you had jumped on to his shoulders, admittedly the sudden addition of all this weight thearted to topple over the poor child.Garbit turned to face the nurse before addressing her politely. "Thank you for everything but my..." The boy paused for a moment, as if he had to think about what word to use. "Group just called and said we needed to get going soon." And with that the boy left before the nurse could voice her concerns. "Civibin," The Pokémon looked up at it's unofficial new trainer as he spoke. "I know you probably don't want to go by we have to be at the gym." The little bird lifted it's arm over it's head. "Don't worry, we won't be challenging it, we don't even need to go in it, it's just that somebody I care about is there, and I want to make sure I can help if what happened to you happens to them, you understand, right?" The bird peeks it head out of the wing to see a softly smiling face, before chirping. "Thank you..." Having finally reached the window of the gym, Garbit squats down and searches though the bushes for Neo's items, Now where are they? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Htamret Posted May 17, 2017 Report Share Posted May 17, 2017 Ashley continued through the forest, but she was too busy looking around for Pokémon that she didn't notice the large rock protruding from the path. She tripped on it, barely able to put her arms out in front of her her to protect her face. She turned to see that the rock she had tripped on had arms and a face. "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!" she said, hoping that the Pokémon was in that bad of a mood after being essentially kicked in the face. She crouched down to look at it, and fumbled in her bag for some sort of treat to give the poor Rock-type. As she did, she noticed it was pointing towards her left."What's that? Is something over there?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 17, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2017 Predincense choked on the wave of unexpected water, clearing the smoke a bit through the hole Neos had crawled through earlier. The relatively short Golduck form allowed Neos to stand below the rising, dispersing fog, allowing his visions of fear to dissipate and let him see the world for what it was while the Grass-Type gulped down the unexpected drink. "Well, isn't that an interesting trick?" Fern smirked, her hand on her hip. "Won't work for long, though. Predincense?" As it reopened its maw, Predincense spat out a fog of steam- the fire in its belly had to contend with the water before it could do its thing, giving Neos a brief respite. That said, it was still a fast, aggressive predator . . . as it proved by resuming its open-mouthed lunge. ---Thornbay City, Outside the Gym--- On the ground, near a small crack in the glass that poured out purple smoke, Garbit could see a quite familiar hat and Premier Ball . . . ---Route 401--- As Proton leaped forward, the attack on the Panpour missed . . . despite the Water-Type itself not moving a muscle. Instead, what it had been sitting on faded into view . . . a spiral-shaped purple shell, sporting a lazily opening blue eye. A yellow phantasm of form spilled from it, looking much like a ghostly snail, with dull white eyes on the ends of its eye stalks. Ashley saw the same scene from behind- the back of the Panpour, and the other blue eye of this new Pokémon. Proton's failed attack on the Panpour sent the little Electric-Type tumbling through the air in Ashley's direction as it tried to turn quickly enough to get a hit on the Water-Type monkey. "Dude." The Rock-Type said, obviously quite satisfied with itself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tesability Black Posted May 20, 2017 Report Share Posted May 20, 2017 (Garbit would actually find Neos's blue glowing jewel-necklace, his Premier Ball and his PokeDex, but eh.)Neos did not waste time under the water. He used the moment of clarity to study the surrounding areas above him, studying for any possibility to force the fog the foe could make to dissipate before it could fully work on anyone. He had one idea, but he did not like the possibility that he would be footing the bill for the repairs afterwards. Forcing himself to fully exhale to prevent the presence of water in his lungs, Neos shifted once more, flying out of the water with his Pidgeot form, backing it with speed from a single use of Agility and his previous use of Fire Charge. His wings were glowing a steel-gray as he flew straight for many of the glass windows... ...and purposely smashed them at full-force with multiple Steel Wings, allowing the shards of glass to fall to the ground and litter the waters below with multiple sharp points that could cut at random. The fog that remained flew up through the multiple gaps of the glasshouse, allowing him a chance to take in a decent breath before rediving in and keep the ref from possibly calling him out for something like 'leaving the ring'. As sad as it sounds, it has happened before... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
