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DN and Pro: Should their differences set up apart?


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   The C&D order of Konami against DN has certainly upseted all of us. Why close a non-profit online gaming simulator, while it certainly is more beneficial from the YROPro variants regarding the value of the game and the higher profit from it instead its competitors?


   Well, if you change the word “non-profit” to “non-profitable”, it makes more sense. With

a) the oncoming of Konami's newest YuGiOh games and platforms and

b) (maybe) the patience they've made so far with the trend to play online for free instead of investing money on actual cards or profitable games,

this was inevitable to happen. Sure, there are arguments about the matter, some against it and some neutral -an example of the 1st being the disliking of the YGOPro versions.

[spoiler=Here is some info you can read, from DNF, about the matter:]





   This is what I'm going to do here: Talk about YROPro's and DN's pros and cons. Keep in mind: It's not about their legalities, regions or whatever that's not mechanics-related; it's about the view of people on each one.

   For the record, I gathered other people's opinions from random forums which I'll paste them here, by stating where they were copied from.



"DN is fine if you like arguing with morons who don't know the rules."

"I prefer DN for prototyping deck builds and playtesting with friends."

"U have to mash "A" but there are times I lost the duel because it didn't let me."

"DN do have many Admins that are extreme lagging on the call responding."

"I don't like YGOPro, the whole thing doing it all for you ruins it for me. It doesn't feel like I'm dueling, it feels like I'm playing any random video game."




"Everytime I play on DevPro, the players are just bad. DN also simulates real life playing better, which is nice. Also DN is easy to use and updates much faster."

"you can press A to force activation, meaning it says if you want to check the field so you can still bluff. I do it all the time."

"Devpro is much more get in and get out. As a result you see much more different decks, with people that are obviously just testing and screwing around. This is not a bad thing. Devpro can be very fun. But for a serious duel I would pick Dn any day of the week."

"I like how you can duel at your own pace, actually talk with your opponent, and the fast card updates on DN."

"Ultimately it comes down to preference. If you like things automated... If you want the a duel that feels somewhat realistic"

"Dueling network dosen't keep track of lifepoints/effects"

"I hate ygopros timer. I like to consider all my options and possible out comes before I make a move, the timer makes this difficult. I also sometimes need to read walls of text... I also don't like that there is no back option."




"DN is better ... well, because. It has more players; and better ones. Bbut maybe I haven't met the good players on YGOPRO?"

"The cards have a more clear picture along with the text, makes it feel like your dueling like on the PSP or DS games."

"No download. Larger player base. Ranking system."

"On YGOPro, I believe it's much slower in gameplay and I dislike how it's more like the Video Games"

"Tag Duels... Customizable... Multiformat play..."





  All these, together with my own views, conclude as follows:



- - - - - - - -


-Customizable. The music, images, background etc. can all change.

-Tag duels are a thing.

-Multiformat play available. Wanna try Anime cards/different LP/OCG-only etc. etc.? Here's the chance.

-Ability to use your own cards. Ask others to do it for you or learn from the tutorials and do wonders!

-It's impossible to lose timing. Pressing “A” is something I learned just today. I tried it and it really solves (almost?) every problem with timings!

-Freer to testing and leave whenever you feel like it. AI's are a thing. An opponent can do the trick too, but only if they don't mind or if they know about it.

-Everything is automated. Obviously the bread and butter of the game! Lifepoints, effects,... The minimal chatting availability sucks, but oh well.



-It feels like you're playing a typical PC game or on the PSP or something (i.e. slower in gameplay). This, however, is likeable to some people.

-The timer can be annoying. Many people wanna have their time with their moves or read walls of texts of cards they're not familiar with. 3 minutes only are a pain.

-Smaller playerbase. The numbers can differ at times, but this is a general truth.

-The players in general are worse, in terms of skill and/or interest in actual competition. That's what most people say, at least.

-Most of the variants don't use a Ranking system.

-It needs to be installed on the PCs of those who wish to duel online.




   The benefits of DN are missing on YGOPro and vise-versa. Also, besides everything here, there is the natural interference people have with each other, making it the more appealing solution most of the time.

   The ideal is to use both, depending the current needs. Sure, bugs and unfortunate events occur at times, but they are quickly solved -not to mention that a “bug” can actually be correct but people think of it the wrong way. If only there was a combination of the two, free of charge... YuGiOh Online and others I've no idea of exist, but they are not as free to use, while some of them also have limitations to what a player can use or duel against.

   Oh! And something important: Whether it's the one or the other: When you don't wanna duel someone, you just don't. Create teams/clans/duel with friends. Simply, just find another person that will actually understand you and duel respectively.

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It hurts their profits, especially with their own upcoming simulator.

I realized it, thus answering the question right after.


   Well, if you change the word “non-profit” to “non-profitable”, it makes more sense. With

a) the oncoming of Konami's newest YuGiOh games and platforms and

b) (maybe) the patience they've made so far with the trend to play online for free instead of investing money on actual cards or profitable games,

this was inevitable to happen.

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So they trashed their gaming endeavors and realized that they truly messed up, but now can't go back to win the trust of their former clientele. So in their greed filled quest for taking back their losses in gaming they turned to Yugioh. I'm surprised if they end up making mobile game where you have to pay some serious cash for decent cards.

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So they trashed their gaming endeavors and realized that they truly messed up, but now can't go back to win the trust of their former clientele. So in their greed filled quest for taking back their losses in gaming they turned to Yugioh. I'm surprised if they end up making mobile game where you have to pay some serious cash for decent cards.

inb4 the simulator is yugioh zexal pachinco.


Also, I quoted and gave a smartass response without actually properly reading OP, and then I got 2 reps for it. I funking love this forum.

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Yeah, but are ruling arguments something that needs to be simulated?


No, but they happen because people are different. Some are smart, and some are just plain stupid. Also DN esque operative system does not allow for problems such as MISCODING / BUGS that the /pros suffer from.

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No, but they happen because people are different. Some are smart, and some are just plain stupid. Also DN esque operative system does not allow for problems such as MISCODING / BUGS that the /pros suffer from.

No, but DN doesn't let you use a certain number of cards and makes certain actions very cumbersome.


At the ne of the day. Neither are perfect.

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