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The Amazing Atheist - The Muslim Problem

Halubaris Maphotika

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"Can you BE anymore clickbait-y?"


Well I mean the video starts out with insulting and generalizing people of a city and comparing two people of cities that both got attacked for...no reason.
I dunno man this just sounds ridiculously biased, and just stupidly put together. It's hard to take seriously with how he started and worded it.

There are some good points in here but even so, really messy.

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Brussels is no friendly town. You can go in one neighborhood and find this high class plaza that sells chocolates that are sold for hundreds of dollars each. Go down a few blocks and you'll find yourself in a ghetto: Extremely poor neighborhoods, the equivalent of Skid Row. The financial divide is massive. 

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As I get older, I find myself losing the interest in being neutral on everything and listening to different sides.  I cannot watch anything this guy puts out without feeling physically ill.  


I can comment on the title though, it's definitely clickbait garbage. 

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As I get older, I find myself losing the interest in being neutral on everything and listening to different sides.  I cannot watch anything this guy puts out without feeling physically ill.  


I can comment on the title though, it's definitely clickbait garbage. 

That is literally all of what Amazing Atheist is. funking annoying neckbeard who knows sheet, and gets rewarded with it.

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