👀 REP 👀 Posted May 21, 2017 Report Share Posted May 21, 2017 Thornbay City Much to the surprise of both the Emolga and its trainer, the electric flying squirrel seemed to fly through the Panpour and into the forest. "What the..." Daniel stood there confused, staring at the spot where the Panpour once was. Suddenly, where the Panpour was seemingly floating emerged a large, purple shell. Out of the shell emerged a ghastly yellow substance, forming the shape of a phantom snail. Startled, but also excited, Daniel whipped out his Pokedex and scanned the strange new monster in front of him.<<Phasnail, the Innocuous Pokémon. Normal/Ghost-Type. The radius of a Phasnail's shell increases by an inch every four years of its life, although its piercing, intelligent eyes remain the exact same size. It is unknown if the eyes on its eyestalks serve any actual purpose.>> 'Interesting' Daniel thought to himself, before looking up to see where his companion had landed. He saw the small electric-type in the distance, getting up from its crash landing. "You ok Proton?" He shouted at the squirrel. 'He flew quiet a bit...' He thought to himself before noticing that someone familiar looking was close to Proton. 'That's the girl from before...' He had wondered where Ashley had ran off to after the gym incident. 'Guess she must've came here to train.' He shook his head, returning his attention to the strange slug that had appeared in front of him, reaching into his bag for a Pokeball. "Proton! Use another Spark on that slug!" He pointed to the Phasnail. The emolga nodded before charging with a spark again, this time towards the snail. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DEStroyer of worlds! Posted May 26, 2017 Report Share Posted May 26, 2017 Garbit felt something cold and round on his hand and well as a flatter object but just as cold, pulling them out reviled them to be the premier ball and the Pokedex, though thinking back to the images that appeared in his head, he realized that there was still one more object to find. Laying down on his belly revealed the glow of the pendant to Garbit, the boy soon commando crawling under the bushes to reach it. "Got it." Looking up to reverse his way back out of the bush, Garbit started to see a grey-light shine from above, and it seemed to be getting bigger. As adrenaline kicked in the boy got out of the bush as fast as he could and placed the front of his body above his pokemon to shield them, getting a small piece of glass lounged into the back of his left knee is the process. "Are you guys alright?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Htamret Posted June 2, 2017 Report Share Posted June 2, 2017 After seeing Daniel battling a Pokémon she had never seen before, she turned to the Geodude. That was a Pokémon she was familiar with, native to most regions of the world. They were seen as reliable Pokémon, and a Rock-type would be a good addition to her team. Admittedly, she hadn't made the best first impression, but hopefully the stony creature was easy to forgive. She crouched down to get closer to the Geodude's eye level."Hey there, would you like to join me? I'm a Trainer, and I'd really like it if you became part of my team. I promise I won't trip on you again," she said, pulling out a normal PokéBall."What do you say? If you'd like, we can have a battle. If we win, you join me. If you win, I'll give you some more of those treats as a victory prize and you can go on your way. Deal?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted June 3, 2017 Author Report Share Posted June 3, 2017 The Phasnail suddenly began glowing iridescently, and, when Proton made impact, the opposing Pokémon's shell quaked . . . and smacked right back into Proton bodily. The snail body actually seemed to smugly grin as Counter proved itself a success. ---Nearby--- The little Rock-Type seemed to consider it, and punched the button on Ashley's proffered Pokéball, coiling in with a blaze of light. <<Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. Rock/Ground-Type. They have been observed climbing mountains using their short, powerful arms. The higher they climb, the more sheer force they build in their arms. Evolves into Graveler.>> <<This specimen is female, and knows Rollout, Magnitude, Rock Polish, and Defense Curl. Would you like to give a name to this captured Pokémon?>> ---Thornbay City Gym--- The good news- this smoke-clearing maneuver had worked, and Fern was enjoying herself too much to complain as of yet. The bad news, however, came with Predincense getting a solid bite on Neos's wing as he returned, leaving him on the receiving end of a painful Scent Trap. Much like the regular Venus Flytraps growing in Fern's garden gym, once it got its bite in, it refused to let go, heavily biting down. "Finally!" Fern laughed, having been impatient waiting for an actual hit to occur. "Now, before he can move out of reach, Leech Seed!" ---Thornbay City, Outside the Gym--- The assembled little Pokémon- CowCow, Cragmite, and Civibin- all seemed unharmed, although the pretty little Flying-Type seemed concerned with the young boy's wound. "Bin, bin?" It chirped in confusion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
