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Shadows Over Innistrad Prerelease

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Taking place April 2-3, this is looking to be a great set for limited, standard, etc. Honestly just great stuff all around.


Who is participating? Also, the link above is for a sealed simulator, for those who like to practice before the actual event.

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Things I learned watching the LRR preprerelease and grinding a simulator:

1.) Insolent Neonate and Skin Invasion are awesome together.

2.) Red is easily the best color.

3.) Vessel of Malignity is funking brutal to crack turn 3

4.) Delirium is much easier to achieve than you would expect. The green and blue vessels both bring you a long way toward it.

5.) Despite an abundance of removal, the format is very clearly aggro-oriented.


7.) The equipment in the set, particularly Shard of Glass (and heirloom if you can properly enable it) is quite good, even if you don't have the equipment matters stuff in white. Keep in mind the equipment matters cards are all decent, even without equipment in deck.


I will almost certainly be adding more over the course of the week.

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U or R looks like the strongest colors. Lots of good threats and removal at common and uncommon. Green gets shafted again. At least they gave it one piece of half decent removal at common. Equipment are definitely high picks. All of them are very strong.

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Signed up for a 3:30 event on Saturday with a couple friends. Hoping to open something sweet since the last block REALLY wasn't kind to me in terms of what I would open. Come on Avacyn.


to be fair the last block wasn't kind to anyone y'know what i'm saying dawg


bfz was bad

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I didn't mind BFZ as much as a lot of people. I was referring more so to my inability to open anything good. I just run really bad when opening packs.


Don't worry. I don't think I've had a bomb rare in my prerelases since Theros.

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First day of rereleases was today. Got THREE mythics. One was even foil. Wolf of Devil's Breach, foil Wolf of Devil's Breach and Geralf's Masterpiece. And I continue to open nothing of value at prereleases. Was able to build a solid BR madness deck and after drawing the first match was able to win the next two for a 2-0-1 and 5 packs. Nothing very good in my prize packs though. Between the 11 packs and 14 rares the most valuable card I opened was, I believe, Foreboding Ruins.


My one friend couldn't make it so he payed for two other friends to go. One opened Promo Sorin and Westvaco Abbey, the other Promo Arlinn and Olivia, Mobilized for War. Friend that opened the Sorin was allowed to keep it so naturally he opened another in his pity pack.


I have the worse luck.

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I KNOW THE FEELS, MAN. I was in the same boat for all my cards. I drew into a grand total of ONE mythic, that I had to sell at the end for money for gas. And that was nonfoil Sigadra.

Your 1 Sigarda isn't worth much more than my 3 mythics though. Like, the only thing that would push it more in my favor is the foil, but even then it its a foil of one of the worse mythics. Plus, she is a cool card. Wolf and Masterpiece are really meh.


Though, I admit part of this might just be from me enjoying to say how unlucky I am. Since, in fairness, Wolf is VERY good in limited and I had 2.

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