👀 REP 👀 Posted June 3, 2017 Report Share Posted June 3, 2017 Thornbay City Daniel's face turned into a scowl as the ghastly snail reflected the squirrel's attack. "Proton! You alright?" The Emolga hadn't taken the blow from the shell all too well, being sent back into the dirt. "What was that..." Daniel thought to himself, thinking about the moves that he had learned about from his father. He snapped his fingers upon realizing the move. "Oh, right. Counter." Within moments its was back up on its feet, ready to strike again. Letting out a sigh of relief, Daniel pointed at the shelled menace. "Alright, use ThunderShock!" Upon his command, the Emolga nodded before letting out a steam of electricity from its cheeks aimed at the Phasnail. As he commanded, however, a thought entered his head. "Wait, if this thing has counter..." It was too late, however - the attack was already going to hit the snail, and if it really did have Mirror Coat, there was no way Proton would be able to dodge the move. He let out a sigh, hoping that he was wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tesability Black Posted June 4, 2017 Report Share Posted June 4, 2017 The false Pidgeot let loose a shrill cry at the sudden snap on the wing, cutting off only due to the sudden coughing fit from a Scent Trap to the face.The Pidgeot started squawking as panic began to set it.He was captured, held prisoner, he had to get away, had to...While within the Predinscense's large jaw, the wing began to melt into a formless state for a moment alongside with the rest of him, reverting back into his original form before quickly reforming something increasingly humanoid in appearance.When fully reformed, Neos was staring at Fern with clouded-over neon-green eyes from under a yellow wide-brimmed hat and strands of blue hair after having picked up the large plant and throwing it right at the Gym Leader herself upon literally ripping away the Plant from him. His right arm, what was once the wing that had been chomped into, was profusely bleeding a transparent yellow fluid from each rip and tear instead of red. The clothing on that arm was shredded entirely, partially revealing that 'R' on his arm.He turned to Fern, whom looked as if she was wearing the unfortunately-familiar black and red of the Team Rocket uniform to his eyes, raising a hand to point at her. It was evident that he was hallucinating in that his eyes were glazed over. "If I have to kill every single one of you Rockets with my bare hands to finally be left alone, then so be it."He lunged forward, his hands balled into fists that glowed a light blue ready to pummel her into oblivion. In his mind, he had forgotten where he was, the last burst of Scent Trap refusing to leave his lungs and continuing to affect his mind... (Well, this escalated quickly...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DEStroyer of worlds! Posted June 12, 2017 Report Share Posted June 12, 2017 'Bin, bin?' ”What's wr...” The boy looked at the shard of glass before sitting up with the glass facing towards the pokemon. ”Oh, this? This is nothing.” Garbit lied, putting out the sentence quite casually. ”You are my friends after all.” The warm childish smile that the boy gave was returned with hugs all around, the bird-type's one strangely seeming to be the strongest. ”And speaking of which another of mine is in the gym, and judging by that display is most likely in trouble, so get inside your pokeball, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you when we're in there” ---Thornbay City Gym, 2 minutes later--A small creak could be heard as the boy, now wearing an extra, more ancient looking pokedex and a forth pokeball that stands out with it's complete white colouring on his belt, as well as a blue jewel around his neck, only to see the now human shaped ditto ready to pummel the gym leader. ”Neos, what are you ---Ugh!” The pain of running suddenly running with the glass embedded inside him made Garbit scream in pain, made the shard wasn't so little after all, at least, not the effects anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Htamret Posted June 18, 2017 Report Share Posted June 18, 2017 <<Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. Rock/Ground-Type. They have been observed climbing mountains using their short, powerful arms. The higher they climb, the more sheer force they build in their arms. Evolves into Graveler.>><<This specimen is female, and knows Rollout, Magnitude, Rock Polish, and Defense Curl. Would you like to give a name to this captured Pokémon?>> "A nickname..." Ashley pondered something that would be fitting for the Pokémon. She stared at the PokéBall for a moment, then nodded her head."Register nickname: Pebble." She said with a slight grin. It wasn't the most original, but it did the job. She thought of the potential irony of the nickname when the Geodude evolves. Her eye was caught by a glow coming from the direction of Daniel and his Pokémon. It seemed that the snail-like creature they were fighting had somehow redirected the attack back at his Emolga. "Weird..." She thought, trying to match what occurred to a move she was aware of, but coming up with a blank. She moved closer to get a better look of the situation, still holding on to the PokéBall that held her new companion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted June 21, 2017 Author Report Share Posted June 21, 2017 The Phasnail took the blow, visibly shuddered, and spat out a black ball of energy from the snail mouth, barreling towards the little Emolga at top speed. The spectral snail Pokémon hadn't moved much since the battle had begun, and the little Panpour riding on its shell suddenly decided that now was a good time to be somewhere else as it hopped away into the trees. ---Nearby--- Ashley's Pokédex beeped softly to confirm the addition of her new team member, and reminded her of her current team: <<Current team construction: Squirt, the Laconda; Rascal, the Furmine; Pebble, the Geodude. Notable weaknesses: Grass-Type, Fighting-Type. Recommended team members include: Fire-Type, Poison-Type, Ghost-Type.>> ---Thornbay City Gym--- "Stop!" Rudy yelled, grabbing Neos's shoulders from behind. "An assault on the Gym Leader disqualifies the match! It's over!" Getting over the shock of being threatened rather quickly, Fern frowned, and tisked softly at the restrained Neos. "Honestly, I had high hopes near the end, there. Such speed, such wit, such ferocity . . . So few of these Trainers constitute a legitimate challenge for Predincense and I. But you . . . you brought my star Pokémon to her knees. One or two more attacks would have done it. I'm sorry, but rules are rules. You, my intriguing Ditto friend, are disqualified." Looking over Neos's shoulder, then, she noticed Garbit and gasped. "Young man, you're bleeding! Predincense, take him to the Pokémon Center, immediately!" The wounded Grass-Type limped over to the small human, scooping him onto its back and hurrying towards the Pokémon Center. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tesability Black Posted June 21, 2017 Report Share Posted June 21, 2017 It was fortunate for Fern that the act of having his arms suddenly pinned at the shoudlers was enough to stop the false human in its place, despite the severe difference of strength between the two.Unfortuantely for Rudy; however, Neos showed his strength once more as he reached over his back to grab Rudy by the back of his own clothes and flip him clean over the false human's head, causing the referee to let go and end up landing flat on his back. The forced shift in position allowed the purple cloud that lingered in Neos's lungs to finally slide out of him, the sensation causing him to cough violently as his mind slowly started to return."Honestly, I had high hopes near the end, there."...huh?"Such speed, such wit, such ferocity..."That voice...can't remember, but should..."So few of these Trainers constitute a legitimate challenge for Predincense and I. But brought my star Pokémon to her knees." Neos barely had enough of the fog in his head lifted to soon turn his head towards the source of the voice, the...leader...gym leader, the glass over his eyes slowly fading. "One or two more attacks would have done it. I'm sorry, but rules are rules. You, my intriguing Ditto friend, are disqualified."Disqualified?A headache splitting his skull, Neos subconciously brought a hand to his face and groaned.A moment passed until he registered the fact that the hand on his face was indeed very human and his face was just as much, causing what yellow was visible in his skin to pale him to near-white.When did I take this form?!"Young man, you're bleeding! Predincense, take him to the Pokémon Center, immediately!" Neos turned towards the direction that Fern, as his mind finally provided, had been looking at, seeing Predincense limping as she tried to take Garbit back to the Center. The sight of blood dripping down his legs stopped his thinking as he realized what was causing it, hearing only his own thoughts and the panicked beating of his own heart.There's glass in his leg. Was that from me shattering the glass around here?Did I endanger him by asking me to get my things during the fight?And why is she limping? What did I DO?!...please tell me I flubbed up and took on the form that had Heal Pulse over Recover. Arceus, at least give me that to make some amends for whatever the Distortion happened during that blackout.Neos focused for a second on the palm of his hand, narrowing his eyes as he searched within for the move he was looking for. His face relaxed as he aimed the orb towards Predincense, releasing a Heal Pulse that allowed the limping Pokemon to move with more energy and with far less pain. Not long after that, while still facing the exit that both Garbit and Predincense left through, he fell to his knees with hands covering his face."...what did I do...? I don't remember a thing after coming back down..."Neos sounded resigned and defeated, his voice cracked as if he knew what would soon happen to him. especially since there was now nothing he could do about it. All he could see in his mind was his license getting revoked, the accomplishments under his name undone, and being officially released and being back to well within the grasp of the viscious poachers from Kanto. He was so out of it that he missed what Garbit had on him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DEStroyer of worlds! Posted June 21, 2017 Report Share Posted June 21, 2017 "I can... carry myself you know." Garbit told the giant Pokemon who he found himself lying on. "Your injured and it would be wrong of me to--" Before the kid could even finish his sentence , the four legged plant had got out the door and was running at full speed towards the center. The duo had soon found themselves inside the center, but the nurse had already been gone from the frount desk, probably due to the under staffing. "Hey, Nurse Joy." Garbit shouted into the empty room and beyond, now of the pokemon and just leaning on it instead. "I'm back with another injured pokemon, and we have a little problem." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
👀 REP 👀 Posted June 21, 2017 Report Share Posted June 21, 2017 Thornbay City He smirked as the Emolga's attack connected, but was quickly struck by a blast from the snail. "Proton!" He shouted, before turning back to the Phasnail. The Panpour above it seemed to have gone off somewhere, leaving the spectral snail where it stood. The emolga got up, clearly injured but with a look of determination on its face. "You good, buddy?" The emolga nodded, glaring at the snail in front of them. Daniel nodded his head, before turning to the snail. He took out one of the Pokeballs from his backpack, before crouching down to meet the ghost as close to eye-to-eye as he could. "Ya know, I was here to train up my partner over there," He pointed to the Emolga, before gesturing it to come closer. "but I've got to say you are quite an impressive Pokemon" He stuck out the Pokeball he had pulled out. "What'da say? Wanna join me on my quest? I promise I'll make you as strong as you can be!" He gave the snail a grin and a thumbs up with his free hand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted July 3, 2017 Author Report Share Posted July 3, 2017 The Phasnail's blue eye on the side of its shell merely blinking in contemplation. The spectral body contained by the shell turned and faced Daniel, and murmured, "Phasnaaaail." Its voice was slow and thick, like an old man trying to speak with a mouth full of peanut butter. The blank white eyes on the ends of its eyestalks moved up and down, almost nodding, as its entire body took on a white sheen that quickly faded- apparently, it knew Recover. ---Thornbay City Pokémon Center--- "I-I . . . what?!" The young woman practically panicked, lifting Garbit over her shoulder to return him to the back room, almost entirely ignoring the vicious-looking (yet still obviously battered) Predincense that had carried him here. "Nngh . . . most of my training was put towards treating Pokémon . . ." The basically-teenage nurse mumbled softly as she put tweezers to the glass shards in Garbit's leg, removing each one slowly. "I'm not really any good at dressing people's wounds like this . . ." The Predincense, meanwhile, left the Center, and Garbit's Pokémon, behind. ---Thornbay City Gym--- "You tried to throw a punch at me. You're barred from competing in Gym challenges for the rest of the year," Fern sighed, sounding almost like she had to quote that second sentence from a manual or something. "Beyond that, while I would appreciate the help getting new glass panels to repair my greenhouse, I'd understand why you wouldn't want to help me out." "M-Miss Fern . . . ?" Rudy asked, confused and in a bit of pain from being essentially judo-flipped. "Oh yeah, and you're going to have to pop Rudy's shoulder back in," Fern snapped her fingers, as if she'd forgotten and had to remember. "That battle was fun, though, dude. Alright, hand over your Dex so I can put on your misdemeanor citation, then you're free to help clean up, or not." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tesability Black Posted July 3, 2017 Report Share Posted July 3, 2017 "You tried to throw a punch at me."Though his back had been towards Fern, he was up instantly on his feet and turned to face her with a look of shock on his face, keeping the feeling of vertigo he was experiencing off it as well. "That's not...I have no rea---""You're barred from competing in Gym challenges for the rest of the year," he heard Fern cut him off with a sigh, the line stated could have easily been from a manual or similar.Neos' brain stopped functioning, struck silent at those words. He had never ended up restricted from participating in League or Contest events before in the years he had been traveling with this admittedly-forged license of his."Beyond that, while I would appreciate the help getting new glass panels to repair my greenhouse, I'd understand why you wouldn't want to help me out.""M-Miss Fern . . . ?" He looked down, eyes widening at the person that had been referring the match on his back in front of him with a lot of pain in his eyes."Oh yeah, and you're going to have to pop Rudy's shoulder back in," Fern snapped her fingers, as if she'd forgotten and had to remember. Neos winced, one eye closing at the realization that he flipped the poor human clean over his head before slamming him down...if the slight cracking in the flooring below was any indicator.Neos had slowly knelt down next to the young man, understanding if he was going to be skittish around the false human. "That battle was fun, though, dude. Alright, hand over your Dex so I can put on your misdemeanor citation, then you're free to help clean up, or not.""Let me take care of this first," Neos stated with remorse as he gently felt for where the shoulder shifted. Once he did, with care did he pop said shoulder back into place, allowing his hands to glow a calming-blue light to use a point-blank Heal Pulse to ease the pain such could cause.Once he pulled his hands free, he pulled back the yellow jacket in an attempt to pull out his aged PokeDex, but it was the moment he ended up grabbing air that he remembered that he did not have it on him. "...dammit, I asked Garbit to bring that to me," he snarled to himself as he stood back up onto his feet. "I'm sorry, I have to go retrieve it from one of my travelling partners, specifically the kid Predincense took to the Center, Garbit."With a gulp, he continued, "I admittedly snuck in here with a form far too small to bring it as well as a few other things I had on my being. The windows were in need of repairs even before the number I did to them."These two saw him Transform into human form right in front of them, no point in trying to hide it now, and to this, he fell back onto his knees, this time effectively bowing to them. "I beg of you both to not reveal what you saw about me to anyone else...please... In my right mind, I would have never taken this form mid-battle."He couldn't help but move his left hand over his upper-right arm as he remained in that bowing position. "I don't want them to take me again," he said mainly to himself in the faintest whisper, his voice breaking as he said it to cause it to shift randomly between the deepened voice he used and his natural higher-pitched voice as a Ditto. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Htamret Posted July 4, 2017 Report Share Posted July 4, 2017 After Ashley's PokéDex confirmed the registration of her new team member, it chirped up. <<Current team construction: Squirt, the Laconda; Rascal, the Furmine; Pebble, the Geodude. Notable weaknesses: Grass-Type, Fighting-Type. Recommended team members include: Fire-Type, Poison-Type, Ghost-Type.>> "You don't have to babysit me, I can tell where I'm weak." She grumbled to the machine. She thought to the Ghost-Type she had encountered, that Duskull. There was something odd about it, almost... sinister, even for a Ghost-Type... She hadn't been paying attention to Daniel's battle, but her eye was caught by the snail-like Pokémon glowing a white light. She winced when she realized it was using Recover. This would be a long battle... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DEStroyer of worlds! Posted July 4, 2017 Report Share Posted July 4, 2017 The sudden impact of the shoulder made the boy lose breath. The nurse sure was in a hurry with this one."I-It's alright, it's not anything to *groan* big." Garbit lied, lifting his leg up to show and bumping into the table. "I mostly came in here so you could t-treat the Predincense." Not A lie, in fact the boy was slightly annoyed that the nurse's first reaction was to treat him.. "It's probably way more batted up then me." Garbit didn't think that was a lie, of course, he could've been blinded by his love for the creatures. Looking around confused Garbit finally asked a good question. Where did the cute little thing run of to anyway?" Edit reason:Stupidly forgot Adveanced cluase was a thing *kicks himself* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted July 4, 2017 Report Share Posted July 4, 2017 "I-It's alright, it's not anything to *groan* big." Garbit lied. "I mostly came in here so you could t-treat the Predincense." Not A lie. "It's probably way more batted up then me." Garbit didn't think that was a lie. Looking around confused garbit finally asked a good question. Where did the cute little thing run of to anyway?"Reminder that the advanced clause states that posts are to be a minimum of 100 words long, and this is below that. Try to keep your posts a decent length, thanks. carry on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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